Han was still looking for Gregory when he suddenly noticed a white ball beside him. He cursed and dropped his wings down as the explosion echoed above him! Did that scientist already got out of the lasers!? Just how strong is that bastard!?

“Do you think that you can just escape from me like that? You – ”


Han blinked in surprise when he saw the scientist shift to the side as Gregory shoulder tackled him.

Gregory thought, somewhere deep in his mind, that a shoulder tackle with all his power would at least make the scientist move far away and he would have enough time to tell Han what he needed to. But the scientist was just too strong, and so instead of flying away, it ended up with the scientist only moving a few inches to the left!

The three men looked at each other in shock and Gregory found himself sweating pools when he saw that the two titans had stopped their fight to look at him. The scientist was wondering what this boy wanted and Han was wondering what the fuck Gregory thought he was doing!!?

But Gregory didn’t have time to deal with that. His [Dark Sword] formed into a scythe and he shouted to Han that he had to get to the next floor immediately!! Han was a bit hesitant to move since that would be leaving Gregory alone with the scientist, but Gregory just told Han to trust him!

The scientist was still confused by what the hell was going on. Looking at Gregory for him was like a dinosaur looking down at a tiger cub that suddenly challenged it. It was so strange. Han quickly put all his power into his wings and shot away from the two of them. He had to trust Gregory this time!

The scientist quickly came back to his senses and started to go after Han! Gregory tried to hold him back for even a second, but the scientist grabbed Gregory by the shirt and tossed him down to the ground!


The crater that formed under Gregory was large enough and deep enough to fit a house inside it! Gregory spat out blood and he felt some of his internal organs tear from the strain! Fuck! That was just a push!? He didn’t even hit me!! How the fuck was Han able to handle this guy for all this time!?

Han and the scientist were in the fastest game of catch that had ever been played! Han was moving so fast that he could feel stings against his eyes because of how the wind was hitting him! He had to get to the next floor! He didn’t know why Gregory suddenly told him to go there but Han was sure that it has something to do with Yuuma!

I told her that I would inform her when she is to move forward with the plan but did she already do something? How did she find out about what is happening here!? It doesn’t matter, I just have to get to the next floor!

The scientist was flying behind Han with a frown on his face. He couldn’t believe he allowed that child to distract him! How can he be so absentminded!! This is stupid! I’m done chasing this fool all the way around this floor!

Then scientist’s full power in this fake body was only ten percent of his actual power in his original body. He could increase or decrease the percentage since he got permission from the creator to use his body in this retrieval mission. The scientist quickly increased the power to twenty percent!!


The change was immediately obvious, and Han was completely blindsided as the scientist slammed into his back and drove him down to the ground! Han growled in pain as the scientists grabbed the back of his head and planted his face into the ground and dragged him across the forest floor!

“Do you think I’m here to play games with you!? The only thing that will be happening is me hooking you up to a computer and seeing just how much pain you can take before you break! Now shut up and come willingly!!”

Han couldn’t find any strength in him to fight back at all! Did this bastard just get stronger!? I know he wasn’t this strong before! He couldn’t drag me like this before! I need to get out of here! He’s too dangerous for me to fight! But Han was desperately low on energy, and then his system came to life!

Passive skill [Battle Continuity] has been activated!

Passive skill [Underdog Boost] has been activated!

These are skills that can only activate in this kind of situation. The second one can only activate when Han is fighting someone who is two times stronger than him and the first one activates when he is in a situation where he can no longer continue in a fight!

The passive skill [Berserker] would have activated, but the system saw that [Underdog Boost] was a greater skill and so it activated that one instead!

Han suddenly felt energy fill him and the scientist was shocked when he felt Han raising his head with force! Han looked back at the scientist with a glare and the scientist tried to force Han’s head back to the ground! What sort of nonsense does this man think he is doing? I have already won this fight so just lay there and let me take you!

Han’s wings rose around the two of them and even though Han is feeling the pain from the beating he received earlier, his [Battle Continuity] made him forget all about the pain as he flapped his wings and took the two of them to the sky! The scientist dove his knee into Han’s back, but Han only grunted as he kept on going!

He already knew he is in trouble! The [Underdog Boost] skill will only last for ten minutes and then he is on his own! If he is taken down right now, then there is no way he can get back up!

Han’s skill [Underdog Boost] was capable of giving Han a ×2 boost for ten minutes. This is able to make Han stand toe to toe with the scientist for that short time, but Han has already received a beating at the hand of both the dragon and the scientist, so his strength was just barely enough for him to activate a few high-level skills!

[Overcharge] has been activated!!

Han felt pain in his entire body as the Overcharge skill threatened to tear him apart! This skill granted the user a hundred percent boost in stamina when activated but if it is used for more than five minutes then it was dangerous! Han already used the skill against that dragon earlier so using it again could possibly kill him!

But he didn’t have a choice! If he didn’t do this much, then he is going to become a guinea pig for this scientist!

The Overcharge skill gave Han the stamina he needed to finally drag the scientist off him! The skill only increased the user’s existing stamina by a hundred percent, but Han’s stamina was already low, so even if it was increased it still wasn’t as much as when he was at his full power!

Han managed to get the scientist to back off before he turned around and quickly tried to activate the skill [Volcanic Burial] but his system gave him a notification!

[The Host’s MP is dangerously low at 10585. The host is incapable of using this skill while his MP is this low]

Fuck. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck is wrong with this system! Fine! Han quickly activated another skill that wasn’t as high as the volcanic Burial. He knew that it wouldn’t cause as much damage to the scientist, but it would be enough for him to get out of here!

[Dragons Breath] has been activated!


A great torrent of fire that was twice as large as the amount Han usually released flew down and slammed into the scientist! The [Underdog Boost] has made Han’s skills twice as strong but it was also sucking up his MP and Stamina like crazy!

Han usually hated having to run away from anything. Ever since he got his powers, he swore to himself that he would never run away from a challenge again. But Han wasn’t a fool that would be putting his life on the line in a losing battle like this one! Han didn’t even wait for the dragon breath to die down, he immediately took off with a fury that he has never used before!

Han couldn’t die here! The girls were waiting for him! Yuuma was waiting for him! If he dies here, then he is a fool for taking on this challenge without being ready!

There! Han’s eyes lit up as he finally saw the blue portal that would lead him to the next floor on the horizon! He could make it!



Han faltered as he felt one of his wings bruises from an explosion! He looked behind him and he saw the scientist flying towards him like a vengeful spirit!

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