Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 344 [Bonus Chapter]Busted



"You did not even ask me to be your girlfriend and you are saying that we are dating. Rong You, do you even know the meaning of that word, dating? I don't you do because the number we have gone on a date is zero. No date at all," Ye Yumi said.

By now, the few customers that were in the cafe could not help but overhear their heated argument. They were loud after all, especially Rong You. Most of them had already started talking about what they were hearing.

"I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend on that date. But no, because I could not show up due to something work-related and the heavy rain, you ran off with your family friend. How desperate were you to have a man?" Rong You asked.

"Oh my! That girl is desperate," a customer said.

"She is. He even has a valid excuse for not being able to show up on their date. But she just left h quickly," another customer said.

"But the girl is right. they are not even in a relationship and he is this mad."

"Hmm. I wonder if he would even allow her to talk to any other man once they start dating for real."

From the number of customers there, two different parties were formed already. Some supporting Rong You and the others were in support of Ye Yumi. But still, yet, the two people in question kept at their arguments.

"I was never desperate," Ye Yumi burst out. "You were the desperate one amongst us. You were desperate to deceive me into falling blindly in love with you and then you could chase after another girl."

"What are you even saying? What other girl? You perfectly know well that you were the one I loved."

"Keep that fake love to yourself, asshole. You loved me but you stood me up. You claimed you were held up by work and the rain. But I am beginning to wonder if rocking a girl at a club was work-related and raining heavily."

Since Rong You was not ready to back out, then neither will she. She would not let some dirty rat come out in a cafe and ruin her image and peace. If that is what he wanted, then two can play the game.

Things were about to go down.

Meanwhile, Rong You was shocked by her words. His expression could not be hidden. Seeing as he was tongue-tied, few of his supporters began to back off and the rest thought twice.

"What? Cat's got your tongue? You think I would not know that you went to Red Rock to have fun with cheeks of different shapes and sizes?" She asked with mockery in her tone.

Red Rock was the name of the club Ye Yumi had seen Rong You on the day he stood her up. Ye Yumi sat back with folded arms as she stared at him with raised brows as if daring him to deny it. And to her utmost surprise, he did just that.

"That was not me. I would not do such a thing when if I hate clubs and have someone I like," he said.

With the way he spoke, one would pity him and think that his words were pure. They would think that he truly loved her and she was the bad bitch here. But Ye Yumi was not backing down.

She could not be deceived like the customers in the cafe. She was not that naive and stupid. Ye Yumi smiled as she figured that she had a way of unmasking his true colours.

"Ha! Who do you think you want to lie to? Me? Dream on," she scoffed. "You know for someone who has a hatred for clubs and claims to like someone, you can really act the part of a club regular and a free guy," Ye Yumi said as she showed him a picture of himself and a girl.

From the looks of it, it was obvious that he was being rocked but the girl. Rong You's face was ashen in shock. This time around, there was no one left to support him.

'How did she get that? I can't lose like this. She only has one right. I can say it is a fake and that she emitted the picture,' he thought.

But just as he was about to open his mouth, a video began to play. His whole display in the club was seen. A few people sitting beside and in front of Ye Yumi could see the video.

Their eyes were wide in shock and some began to laugh quietly.

"Do you see that now, young master Rong?" Ye Yumi asked in mockery. "Come to think of it, you were really working and this girl was raining down on you."

Laughter shut up in the cafe. Rong You was boiling with rage that times were oozing out of his ears and his face was red. On closer look, one could see a vein displaying beside his forehead.

That was to show how angry he was.

"Hehe! A stove calling a kettle black. You say I was in a club having fun but what were you doing there too?" He asked.

Ye Yumi's smile did not drop. She only looked at him as if he was some dumb weirdo.

"Unlike you, I do not despise clubs. I went there to have a few drinks. What do you expect, huh? Do you think that you are the only one who had work to do? I abandon all my pending work just to show up on our date. Unlike you, I did not throw myself at other men. So, tell me, Rong You. Between the both of us, who is the cheap and desperate one?" She asked.

Rong You was speechless. He could only grit his teeth as he stared daggers at her. He was busted.

Just then, the bell hanging on the cafe's door rang indicating that a new customer had arrived.

A girlish voice rang from behind Rong You.

"There you are. I have been waiting for you in the act."

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