Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 609 You Take My Breath Away



To say Bai Renxiang was least affected by his words would be a lie. Especially as she knew very well what he meant by those words.

'His dirty mind has totally rubbed off on me,' she sighed at that thought.

"Jin, you did not just call to tease and say cheeky things to me in the middle of work, right? Becuase I know that is definitely not why you called," Bai Renxiang said.

She heard Li Fengjin chuckle for a bit. Of course, she has caught him.

"But there are times I do. Right, my love?"

"Yeah, right," Bai Renxiang agreed with a smile.

There were times when Li Fengjin wohld just call her for no reason. Or he would say he jist wanted to hear her voice.

And if she says she is too tited to talk...

"Just hearing you breathe is fine by me."

Is what he would tell her. He just calls to give her butterflies every moment. But is that not part of why she loves him?

"Ok, so tell me. Why did call me? Or is it that you just miss me?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"You know that I always miss you. Even if we just have barely been apart for a few seconds. I will still miss you," Li Fengjin said the facts.

"I miss you too."

"Are you free now? Like do you still have much work?" he asked as he stepped out of the elevator into the underground parking lot.

"Well... I just need to go through a report. But I am honestly not in the mood for it right now. Why?" Bai Renxiang answered and asked.

"Okay. Then get ready. I will come and pick you up in thrity- no male that twenty minutes time," he said while looking at his watch on his left wrist.

"Really? Where are we going? And don't you have work also?" Bai Renxiang sat up from the chair.

"No. I cleared most of the important stuff. So I'm a free CEO. I want to take you somewhere. It is a surprise.."

"Oh, I love surprises," Bai Renxiang said with excitement laced in her voice.

"I know you, my love."

"Alright then. I will just brush through the report while I wait. Send me a text when you get here so that I will come to you, okay?"

"Okay. See you soon, my love."

"Yeah, see you too honey. Kisses."

"I'll get those kisses when we meet. Bye."

Li Fengjin quickly said before ending the call. Bai Renxiang just chuckled and kept her phone back on the desk.

"Okay. Let's get you over with," she murmured referring to the report.

She pulled herself with the chair closer to the desk and picked up the report. Then she began reading.

Meanwwhile, all Li Fengjin had on his mimd was how to make good use of the remaining hours of the day with his wife and son.

~Few minutes later~

Bai Renxiang's phone vibrated on her desk. She looked away from the report to see that it was Li Fengjin that texted.

A smile bloomed on her gorgeous face. She dropped the report and picked up her phone. Using her fingreprint, she unlocked it.

My heart: Hey, my love. I'm just outside your.

building. Come down when you are.

ready. I will be waiting.

You: Alright. I will be down in five- no three


After making sure that the message was sent, Bai Renxiang appended her signature at the bottom right part of the report sheet.

She then stood up and took her jacket, purse and phone along with the report. Taking one last sweeping glance at her office, she walked out.

"Boss, are you going already?" Jinhai who was sitting at the front desk asked on seeing her step out of her office.

"Yes. But actually I'm going put with my husband," Bai Renxiang smiled and winked at him.

She always did well to tell both her personal assistant and secretary where she was going. She did so because she feels that they are not just her employees but her friends.

Loyal friends to be exact. They are the only ones she sees the need to inform of her whereabouts. Xia Xinyi or Jinhai would know what to tell anyone coming to search her out.

"Oh! That is very lovely. Hurry up. You should not keep Mr Li waiting," Jinhai smiled happily.

Bai Renxiang slightly chuckled and left. She walkrd into Xia Xinyi's office after knocking.

"Hi," she greeted.

"Oh, boss. Good afternoon. What brings you here? Anything I can I help you with?" Xia Xinyi asked as she stood up from her chair.

"No, nothing. I am going out with my husband. Hand this back to the Mrs Wei," she passed Xia Xinyi the report.

"Oh, alright. Ensure to have lots of fun eith your dear hubby, okay?" Xia Xinyi teased ger a bit.

"Of course. You all can close early today since there is not much work left," Baj Renxiang told her.

"I got it, boss. Thank you."

"You are welcome. See you tomorrow," Bai Renxiang waved as she made her way out of the office.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, boss. My regards to Mr Li," Xia Xinyi called after her.

Bai Renxiang hurrued her way to the elevator. Once she got it, she wasted no time in punching the number for the ground floor.

As she waited, she checked out her appearance on the glasswall of the elevator. Since it was quite warm as it is the sprimg season, she did not bother to put on her jacket.

So the overall beauty of her dress could be seen. She wore an off-shoulder light pink and white dress. The skirt which was in yhe light link had tiny pleats on it.

The sleeveless off-houlder hands were also in the same colour leaving the top to be the only white material.

Matching the dress, she adorned herself with a pearl necklace that has the shade of white and sometimes reflects the pink of her dress. Her heels matched her white top.

As for her purse, it had both the colours. Her was pinned in the middle allowing some to fall down to her waist and a few stramds falling out in front.

Bai Renxiang stopped adjusting herself when the elevator dinged and the doors slide apart. She majestically stepped out amd walked to the entrance- nodding and humming at people when necessary.

pAn,Da-n0v e1,c,m As soon as she stepped out of the building she was met with the comely hamdsome sight of her beloved husband.

His sauve figure in tailored black suit leaning casuallh against the front passenger door. His eyes were focussed on his phone.

The slight breeze that blew past swayed his hair adding a certain charm to him. He looked so sophisticated and classy not matter what he does.

Feeling a heated gaze on him, Li Fengjin looked up from his phone to see his wife. She was staring at him. He smiled as he approached her.

Wgen he got closer, his eyes took in her appearance after work. Though with minimal makeup, she never fails to look as beautiful as ever.

"Am I so handsome today that wife can't seem to take her eyes of me?" he asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

Bai Renxiang snapped out of her trance and looked down to hide her blush. To have been caught staring is indeed embarrassing.

Li Fengjin chuckled. He gently took her chin between his pointer finger and thumb amd then tilted her head up. Now their eyes met.

"Hi, damsel," he flashed her one of those lady killer smile.

Bai Renxiang's breath hitched and her blush became more pronounced. She pulled her chin away amd tucked behind her ear a loose strand of her hair.

"Hi. Did I make you wait for too long?" She quickly asked to tuned down her giddiness.

"Not at all. Besides a few minutes is nothing compared to three years, right?"

"It isn't," Bai Renxiang smiled and shook her head.

"Have I told you how beautifully pretty you look today?"

"Not beaitifully pretty but you complimented me this morning when we woke up and after getting ready, on our way to work and while dropping me off. So..." she shrugged.

"I see. Well those are for the past. This is for now. You, my love, take my breath away."

"Thank you. And you take my heart," Bai Renxiang complimented back.

"Oh. Someone is learning how to be a smooth talker," Li Fengjin teased.

"I married one so it's only natural I learn," Bai Renxiang laughed.

"That's my girl. Ah before I forget. My kisses," he tapped his finger on his lips.

Bai Renxiang bit her lips as she looked around first before meeting his eyes and then his lips. She pulled him close and pressed a chaste kiss on him.

Then another and finalising with a peck.

"There. Your kisses," she whispered after.

"You are doing great at fufilling promises. I love it."

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