Gregory turned and told all the guild members to leave. They would only slow them down. Once the guild members obeyed and stepped out they all shivered as they could immediately hear the sound of screams and shouts as the fighting officially began inside! The screams were making their skin crawl! What kind of monster did their leader sent to the lower floors this time? Most of them didn’t know Gregory before he became this strong, so they had no idea that he only came to the Temple a few months ago and became this strong in only that short time!

Gregory and the shadow Hunters didn’t let a single person go! All of the assassins were Nightwalkers and so they all tried to escape by falling into the shadows around the room! But they had no idea that Gregory was one of the strongest Nightwalkers in the Temple! He fell into the shadow too and dragged out anyone who tried to run away! They screamed as they were pulled out by their legs like children! The Shadow Hunters made quick work of anyone Gregory threw at them and before even five minutes the entire place was quiet.

Once Gregory finished with the last man he suddenly felt someone grab his pant leg and tug at it. He looked down to see Yue holding onto him. She didn’t even look like she cared about the people that just died. He was completely covered in blood but she didn’t even care! What a strange little girl! Gregory still had no idea that Yue was far older than him but he just accepted her quirks as something normal since no one ever said anything about it! He pulled her up and put her on his shoulder and she smiled down at him.

“You’re my horsey. Now go!”

Yue pointed towards the counter where some of the other girls were waiting and Gregory told the shadow hunters to all fall back into the shadows before he moved towards the girls. As he got close he started to notice something strange. There are only eight people in the house, right? Then why am I hearing nine heartbeats?

Gregory traced the heartbeat till he stopped at Rin. His eyes widened! She’s pregnant!

He came close to her so that only she could hear what he would say next and Rin was a bit curious why he was suddenly whispering.

“Rin… Do you know you’re pregnant?”

Rin couldn’t even stop herself from laughing! She ruffled Gregory’s hair and the boy frowned at it! Everyone here treats him like a kid!! He felt as Yue ruffled his hair too and he just rolled his eyes.

“Yes, Gregory, I know I’m pregnant. I even told Han”

Oh! So that’s why Han suddenly ran down to the lower floors before! I didn’t think he came for something so important! That man keeps something this important from even me? For some reason, Gregory felt very annoyed.

Rina told Gregory that he could stay for dinner if he wanted. She and Lily were busy pulling the dead bodies out of the restaurant like it was the most normal thing in the world. And really, at this point, it was more normal than anything else Rina had seen in this Temple. She could calmly say she has seen it all. Even the blood was no longer disturbing to her! She couldn’t believe this is her life now!

Gregory wanted to stay badly! He looked around and he suddenly missed how calm this restaurant was when compared to the upper floors. Up there everyone wanted to kill everyone and the number of enemies just kept on increasing!! But down here, he knew that he could trust all of the people around him.

Kim and Yuuma were trying to decide who would clean up the blood. Kim wasn’t going to do it because she needed to finish the catalog for the day and Yuuma was just too drunk to do it! Dyana finally told them that she would handle it and the two women smiled happily at her.

Gregory felt tired! He couldn’t wait to come back home. Maybe he should see Cersai before he goes back? Han is definitely fine since he already has a plan for everything he has to do. But no, I need to get back up there right now. Han won’t like it if I waste time. And that bastard will probably kick my ass if I don’t report back immediately.

Rin was looking at Gregory with worry. She knew that he and Han were doing something dangerous up there. She was happy that Han was trying his best to protect them but she could still worry about him. Who was protecting him? If Gregory is looking this tired, then what about Han?

Gregory told Rin that he couldn’t stay. He had to get back to the upper floors to help Han. Rin smiled because she knew he wouldn’t agree to stay for dinner anyway. She asked Gregory to take care of Han for her and Gregory grinned back. Wasn’t that his job? He dropped Yue down and waved to the other girls as he fell into the shadow.


On the upper floors, Han received many notifications.

[You have killed six white Stars. You have gained +1000 strength. You have gained +2500 stamina.]

[Devour] has been activated

[×10] has been activated

[One of your subjects has killed four white Stars. Secret skill [×10] has been activated]

Good. Gregory managed to kill all of the assassins. Han grabbed a seat from the side and pulled it towards Freya before sitting in front of her. He leaned down to look at her paralyzed body. His blood was very poisonous, but it would take a while before the poison kills someone as strong as Freya. He could save her, but he would do no such thing. Let her suffer.

“Help me, you bastard! Why are you just looking at me like that!? Do you think the other Kings will let this go!? They’ll find you and kill you if you let me die!!”

Freya gritted her teeth as she stretched her hand out slowly and grabbed onto Han’s shoe. Han removed the hand before he stepped on it with a loud CRUNCH!!


“Don’t touch me. I’m going to ask you a question, Freya, and how quickly you answer me will determine how quickly you can die. You can waste time and stay here for hours in this pain or you can just speed up your death. It’s your choice. Why did you want to get rid of me? I haven’t done anything to you that I can remember. You haven’t even met me before two days ago.”

Freya gritted her teeth. She was dying! She could feel all her internal organs slowly melting as the poison traveled through her! This is the first time she hated being this strong! If she was any weaker then she would have already died!

Han increased the force he was using to step on her hand and she groaned as she focused on him again.

“Answer my question!”

“Because I’m tired of staying in this Temple!! I’ve been here for three thousand years! Three thousand years of ruling these stupid people who don’t even know what this Temple really is! I want to leave! I want to go to the Celestial plane!”

Han furrowed his brow. How will she go to the Celestial plane if she kills him? Han tried to think of a good reason for her to try and kill him like that and he suddenly hummed. Don’t tell me they actually put a bounty on my head! That is the only way that they can catch me without needing to come down here!

I haven’t seen any Celestials on these higher floors so there is a reason why they cannot come here. So instead of coming they just put a bounty on my head and made the other kings come after me!

This is problematic. If the kings are after me then it could cause an issue. At least now I know why Freya has been acting suspicious all this time. She couldn’t attack me openly so instead she tried to make me let down my guard so she could poison me. If only I wasn’t also planning her downfall, she might have succeeded.

Han chuckled and then he grabbed Freya by the hair and pulled her up. His original plan was that he would make her this weak before forcing her to sign the contract of submission, but now he wouldn’t do that anymore. She went after his girls. No amount of serving can make him forget about that.

“How many were you? The people who decided to come after me have to be more than just you. I cannot believe that you will have the balls to do this to someone stronger than you without any backing from someone else.”

Freya grit her teeth angrily before she groaned in pain as Han pulled her hair even more!

“Four! There are four of us! Please, just give me the antidote! I’m dying!”

Han ignored her request and his aura became even heavier.

“Give me their names”

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