Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 315 A Shameless Couple



"What are you doing? You can't take my clothes off. I am not wearing my... Your mother and Xiaojin are here. Have a little bit of shame. At least for me," Bai Renxiang says in a panicky tone.

"Relax. I am not taking your clothes off. I just want to help you tighten the drawstring of the pants to make it fit well," Li Fengjin said with an amused smile.

"Huh? But it is okay like this. I am not-"

"Oh, my God. What are you doing?" Mrs Li's voice interrupted them.

Bai Renxiang's eyes widened. Mrs Li was now looking at them. She even covered Bai Xiaojin's eyes. Bai Renxiang wanted to move away from Li Fengjin but the latter's hold on her tightened.

"We are not doing anything steamy, sweetheart," Li Fengjin said.

His tone showed that he was not a bit bothered by their position or what his mother thought. Bai Renxiang's face was burning red. How could she escape from such embarrassment?

Bai Renxiang just wished that the ground would just open up and she could jump in to hide. Why did Li Fengjin have to be so shameless?

"Do not disturb Renxiang. She must be too tired to handle your teasing," Mrs Li scolded Li Fengjin.

"I am not teasing her. I'm being a caring boyfriend," Li Fengjin said.

"I can't believe you. I am taking Xiaojin to the dining room. Once you are done, meet us there and grab your food," Mrs Li said before she left the living room with Bai Xiaojin.

"Look at what you have caused. Now, your mother would think I also as shameless as you are," Bai Renxiang said.

"It is not bad to be a shameless couple," Li Fengjin said. "Now, let me continue from where I stopped."

"Stop it. There is no drawstring in the pants," Bai Renxiang said.

"There is. I promise not to do anything. Trust me."

"But... Okay."

Just as Li Fengjin said, there was indeed a drawstring in the pants. Bai Renxiang wondered how she had not seen it before.

"You were too busy relishing the feeling of my warmth on the clothes. That is why you did not notice the drawstring," Li Fengjin said.

It was as if he had read her mind. While Li Fengjin was helping her to adjust the pants to suit her waist, his hands would occasionally brush her skin.

Bai Renxiang felt ripples of different feelings overwhelm her. His slight touch on her body was electrifying. Bai Renxiang had to hold her breath and bite her lips to not make any sound.

'She is so sensitive. I like that,' Li Fengjin said in his head.

Just then, a mischievous thought came to his mind. Once he was done with trying the drawstring, he intentionally caressed the bare sides of her waist. He heard the faint sound of her hitched breath.

Li Fengjin's hands moved a little bit higher. He drew circles around her belly button. Bai Renxiang's ears burned.

"J-Jin," she managed to say his name.

"Yes, love," he answered in a sultry voice close to her ears.

"Stop... Stop teasing me," Bai Renxiang said in a small voice.

"Should I?" Li Fengjin asked as he continued.

"Yes. I- I am hungry."

Li Fengjin's hand movement stopped. He poked her stomach a few times.

"Hmm. Your stomach feels empty. Did you eat lunch today?" He asked.

"No. I did not have an appetite for anything," Bai Renxiang answers.

"You are going to have an appetite now. A very big one at that. Come on. We need to fill you up with food," Li Fengjin pulled her towards the dining room to join Mrs Li and Bai Xiaojin.


In City X.

City S was not the only city suffering from the unexpected heavy rainfall. Other cities did too, including City S.

In the Yang's residence, Yang Wenkai and his mother had retired to bed early. The weather was cold and good for coding up with a warm blanket if you do not have a partner to spend the night with.

Yang Wenkai had long been asleep. He lay flat on his stomach with both hands under the below his head was on. The only clothed part of his body was from his waist down.

Compared to other people, Yang Wenkai loved the cold air the rain brought with it. He did not even bother to use the blanket on his bed.

While he was enjoying his sleep, his phone rang. At first, he ignored it. He thought it was a call from his annoying assistant.

But when the call became persistent, Yang Wenkai angrily searched for the ringing phone on his bed. His assistant was going to get it from him. This is not the second time his assistant has been disturbing him for matters that did not even need his attention.

As soon as he picked up the call, the first thing he did was speak in his icy cold voice.

"What do you want? Are you blind or are you just deaf? Is it not rainy where you are? You had better be calling me for something worthy of this disturbance. Now speak."

"Brother Kai."


A feminine voice. A lady's voice? Yang Wenkai's brows furrowed. Why does his assistant's voice sound so feminine? His assistant was a man, not a woman.

Yang Wenkai removed the phone from his ears and opened his sleepy eyes to see the person on the line.


The screen displayed the name of a person he knows very well. The sleep left in his eyes washed off immediately. He abruptly sat up in his bed.

"Ye Yumi?!"

"Brother Kai. Am I disturbing you? I'm sorry. I-"

"No, not at all. You are not disturbing me. Do not be sorry. What can I help you with?" Yang Wenkai quickly said?

"Brother Kai. Wuu~" Ye Yumi cried.

"Ye Yumi. Are you alright? What happened? Why are you crying?" Yang Wenkai asked.

"Brother *sob* Kai. Can... Can you come out?" Ye Yumi asked.

"Come out? Come out to where?"

"Outside. I am outside your gate. Please open up for me," Ye Yumi said in between her tears.

"WHAT? You are outside the house? You are in the rain? What are you- never mind? I am coming to get you now. Stay in your car," Yang Wenkai said before he ended the call.

Without wasting any more seconds, Yang Wenkai dashed out of his room. He skipped a few stairs on the way down. In no time, he has reached the doorstep.

He took an umbrella with him before opening the door and rushing out of the house. When the security guards saw their young master rushing out of the house towards the gate, they all stood up.

"Open the gate," Yang Wenkai shouted.

"Huh? Young master Yang Wenkai, what do you mean?" One of the security guards asked in confusion.

"Just open the bloody gate. NOW."

​ At the sound of his thundering voice, they rushed to do as he ordered them to. Before the gate opened completely, Yang Wenkai rushed out.

"Wait. Young master..."

He was already out. When Yang Wenkai got outside, he had expected to see Ye Yumi's car parked at the side of the house or anywhere else. But what he saw left him dumbstruck.

There was no car. Only a totally drenched woman standing outside the gate. Ye Yumi was shivering profusely. If not for the lights fixed outside the residence, Yang Wenkai would not have believed that Ye Yumi was the person standing there.

"Br-Brother Kai," he heard her call his name.

"Yumi," Yang Wenkai quickly rushed to her.

He pulled her under the umbrella to shield her from more rain.

"What the hell are you doing out in the rain? Where is your car?" He asked.

"I... did not... bring it with... me," Ye Yumi answered with gnashing teeth.

"Damn it. Forget about that. Come on. We need to get you inside," Yang Wenkai said.

The security guards were shocked to see Yang Wenkai come back inside the combat with a woman. They could not see much of her face since her head was down and Yang Wenkai was covering her.

Once they got inside the house, Yang Wenkai kept the umbrella. Without asking her anything, he scooped Ye Yumi into his arms and rushed to his room.

He only stopped when she was in his bathroom. Yang Wenkai got a clean towel and started drying her hair. Then, he stopped and quickly turned on the shower. He made sure the water was hot but not enough to burn someone's skin.

"Quick. Take off your clothes and get into the shower, now," he said.


"I said take off your clothes and get into the shower. You're shivering, God damn it. Hurry up," Yang Wenkai said before he left the bathroom.

He made sure to close the door behind him.

"I'm going to get you a fresh set of warm clothes. Don't worry I won't come in. Hurry up."

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