Gregory opened his eyes to his system notification about the Class-based Job. He didn’t know what it was at all, but it didn’t look like he was supposed to pick out anything. The system decides what you’re supposed to receive and you just go with it.

But what exactly does the job do? It didn’t look like it was anything important. Is it some sort of task that the system gives you?

[Class-based Jobs are system granted Titles. Your job is your most likely path in life, based on an accumulation of all your skills, your class. and your personality. The title of your job is usually used to address you on the upper floors and is seen as a sign of respect. Only those capable of getting past the dragon are given jobs, so everyone above this floor is stronger than the dragon on floor fifty]

Gregory’s head slumped in distress. Great. So they were going somewhere where everyone was stronger than them again!? If Gregory didn’t know any better he would think that Han is trying to get them killed on these higher floors!

The system finished calculating for Gregory and then it brought up his Job.

[Calculation complete. Gregory Magicus, [Nightwalker]. Your Class-based Job is GRIM REAPER]

Huh… Well, I guess it could be worse.

Name – Gregory Magicus

Class – Nightwalker

Job – Grim Reaper

Level – 700

Strength – 45300

Stamina – 45030(×2)

Agility – 54210(×2)

Intelligence – 11010

Free Points – 25000

Skills – [Dark Shadow – 220] [Dark Sword – 110] [Bloodlust – 220] [AntiMagic Body – 110] [Destructive Blast – 90] [Poisonous Blood – 105] [Grim Reaper – 190] [Eyes of Horos – 160] [Analyse – 90] [Flight – 160] [Danger Sense – 140] [Black Fire – 3000] [Dragon Familiar – 4500]

Once the job was given to him, Gregory felt a pull on his navel and he immediately disappeared from the void he was in. When he opened his eyes he saw he was standing on some sort of volcanic land. Everything around him was filled with molten earth and magma. He was on the edge of a giant volcano overlooking the rest of the floor. Gregory looked around him.

Where is Han? I know he came here with that white guy, but where did they go to?




Gregory felt tremors shaking the ground under him and he saw how the entire floor was also shaking! A giant foot slammed to the ground in front of Gregory and he felt a tired sigh escape his lips! Gregory was already tired of everything on the upper floors!

I’m tired of all of it! I don’t want to look up. I just know that it’s going to be a pain in my ass if I look up! What the fuck is all this!?

Gregory finally swallowed his fear and looked up slowly and his entire body became weak when he saw a giant man wearing a white robe looking down at him! The man had long white hair and a massive frown on his flawless face!

Gregory held on tighter to his scythe and brought it in front of him. He couldn’t feel any power from this giant. Maybe the giant is weaker than he looks? The giant suddenly moved and Gregory knew it would be impossible to avoid the hand that suddenly slammed down on him!


Molten magma flew everywhere and Gregory was glad that the magma didn’t hurt as much as he thought it would when it hit him! It was hot but it didn’t break his skin because of his increased strength! Small mercies!

He felt the hand wrap around his body and the giant brought him up till they were face to face and then spoke in a deep, rumbling voice.

“Where is Han?”

Holy shit! Gregory cursed in his head as he felt the full force of his fear coming back to him! He could never forget the fear he experienced on the previous floor! This is that white guy!!!? How the fuck did you grow this big!?

The scientist stared down at Gregory with a frown. He couldn’t believe he had to call his real body. The scientist had to use more than thirty percent of his power at the end of that battle and that caused his false body to be destroyed because it couldn’t handle the strain of that much power so his real body is what he is using now.

He didn’t want to use this body yet so he needed to get Han so that he can go back and make another fake body! This body is too strong! Look at what it is already doing to this floor!

The fifty-first floor is not supposed to have all this magma! It all came out of the ground once the scientist’s real body landed here and his power even made most of the wildlife die because of his aura! And this is still only thirty percent of his full power since he is trying his best to suppress it!

“I won’t ask you again! Where is he!!?”


From inside the void, Han perked up when he suddenly felt an enormous amount of raw power slam into him! Who was that!? Don’t tell me it’s the scientist!? I need to get out of here quickly, Gregory is probably alone out there!

[50%… 60%…]

“System. Is it possible to continue the update while I’m outside!? Can the current update be applied and then I will receive the rest while I’m out there!?”

Han didn’t know if the system was even capable of answering while it was updating, but he was happy when it suddenly brought up a notification!

[Host’s request has been accepted. Applying current upgrade to the system. Calculation complete. Han Luo, [Mage]. Your Class-based Job due to your current statistics is OVERLORD. Initiating transportation…]

Han felt that pull in his navel and he disappeared from this void.


In a white room where multiple people were seated, a man suddenly perked up when he felt the power that was being released on the fifty-first floor! He was not the only one that felt it! Everyone there could tell that something was happening on that floor!

This man was the same person who gave the scientist permission to go and retrieve Han before. He was trying to understand what the scientist was doing because he could feel that one of the sources of power was a Celestial and the only Celestial who had permission to release this kind of power right now was the scientist! Did that man intend to destroy an entire floor just to retrieve one gold Star!?

A woman beside the man asked him what was happening and he told her that there was a problem with the retrieval mission that the scientist went for. The other people in the room were surprised too. What sort of Chosen could give this kind of problem to the Celestials? Especially since it is only a chosen who is a gold Star. If it was a white Star or even a black Star. Then they would understand, but a gold Star is impossible!

“Yggrain!! Yggrain! There is a problem!”

Someone suddenly shouted this from outside before running into the room! All the Celestials immediately looked towards the man who ran in. The man who ran inside was a high-ranking Celestial who had the authority to watch over all the Celestials who were down in the Temple. He could monitor their movements and he always reports back to the creator himself. Did something happen that made him this worried?

Yggrain turned around once he heard his name. He didn’t have time to deal with other issues right now since he was busy trying to figure out why the scientist was releasing so much power! This better be good! The man that ran inside quickly held up a file and shoved it towards Yggrain!

“Someone gave Administrator control to a Chosen!!”

Silence! The silence that fell over the room could have made anyone think it was a graveyard! Yggrain grabbed the paper from the man and looked through it frantically! No! It was impossible! No one would dare to do something like that! Does their entire race not know what will happen if anyone got administrator control!

But the information was not lying! It showed clearly that the administrator control has been activated! Who is the fool that would do this!?

“Find them!! Find the person that did this and make sure you bring them here alive! I want to punish them with my own hand! And find the Chosen that was given permission! If they start activating the contract of submission then we will not be able to touch them!”

Yggrain shouted this angrily but the man that he was speaking to didn’t move. The man looked like he was about to shit himself with how tense he was! There was something wrong!

His next words made Yggrain very angry!

“The creator already knows about this problem, and he doesn’t want anyone to do anything yet”

Yggrain threw the paper to the floor angrily! What the hell do you mean by that! How can you say that we shouldn’t do anything when our entire race is being insulted like this! Who does not know that the administrator control was locked for a reason! Giving the administrator control to the chosen will only lead to problems for us!

“Did the creator tell you who is the one who got the administrator control! He knows who it is, doesn’t he!? Why doesn’t he say anything about it!?”

“The creator knows, but he only said that we have no right to know after the scientist lied to him and that we should figure it out on our own! Is the scientist not going after someone right now!? I think that person is the one with the administrator control!”

Yggrain’s eyes widened in realization! Han Luo!! The person who the scientist wanted to retrieve! That means that the scientist lied about Han Luo’s level and stats! And I took that information to the creator myself so that means I also lied to the creator!

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