Translator, Editor and Proofread: theunfetteredsalmon

[2064 words]

Amon and Metatro passed through the jungle in the night, quiet as mice . They quickly reached King Lucier’s camp, where the fire could be seen on a hilly, gentle slope . They stopped for a rest and caught a whiff of cooking meat in the air . Metatro sniffed and whispered, “This is the meat fragrance of the scorpion-tailed lizard . They must have gone hunting in the marsh during the day and returned to camp to feast on the meat . It must have been a pleasant day for them . This doesn’t look like war at all . It’s just a fun expedition . ”

Amon suddenly turned his head and asked solemnly, “In your heart, you have always been full of the impulse to take risks and the desire to create unknown miracles . What do you think of out absolute adventure so far?”

Metatro patted his chest . “Amon, you know me too well! This task is a perfect match with the recklessness and desire of my heart . My blood bubbles with enthusiasm and excitement, but my heart remains calm, waiting for your next instruction . ”

Amon nodded at Metatro’s answer . “Before you begin, think of the possibility of failure and prepare yourself adequately for it . Once you do that, all you will have in your mind is the steps to success . If we succeed this time, it will have been the most incredible, adventurous miracle . You would have witnessed, experienced and accomplished all of this, and perhaps you will find a window of opportunity to break through to the seventh level of power . As I said earlier, this is a sublimation of power, which can be meaningful though unspeakable . ”

Metatro nodded back . “According to the results of your investigation from the other day, of the eighty guards surrounding the king . How many of them are veterans?” He asked .

Amon thought aloud, “To become the king’s warrior guard, you would have to be at least an advanced warrior . Weapons and equipment have strict regulation and uniformity to meet the requirements of the honour guard . They must at least be somewhat good at combat, though they will certainly more than look the part . ”

“How many do you think are supreme mages or warriors?”

“That’d be difficult to tell if they were in the kingdom during peacetime, but now, the situation is extraordinary . As far as I know, on the other side of the main battlefield, there are four ninth-level supreme mages on either side of the war . The veterans or experts must be in the front . Too many people can’t accompany the king at the safety zone in the Hittite’s rear . The main force of the Enlil brigade is also occupied . In a war, there is no possibility that there are no masters in a battle . The guard captain responsible for the king’s protective detail must be a supreme warrior . There will most likely be another supreme warrior keeping close to Lucier . As for the supreme mage, there can’t be more than one . These forces are already intimidatingly strong . ”

Metatro subconsciously shrugged his shoulders and whispered, “Amon, can we do this?”

“We have come this far, we will have to face it . Maybe we can’t win in a fight against them, but my goal is to hold the king hostage . The King of Hittite will be our ticket to continue living . ”

When he finished speaking, Amon placed his staff on the ground, reached out and unsheathed his bow before asking in a deep voice, “Are you ready?”

Metatro murmured, “Ready . We can go . ” He pulled out his sword and came out from the shadows of the trees onto a prominent spot on a hillside underneath the stars . He looked up at the stars and said to himself with his hands on his chest, “God Amon, bless you!”

Amon couldn’t help but smile at Metatro . “What are you doing looking at the sky and saying my name? I’ll be right behind you!”

Metatro laughed . “Sorry, I’m used to it!”

Amon nocked his bow with an arrow while he chuckled along . His hand plucked the bowstring and pulled it like a flying wheel spinning mid-air . Arrows rained upon the king’s camp one after another . The trembling bowstring and arrows made barely any sound when they went loose . Nobody could describe the odd pattern of the shooting . The first arrow was not moving very fast, but the arrows that followed seemed to move faster and faster . It was a long flight from the hillside to the camp . Amon was able to shoot fifteen arrows in one breath with stunning accuracy .

The king’s guards fear had arrived, much to their surprise . Who would have dreamed that someone would sneak across the battle lines to such a distant position and launch a silent attack on His Majesty’s camp? Who would have even the courage to do so?ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Though the king’s small garrison was packed with guards, their mentality seemed to be rather lax . They only kept routine vigilance, not more than what they thought was necessary . Night security tasks were strictly set while the position of the outposts would have to meet stringent requirements . Each guard had to be in the sight of at least two other guards, forming a cross-monitoring status to prevent any sneaky attacks from taking advantage of the element of surprise . In this way, anything untoward happening could cause the entire camp to be alerted within a tiny timeframe .

Those strict rules also needed to be enforced . If someone was to occasionally wander, look at ants on the ground, the stars and constellations in the sky or even turns his head to sneeze, it would open a window of opportunity for enemies lying in wait . A guard was in a daze . He looked like he had overeaten at the barbecue . He couldn’t help burping and belching . He held his weapon and shield in one hand while rubbing his belly with the other .

At that moment, he felt a sudden chill in his chest . An arrow flew out of the darkness and penetrated his chest . He could feel the tremble of the shaft and feathers of the arrow stuck in him . His eyes shot wide open as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world . He stared at the feathers of the arrow and felt an overwhelming urge to shout, but when he opened his mouth, no sound came out .

The arrow that struck the body swayed with a weird force . The guard felt his whole body tighten up and his throat congealing into a knot . He could not move, but he felt very little pain . A feeling of itch spread throughout his body . Then, his body became cold, but it gradually turned hot again . He could not move even his little fingers .

The guard’s hand loosened involuntarily . His spear and shield landed on the ground . The man then fell softly onto his knees before he landed on his side . At the same time, identical sounds of metal clashing with the ground came from the spots of other sentries . Amon had fired the arrows coated with venom from the scorpions, which paralysed and killed a person before they could scream for help .

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ However, Amon could not control the sound of a body hitting the floor, nor the collision of armour and weapons . Such a large movement must have alerted other nearby guards who were still alive . Within the first thud, a loud voice sounded, “There are assassins behind the hills! Protect the king! The guard, follow me!” An unarmoured shawled warrior rushed out with a group of guards .

That man was the captain of the guard of the King of Hittite’s temporary camp . He was the seventh-level warrior named Aruka . At the barbecue party, he was rewarded generously by the king . He had a few more drinks after than and fell asleep . Suddenly, he heard the assault . Jona, the supreme mage in the camp, also issued an alert to other sentries in the camp . Without putting on his armour, he took up his sword and rushed out with the guards . As soon as the soldiers looked up and saw Metatro on the far side of the hill, they heard a sharp whistle piercing the atmosphere .

Amon stood behind Metatro and could see clearly in the shadows . He knew that the fifteen guards who fell to his arrows would surely alarm the people in the camp . Just as he expected, the guard captain led another regiment of guards out . As soon as he saw Aruka, he fired an astonishing arrow .

This time, instead of poisonous arrows, he used the heavy arrow made with Damasc iron, silver on the surface carved with magic . Amon once shot a wind shuttle out of the sky . This shot was more powerful than before, with a dazzling silver light following close behind . It struck away like lightning . The arrow’s trajectory was pointed directly at Aruka . The soldiers on both sides of the guard captain heard the sharp whistle of the arrow cut through the air .

After all, Aruka was still a supreme warrior . He knew what to expect when he rushed out unprotected, responding in a hurry . He yelled and took his heavy sword in both hands, raising it and breaking the ray of light that was darting at him . Ear-shaking sounds erupted from the impact alongside a brilliant gleam of light . Several soldiers surrounding him were thrown back and swept to the ground from the turbulent quake . Although Aruka had blocked the arrow, the impact threw him many metres backwards straight into a tent . He spat out a mouthful of blood and roared, apparently injured .

Amon’s full-fledged effort caught Aruka off-guard, causing him to take a significant loss . Amon’s figure then disappeared back into the darkness, leaving only the prestigious Metatro on the prominent hillside . After Aruka’s impact with the arrow, more soldiers flooded out from the camp and ran in formation towards the hill . Before anyone could reach their destination, more than a dozen arrows were fired at Metatro .

Metatro didn’t even dodge . With his sword, he rushed down the hillside and cried, “I am Metatro!”

The arrows stopped dead in their tracks upon hitting Metatro’s scorpion shell armour . They fell to the ground, still trembling from the flight . The ordinary arrow shot by the ordinary soldier was not strong enough to penetrate the armour Metatro was wearing . The force of the impact was also not large enough to stagger Metatro as the armour absorbed it .

With such a stunned effort, Metatro hastened down the hillside . It was too late for the guards facing him to react with range, so they jumped straight to melee and began preparing to fight in close combat . The guards were horrified . The assassin was absolutely mad . He dared to attack the king’s camp alone . With how powerful he seemed, the guards reckoned there was no way he would succeed . Was this an assassination or a suicide attempt?

Metatro did not seem to care as much as they did . He wanted to make as much noise as possible . The best thing would be for him to attract and lure out the supreme mage and the other supreme warrior close to the king, to conceal Amon’s actions . He waved the long-handled heavy sword in his right hand, its slashes seemingly twisting space behind it . There were scattering cracks and bursting energy in his sword arm . His left hand pulled out the dagger of the serpent’s fang . What followed sounded like the screams of fear roaring within a soul .

As soon as Metatro clashed with the enemy, he cut down seven or eight opponents . He had never seemed so fearsome . These men were all at the very least fourth-level advanced warriors and were very well-equipped, but Metatro’s lethality with his weapon and the protection of his scorpion shell armour proved to be far better than theirs . On top of that, Metatro was also at the peak of the sixth-level in magic .

Metatro almost forgot to rush into the camp, but the king’s guard were not pacifists . They wanted blood and they were determined to get it . Once the seven or eight guards fell, a loud crack was heard and a slingshot from distance was let loose . Metatro stepped back half-way to the side through incoming attacks . The supreme warrior Aruka, who had just been hit, was now charging up with an axe .

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