

The celebration lasted until almost evening. Old man Jiang was the first to leave as he needed rest. He was forgetting any younger now, was he? Li Fengjin escorted the old man outside.

Once they got close to his waiting car, old man Jiang turned to squarely face Li Fengjin. His earlier tender and loving face turned cold. Li Fengjin also stared at the old man.

"I assume you have something bothering your mind that you want to ask me," Li Fengjin said.

"Yea, there is. So, I guess you are smart enough to know not to lie to me. This is something I must know now," old man Jiang stated.

"Okay. What is it that you want to know?" He asked.

"About those kidnappers. I want to know things like why they kidnapped my granddaughter. What they might have done to her? Where are they? What happened to them? Who hired them to kidnap my granddaughter? Questions like that."

"Sigh. I do not think you would not take things likely if I were to tell you what they would have done to her if I had not arrived on time," Li Fengjin clenched his fists as he felt his anger surging.

He had to calm himself as ge had an elderly man in front of him.

"What did they almost do to her? Tell me," old man Jiang urged him.

Li Fengjin took in deep breaths. He looked at old man Jiang one last time as if asking if he was sure he could really take the news. When he saw the assurance in the man's eyes he sighed.

"When I got to the small cabin in the forest, one of the men that seemed to be the leader almost... He had almost raped Renxiang. And from the camera I saw, it seems like they wanted the whole thing on tape," Li Fengjin managed to say.

"My God!" He exclaimed as he closed his eyes.

He turned away from Li Fengjin for a few seconds before turning back. From the pained and angry look in the young man's eyes, old man Jiang was very sure that it was true. He held his forehead in one hand.

"But you do not have to worry, old man. Those bastards are in my hands now. Although they are proving to be a hard nut to crack, I will do everything k my name to find out the real mastermind behind this whole thing," Li Fengjin said while he tucked his hands in his trousers pocket.

"My men have only gotten a little information. The person who hired them is called Mr F."

"Mr F?" Old man Jiang's interest was immediately piqued.

"Yes. Do you... perhaps know him, old man?" Li Fengjin asked.

"I have heard of him. He is an investigator," Old man Jiang said.

"It turns out that this Mr F is something other than an investigator. His work as an investigator is just a cover for his shady business. But this Mr F does not just do all those businesses by himself. He does them for people," Li Fengjin watched old man Jiang as he spoke.

"So that means that my granddaughter is a target of someone. She has an enemy. But who?" Old man Jiang thought out loud.

He could not think of his granddaughter having enemies. He could not even remember her having an argument or fight with someone anywhere even in the company.

Except for Jiang Bojing and that Mrs Su from Bai Xiaojin's previous school. But was what she did enough to prompt them to have her kidnapped and almost raped and even filmed.


"That reminds me, do you perhaps know if there is any person that might have a grudge against your granddaughter? Anyone that can order her kidnapping?" Li Fengjin asked after a long while of silence.

"I only know two persons."

"Can you tell me their names?"

"Yes. One of them is my younger brother, Jiang Bojing."

"Him? But he is... What makes you think that he is the one?"

"I told you earlier that he is no good. He has been the vice president of Jiang Corporation until my granddaughter fired him for embezzlement of the company's money and something else. Things went pretty rough and ge ended up being fired. I think he might be angry at her for that as ge has never accepted the fact that she should be CEO instead of him. But I do not think that he would have done such a useless and lowly thing," old man Juang explained.

"Kay. I will see what I get if I dig deeper into it. What about the second person?"

"She is Mrs Su. Her son made trouble for Bai Xiaojin in his previous school," old man Jiang said.

"I see..." Li Fengjin trailed off.

His mind took him back to the time he had his men corner that Mrs Su. He had sounded a very clear warning at her when they met. Would she dare to go against him by kidnapping his beloved Renxiang?

If so, then Mrs Su surely has great guts.

"But I do not think that she would do such a thing. I mean my granddaughter and Mrs Su did not have a serious clash after all. So it would be absurd if she is behind this," old man Jiang reasoned.

"Okay. So is there anyone else? Are those the only two you can remember?" Li Fengjin asked again to be sure they were leaving no stone unturned.

"Yes, yes. I am very sure. Yes. If there is more I will let you know immediately."

"That will be better. I will handle this matter personally so you do not have to worry. I will ask for your help when I need it," Li Fengjin said.

"Alright. I trust that you would protect her very well. Maybe even more than I ever did. Anyone who dares to harm her ever again, you should make sure that the rest of their lives become a living hell. They must beg to die," is man Juang sis with a child's voice.

"You can count on me for that, old man."

"That is good. I will be heading off now. Have a food day," old man Jiang gave Li Fengjin a small pat on his shoulder before he got into his car and it drove out of the compound.

Li Fengjin stood rooted in the same spot as he watched the car drive put. He had si much in his mind. He looked up to the slightly dark sky. He sighed as closed his eyes, letting the col gentle breeze touch his face.

While he was lost in deep thoughts, he seemed to have not noticed the presence of someone standing beside him. He felt a slight tug on his trousers causing him to break out of his train of thoughts.

He looked down only to see Bai Xiaojin looking back at him. Li Fengjin turned his gaze to the door and back to the little child holding his trouser in a firm grip.

"How did you-"

"I snuck out," Bai Xiaojin quickly said.

Li Fengjin raised his brows at the boy. He knew how protective Bai Renxiang was of Bai Xiaojin. He doubted if she would just let him slip out of her sight without her knowing.

"Sigh. Fine, I begged mummy to let me come out since I know you were here with GG," Bai Xiaojin admitted.

His two pointy fingers were tapping each other repeatedly. He was even pouting. Li Fengjin crouched down to Bai Xiaojin's level and rubbed his head.

"So you were already missing me, huh?" He asked.

"Mm-hmm," Bai Xiaojin nodded. "I was getting bored inside. Everyone is just talking about adult stuff. I want to play or talk about my stuff," he added.

"Okay. We can do that. Come on, let us go inside. You can tell me all about yourself for starters," Li Fengjin agreed.

He carried Bai Xiaojin in one hand while the other arranged Bai Xiaojin's crumpled clothes.

"I want to stay the night here. Can I and mummy stay with you today and tomorrow?" Bai Xiaojin asked out of the blue.

"Yes, you both can stay. Consider this place as your second home, alright? You can come here anytime you want."

"Really? Then can I stay with you here every time?" Bai Xiaojin asked with excitement shimmering in his blue eyes.

"Well... That would be for your mother to decide. Although I would love it if you lived here with me. But I have not yet married your mother so it would be kind of inappropriate," Li Fengjin tried to explain so that Bai Xiaojin would kit get the wrong idea.

"But no one will know that we live here. Besides, people have been taking bad stuff about me and mummy. I do not care if they talk at all," Bai Xiaojin declared with a nonchalant face.

"Who dares yo talk nonsense about you and my fiancee?"

"Those stupid kids at school. But I bet they will feel ashamed seeing as their talks were all a lie. I have and daddy now."

"Listen up, Xiaojin, from now on you are my son, a Li. You can't let anyone bully you. No one would even dare. That is the perks of being my son." Bai Xiaojin nodded.

"But if anyone dares it, do not hesitate to do the same thing to them. If they punch you punch them with a force twice as theirs, got it?"

"Got it."

"Don't worry, your daddy will back you up no matter what. Do you understand?"

"Yes, daddy."

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