

The weekend came and passed so quickly. Although Bai Xiaojin wanted it to stay longer, he had to accept that life must go on and time waits for no man.

He also has to admit that he enjoyed his stay at his father's house. They had fun playing games and learning how to cook together. That weekend was quite lovely.

A weekend that fulfilled his dreams. A weekend with his parents. He could not wait to tell his best friend, Gu Mingzhe about it.

Today being Monday, Bai Renxiang woke up earlier than everyone. She quietly left the bed so as not to wake the father and son duo from their sweet sleep.

After washing her face and teeth quickly, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast and lunch. Bai Renxiang was almost done with the preparation of lunch when Mrs Li came down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Oh, dear. You are already up?" She asked Bai Renxiang.

Bai Renxiang turned to see her mother-in-law yawning behind her palm. She smiled and greeted her.

"Good morning mum. How was your night?"

"It was fine. Good morning. Did you have trouble sleeping?" Mrs Li asked.

"No, I did not. Why did you ask?"

"Seeing how much you prepared, you must have woken up very early," Mrs Li gestures toward the dishes that Bai Renxiang had prepared on the kitchen counter.

"Oh! I normally wake up very early on Mondays. It has become a habit," Bai Renxiang explained.

"I see. But you could have woken me up to help you at least," Mrs Li said as she walked to the refrigerator to drink water.

"My conscience would not let me do such. Do not worry. Everything dish here was not that stressful to cook," she assured Mrs Li.

"If you say so then. But I will help you to set the table. You should go and wake those two sleepyheads up."

"Alright. Thank you, mum," Bai Renxiang said.

She turned off the gas cooker and rushed up to their room.

"Jin, Xiaojin. Honey, sweetheart, wake up already," she called as she opened the door.

"Oh! You guys are already up."

Li Fengjin and Bai Xiaojin were already stepping out of the bathroom by the time Bai Renxiang came in. She could even say that Bai Xiaojin who was being carried by Li Fengjin was actually sleeping on his shoulder.

She smiled seeing their messy hair and still sleepy eyes.

"Good morning to you, babies. Muah, muah," she pecked both of them in the cheek.

Li Fengjin's eyes sparkled awake at the contact of her kids on his cheek. He pulled her by the waist and kissed her properly on the lips.

"Good morning, my love," he whispered in a husky sleepy voice.

Bai Renxiang's heart hugged against her chest at the sound of his voice. If not for Bai Xiaojin greeting her, she was not sure what she would have done.

"Ahem. Since the both of you are awake, let us go down. I made breakfast," she said.

After breakfast, they immediately started preparing for work and school. Li Fengjin suggested that they go in the same car as he wanted to drop Bai Xiaojin at school.

Of course, Bai Renxiang agreed. It was good for both her and her child. The rumours about her being a slut and her son a bastard would be cleared.

At Bai Xiaojin's school, as usual, the compound had a lot of people parents walking in to drop off their children or walking out. But as soon as a certain couple walked elegantly and powerfully into the school, all heads were forced to turn and look.

On the right was the lady in an olive green sleeveless, bodycon dress that stopped above her knee, matching heels, earrings and purse.

Draped over her shoulders was a white coat with furs behind the collar. Beside her were her son who held her hand and that of a man that seems to be his father.

The black three suits with a matching olive green inner shirt and black tie. His aura was gentle but there was still a dark and cold feeling in it.

"Wow! Look at that family. They reel of wealth and power along with happiness," a parent said.

"Mummy, that is Bai Xiaojin from my class," a kid said to his mother.

"Oh! So he does have a father."

Whispers and gasps and stares followed the family of three as they waltz straight to the school building. Ignoring everyone but one another.

These people are none other than Bai Xiaojin and his parents.

Bai Xiaojin's face was brimming with joy. He kept swinging both of his parents' hands he was holding. Bai Renxiang and Li Fengjin smiled at his obvious excitement.

Once they got to his classroom, they handed him his bag and lunch box. A few words, kisses and hugs were shared before Bai Xiaojin entered his classroom.

They hard a few words with Teacher Song before they finally left to their paces of work.

Bai Renxiang's assistant and secretary were happy to see their boss resuming work today. They had missed her a lot. They kept rambling on and in about the things she missed at the company and the work they did and so on.

"Alright, alright. The both of you should take a chill pill already. Too much talking. I can't keep up," Bai Renxiang stopped them.

Seeing as they were no longer talking, Bai Renxiang sighed before taking a sip from the hot chocolate Xia Xinyi brought for her. Taking deep breaths after relaxing back into her chair, her gaze moved to the two persons itching to say something.

"Xia Xinyi, Jinhai, how are you?" She asked.

"Fine, boss," they responded.

"Good. I was a bit under the weather last Friday so I could not come to work," she said.

"Don't worry. Me Li's assistant informed me," Xia Xinyi said with a knowing smile.


Knock. Knock

"Come in."

A man in his early thirties rushed into the office.

"B-Boss... Bad news."

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