Meanwhile, assistant Yi Changying could not help but chuckle at her boss' attitude after the call. She did not need to overhear them to know that he got scolded by the madam. She shook her head and exited the room to give her boss privacy- in case he needed.

After two rings, the call got connected. Yang Chen smiled at his mother's lack of drama. But his s smiled got replaced with a fearful o e when he remembered her last statement from the other call.

"Hello mum," he said meekly.

"Yes, who is this? How may I help you?" Mrs Yang feigned ignorance at the person on the other end of the phone.

This frustrated Yang Chen. He felt like crying.

"Come on mum. Please do not be like this," he begged frustratingly. His plea was met with silence from the other end of the phone. His eyes began to water.

"Mum, pl-please. Talk to me," his voice almost broke out in sobs. He raked his hand through his blonde hair, messing it up.

"Mum, I am so sorry. I am sorry for not answering your calls. I left my phone in my if during the meeting and after I came back, o swear it did not slip my mind to check for my phone," he explained.

"I was too busy with work and I totally forgot. Besides, I did not think it necessary because I already planned to call in the afternoon like o always do and time ran fast, I had so much to do and I...I it escaped my mind," at this moment, Yang Chen was a crying mess.

"Please mum. I am sorry for making you worry. I am so sorry for not checking my phone or even texting you, so that you would know that I am okay. I am also so so sorry for skipping my morning meal. And almost skipping lunch too. I am so sorry," he apologized.

There was still silence on the other end of the phone. Yang Chen's heart broke. Was his mother really going to ignore and disown him? No, he can not let that happen.

"Mum say something. I still love and care about you, okay? Please do not leave me, huh?"

"Who is leaving who? Are you stupid or what? How can I bear to leave my baby boy, huh?" Mrs Yang scolded her son. Tsk, this not really knows how to take things to heart, especially her words.

"You are not leaving me? You promise?" Yang Chen asked expectantly.

"I will not if you apologize," Mrs Yang said.

"But I- I am sorry mum. I will always remember to call you even when u am about to use the bathroom," Yang Chen apologized again.

"You do not see sincere with your words, boy," Mrs Yang teased him.

"What? I am drop dead sincere mum."

"Well I do not see it on your pretty face. You do not mean it. I demand a more genuine and heartfelt apology."

"Mum, you are not even here. How do you even see my pretty face?" Yang Chen asked in bewilderment. Is his mother trying to pull his legs? If yes, then it is not funny at all.

"A mother does not need to see her child she carried for nine months and brought up till adulthood, to know what expression and emotion her child shows. That is why it is called motherly instincts. So carry on with your apology."

Yang Chen smiled at her childish behaviour. He wanted to see how her face was at the moment of her, teasing him so he ended the call and video called her.

When the call got connected, he quickly apologized with the cutest baby face he could muster and crowned it all with sincerity.

"Mum, my only birth mother. My world, my queen and my everything. I am sorry for my past action of not receiving your calls and not creating time to check my phone or text you. Please, pretty please and pretty pretty please, forgive me," he ended.

Mrs Yang smiles happily.

"Your apology had been accepted a long time back." Noticing his red rimmed eyes, Mrs Yang sighed in regret.

"Oh my baby boy cried because ofum. Forgive mum, okay?"

"You scolded me do bad," he pouted.

"I am sorry."

"You did not let me even defend myself," he continued.

"I am sorry," Mrs Yang apologize

"You accused me of not loving and caring about you and said I should find a new mum. That got me panicked and heart broken mum," he whinned.

"I am sorry for that. I will never ever say that. Never. I was just teasing you. You forgive me now? Please," it is her turn to play cute baby face.

"I can never get angry at you. I love you mum, always."

"I love you too, always. Call your brother, okay? Tell him about your day. I will talk to you later in the evening before going to bed. Make sure to not slip any other meal," she warned.

"I will. Catch ya later mum. Bye."

"Bye, my baby."

After they ended the call, Yang Chen sighed in relief. He had almost lost his s mind a few minutes ago. He stood up from his black leather chair he sat on during the call and made his way towards the sofa to eat the take out his assistant, Yi Changying bought for him.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas my dear readers. Although here in Nigeria, it is still Christmas Eve. But as for those who has made it to Christmas, Merry Christmas.

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