

In his huge office, Li Fengjin was busy reading some files when he heard a knock on the door of his office. With a sigh, he asked the person to come in.

"Boss, I am sorry for disturbing you. But something important... very important came up," Wang Tingxiao said with worry laced in his tone.

"It's alright. What is it about?" Li Fengjin asked.

Somehow, he was having a bad feeling about what Wang Tingxiao was going to say. For one, he has not seen his assistant worry for a very long time. Now he seems to worry and can't even mask it.

'Please let this not be bad news. Please let this not be bad news,' Li Fengjin prayed in his mind.

"It is about ladyboss."


"What about Renxiang? Did something wrong happen to her? Is she alright?" Li Fengjin asked.

"I... I do not really know how to attribute this. But ladyboss may be in danger of the masses and of criticism," Wang Tingxiao said.

"What masses? What criticism?"

Wang Tingxiao took a deep breath before walking further into the office and stopped directly in front of Li Fengjin's table.

"Have a look at this, boss," he said as he passed Li Fengjin the tablet he was holding.

"It's the trending news on the internet and it is going wild," Wang Tingxiao informed him.

Taking one last glance at his assistant, Li Fengjin took the tablet and viewed the contents on the display. His brows furrowed ad he continued reading from the tablet.

[The once-booming company, Jiang Corporation is coming down to ruins.]

[Jiang Corporation has sold out harmful creams to the public. What could have been their purpose?]

[What is happening to my favourite brand of skincare products? Is their factory out of the materials they use to produce these creams?]

[Favourite you say? Hmph. These products are a piece of crap. This is my first time purchasing it and it has already done more damage to my skin than good.]

[Whoever is in charge of production should wait for me. I am so gonna sue them. My skin has burned in almost every part.]

[Who is the CEO? We demand a press conference as to why he or she is planning to destroy people's skin.]

[Who knows? Maybe the CEO or the producing leader has bad skin. They just want to ruin others.]

'You wish. My woman's skin is the finest there is. Why would she want to ruin others? She is not as malicious as anyone,' Li Fengjin thought.

[I demand a refund for the rubbish I purchased.]

[We want compensation already. Is the so-called Jiang Corporation attempting to kill us with such harmful products.]

[If they can no longer produce creams of good quality, what is the use of producing?]

[Yeah. They should just shut down already.]

Li Fengjin could not believe his eyes. These comments are all from his fianceè's company. What is he seeing about selling harmful products to the masses?

There is no way their company would just sell out harmful stuff. The workers in the company use them. Even Bai Renxiang does. So why would they even think of harming their boss and workers?

"What is the meaning of this?" Li Fengjin asked no one in particular as he looked more into the internet.

There were various pictures of the product and some had pictures of skin burns. He found everything hard to comprehend. This was too much. If care is not taken, Jiang Corporation will fall.

"Boss, that is not the only thing."

"What? There is more?" Li Fengjin asked in shock.

"It appears to be so, sir," Wang Tingxiao said.

His voice still had the tinge of worry in them. His ladyboss' company was in trouble. A dire one at that. He wondered how she is faring now.

"The stocks of Jiang Corporation are dropping drastically," he stated.

"Oh my God. How can it not? With this kind of news going on, their stocks will definitely drop. What are they doing about it?" Li Fengjin asked.

"From our sources, they found out that ladyboss has hired a very good laboratory personnel to carry out tests on the products produced and also find a cure. They also appeared to have had a meeting on this issue at hand," Wang Tingxiao reported what he knew.

"That is good then. But why are they not doing anything about the news online? Why is she not calling me already?"

"Boss, they have indeed tried to take down the news but it's quite complicated. Also, you know very well that ladyboss isn't the type to immediately seek help at the drop of any sign of a problem. Maybe she didn't also call because she thinks you have a lot on your plate. She may not want to bother you and come out as useless," Wang Tingxiao tried his best to explain what he thought.

"What do I have on my plate? She and my son are my plates. What use will I be if I do not even help her?" Li Fengjin said angrily as he stood up from his black leather swivel chair.

"God damn it. I hate to admit that you are right. But I also hate it when she acts all tough when she has me. Now, I feel useless."

Li Fengjin sighed.

He was not liking this one bit. He raked his hand through his hair and down to his face. If he was this worried, he wondered how she would be.

"Boss, you need to calm down."

"She must be so scared right now but she would still be wearing that iron lady face in front of everyone. Such a good leader. Argh! This is driving me nuts," Li Fengjin murmured as he walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and gaze out to God knows what.

Wang Tingxiao just stared at the back of his boss. This was one among a very few that he has seen him this angry. He must have really taken the fact that Bai Renxiang did not reach out to him really bad.

He could understand this feeling. But his boss has to still stubbornly help his ladyboss no matter what. Even if it is just a little. But Wang Tingxiao knows that that little would do a lot in removing enough load off of Jiang Corporation. Especially their CEO, Bai Renxiang.

"But boss, you can still help her. At least with your power, you could shut down the news on the internet," Wang Tingxiao suggested.

"Yes. We can do that. Also... about those falling stocks..." Li Fengjin paused as if he was contemplating if he should say it.

"Whatever your decision is boss, I believe it's for the best for ladyboss and it would go a long way in helping her," Wang Tingxiao said.

"Alright. About the stocks then... But all of it," Li Fengjin said.

"All of it?"

"Yes. They would have to make up for their loss by selling some of their shares. Buy from anyone who sells them. Buy them at a reasonable rate. Don't hesitate. But keep things discrete. Don't make it obvious. Do you understand? Like help them increase the price by paying higher than the selling price, Do you get what I am aiming at?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Yes, boss. I understand very well and I know your aim," Wang Tingxiao nodded.

"Good. If you hear anything else, keep me updated. I don't want to miss even a single detail of what is happening to her. Am I clear?"

"Very clear boss. I will get this done immediately."


"Then, please excuse me, boss."

"Hurry on ahead."

With that said, Wang Tingxiao bowed before he rushed out of the office. His boss has placed an important task in his hand. He can not and must not fail him.


Meanwhile, Bai Renxiang was pacing back and forth in her huge office. Her brain was thinking of the situation. This is her first major crisis since she stepped into the position of CEO. She hopes and prayed that the decisions she has made will work out.

The fate of this company, her grandfather's hard work and sweat was in her palms. One wrong move and everything comes crumbling down. She needs to stay calm now. She took in deep breaths to slow down her fast racing heart.

Then, her mind drifted off the press conference she agreed to have. It would be her very first appearance as a CEO in public. She was scared that her last scandal will be brought up again.

If that happens, then Jiang Corporation would be doomed for good. She did not want to ruin anything.

With her thoughts spiralling and her attempt to calm her heart down failing, Bai Renxiang managed to hear the ringing of her phone. She failed to even hear the words of the song she customized for that special person.

Without even looking at her screen to know the caller after she picked her phone up, she swiped to her right on the screen and placed the phone by her ear.

"Hello. This is CEO Bai, speaking. Who is this?" She said with a rather calm voice.

She made sure not to show her fear through any means. She refused to give her enemies the joy of seeing her melt into fear and defeat.

"My love, you do not have to act unfazed with me. We are one, remember?"

Hearing this voice... this voice that she knows so well, Bai Renxiang's heart calmed down almost immediately.

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