Gregory saw a man holding a bow and some arrows walking through his Black Fire. He had a boring look on his face as he came to stand opposite Gregory. For some reason, Gregory could feel that this wasn’t someone that wanted to just throw away his life for no reason. His pressure was different. Like a marksman who only had eyes for one prey. What could possibly make this man have such hatred for just me?

“You killed my wife”

Oh, yeah. That’ll do it. I wonder which one she was. Was it the first general or the second one? It can’t possibly be one of the soldiers, right!? I’ve killed hundreds of those! I couldn’t even remember their faces if you tortured me! It’s possibly one of the first two!

Gregory stood tall again and put his scythe on his shoulder as he spoke.

“Uh. Which one was it again? Tall woman with black hair and feline features, right? I think I killed someone like that before, but she was weak though. Do you want revenge? Is that what this is!? You’ll throw your life away like this for the sake of revenge!? I think I like you~!”

Pryne loaded an arrow to his bow and took a deep breath. He could feel it deep inside of him that his opponent was stronger than him, and every single bit of his body knew that if he fought this boy then he will surely die! But what kind of man will he be if he cannot try his best against his wife’s murderer!?

Pryne shot off towards Gregory and Gregory’s eyes lit up in anticipation as he got into a fighting stance! He slashed across the floor and threw sand into the air just as Pryne was about to reach him, but Pryne jumped higher into the air and avoided the scythe that wanted to slash him! His agility stats were extremely high, so it was easy for him to avoid Gregory’s scythe at the last minute!

He shot the arrow straight for Gregory and activated a skill!

[Thousand Arrows] has been activated!

The single arrow multiplied into a thousand and it began to rain arrows! Gregory ran from the point he was standing on and slid to the side as he avoided more arrows! With a single thought, he transformed his scythe into a sickle with a long chain at the end of it and he shot it into the air! The sickle wrapped around Pryne’s leg and Gregory pulled!!


Pryne coughed up in pain as he slammed into the ground!! That force was immense! He didn’t even have time to soften the impact! He felt the chain loosen from his leg and he quickly got up because he knew that Gregory was coming! He brought up his bow again and aimed it straight for where he last saw Gregory, but his eyes widened when he didn’t see him there again!

[Almighty Overseer] has been activated!

Pryne looked down with red eyes and he immediately saw Gregory coming from below! Pryne managed to dodge Gregory at the last moment as Gregory suddenly jumped out of his shadow, but Gregory wasn’t going to let the man go back without an injury at least! He transformed his weapon into the long scythe again and he cut a long line across Pryne’s chest!!

Pryne winced at the pain and held his chest as he saw blood coming down from it. Pryne was not usually a hostile man, from the very beginning, he always told his wife that he did not like the fact that he was still in this Temple, his only dream was just to go somewhere safe and peaceful with his wife and live out the rest of eternity together.

But now his wife was gone. What was the point of even looking for eternity? Pryne flicked his hand to the side and ignored the injury. He didn’t care about such a thing anymore! If he dies, he dies!


Someone touched Pryne’s shoulder and Pryne looked back in shock to see Kirby, the saber-tiger summoner, coming to stand beside him. Kirby was in his tiger form, and even in this form, he was taller than Pryne.

“What are you doing alone? Do you think Mappa would like that you got yourself killed? Let’s get rid of him together. I think he’s the only one here who we can actually kill, and he’ll stay dead”

Pryne was about to say something, but Gregory ruined the moment as he snapped his finger in realization! He finally got the name of the woman he killed!

“So her name was Mappa!? I told her mine, but she never told me her name! Nice woman, very considerate. I think she would have been stronger if she didn’t fight me first. But like Han once said, the best enemies are the dead ones”

For the first time in his life, Kirby saw anger flash through Pryne’s eyes as he shouted!

“Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!!”

(A/N – That is not a pun… Please)

Prune charged straight for Gregory and Kirby dashed after him. Gregory analyzed the situation as best he could. He didn’t intend to use the woman like that, but it was necessary. He managed to get Pryne angry enough that he would be useless in this fight. That tiger looks extremely dangerous. He’s probably stronger than even the dragon we saw on floor fifty. If I fought the two of them at the same time it would be easy for them to injure me.

Now that Pryne was sufficiently angry, Gregory could only focus on avoiding him, while the tiger summon would be his main priority here! Okay! Let’s go!! I don’t know what the hell Han is still doing but I have to keep these guys busy till then.

Can’t kill them, can’t let them kill me. Wow, Han really has some high standards, doesn’t he!?

“What do mean you’ve killed one before? Don’t play with me. There is no way you killed a Celestial”

Han took a few steps back as he began to explain. These people have brought up this unbeatable image of the Celestials in their heads and now they think that it’s impossible to go against them. They don’t know that these Celestials are now just as scared of us as we are of them.

“It means exactly what I said. I killed a Celestial. You may not believe me if you wish, but there is no doubt that I killed one, you can see it in my eyes, you can hear it in my voice and even my damn bloodstream. Look at me Quinthreath, there is no lie in my words”

Quinthreath locked his teeth together tightly. He hated to admit it, but he could clearly see it. Han was not lying to him. It’s either Han believes so much that he actually killed a Celestial that he is now being fooled by even his own lie, or the less likely fact, Han was telling the truth.

Quinthreath refused to believe it! What kind of madness is this!? He has always had very high regard for any of the Celestials and so for him to believe what Han says is very hard!

Han saw how confused Quinthreath was and got tired of talking. It was easy for him to realize that he couldn’t convince Quinthreath when they were just talking, so he decided to take a different approach.

[Empty Dimension] has been deactivated.

In the next moment, Quinthreath found himself outside the empty Dimension. He was floating in the same position where he was taken from. What was going on? Was he not just inside the dark void? Why would Han Luo suddenly bring them outside again? Is he going to leave?

[Bloodlust] has been activated at max output!


It’s important that you try to talk to people, but when it was obvious that people are fools, then talking become foolish as well. Only one method would work for them! Han’s bloodlust suppressed everyone on the entire floor! Gregory and everyone else fighting on the ground had to stop fighting as they felt their knees grow weak from the pressure! Han’s aura was insane! He rose his hand into the air and spoke.

“Maybe you believe that it’s impossible, but I see that future. And if you won’t willingly strive for that future, then I will force you towards it while you’re on your knees begging and screaming!!!”

[Roaring Meteorites] has been activated at maximum output!

[Supernova] has been activated at maximum output!

It became like day in just one second! With a massive explosion, the entire sky above the castle erupted in a storm of fire that made everyone look up in fear! Even Gregory was looking up in disbelief! The heat from the explosion was making his skin boil! He had to shut his eyes after some time because he knew it would be fried if he didn’t look away! This explosion would have completely eradicated the entire castle if Han didn’t put it in the sky!

But it wasn’t over yet, by the time the explosion died down people could clearly see what was coming for them from above the clouds. It was a rock the size of the freaking moon! It looked larger than life, and flames were boiling it aggressively as it was falling straight towards the castle!

Quinthreath knew that there was no defensive skill that he could bring up. Nothing in his arsenal could work for something like this! Even his artifact that could lock a skill wouldn’t be able to stop it because for some reason it didn’t work on this Han Luo! Who is this man!? How does he have this kind of power when I am far older than him!?

No wonder he was given the title of overlord! Nobody has ever oppressed me like this!

“Stop it!”

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