The group made it through the fourteenth floor and thankfully, other than one situation where a wasp almost got Ragnar in the ass! Nobody was harmed. When the group got to the portal, Ragnar finally spoke to Han about something important.

“The next floor that we are going to isn’t like the former ones. It doesn’t have any monsters on it, but it is a dangerous floor that has been at war for a long time, and it is not good for you to let your guard down”

Han rose a brow in surprise. War? What kind of war could happen in the Temple? But now, Han was interested in knowing what this was all about! He isn’t going to just sit back this time, he’s going to see exactly what this was about!

Ragnar couldn’t even understand why Han was so excited. He just told this man that the floor was at war and now he is excited!? This is surely one of those mad ones that only know how to enjoy chaos even if they are weak! What kind of person did they get involved with!?

The group made it through the portal and arrived at the fifteenth floor and Han could immediately smell the blood in the air! That was strange. Monster blood has a certain smell to it! Han could say that it was like monster blood lacked the smell of any iron inside of it! But this blood was so much like human blood! It had an iron smell and everything!

Han looked to his left and saw both Ragnar and Fey looking angry for some reason. They were almost seething! Han turned to where they were looking and he immediately understood. It was a Dragonborn’s horn! There were a few of them littered around the dirty ground and Han finally realized that the Dragonborn was probably one of the people at war here. He and the girls followed after their two guides as they moved deeper into the floor.

They got to a large settlement that had tall walls surrounding it! At the front of the gate were two Dragonborn guards. They wore simple leather armor and when they saw Fey and Ragnar arriving their eyes widened in shock! They quickly had a conversation and one of them opened the gates and ran inside in a hurry! When the group reached the gates, they were halted by the other guard remaining there!

“Halt! I can’t let you -”

Ragnar glared at the guard and the man almost peed himself right there! He took a step back and tried to get his composure back, but luckily for him, the gate opened up before he could do anything even stupider!

The man that appeared this time was bulky and bearded. He looked like Zeus, that is if Zeus had purple hair and a horn on his head. He looked towards Ragnar and Fey with a great amount of disappointment.

“What are the two of you doing here? Did I not say you were never welcome back on this floor?”

Ragnar growled deep in his chest like a lion! But Fey touched his hand and then stepped forward.

“Father, we didn’t come to join you. We have some news that will be important for you to hear”

The rest of Han’s group were shocked! Father!? This man is their father! Why didn’t they even say anything before!? In fact, now that Han looked closely, he could see the resemblance between Ragnar and this man, Fey must take after her mother or something!

The man thought on it for a while before he turned and began to walk inside again. The guards at the gate took this as a sign and they moved out of the way to allow the group inside! Han and the girls got strange looks as they entered, but no one stopped them.

The entire settlement inside the walls was like a warring country. There was nothing but moody people and dangerous-looking men moving around. The children weren’t playing. The birds weren’t singing! Hell, even the animals looked like they wanted to go to war!

Han understood what kind of place this was. It must’ve been founded by a Dragonborn that was brought to this Temple a long time ago. The Dragonborn must’ve taken in any other Dragonborn that wanted to live with him and they all slowly repopulated this floor and then claimed it as their home! No wonder these two siblings were in this Temple together! It was weird when Han heard they were siblings. How can siblings come to the Temple together? But the truth was that they weren’t from a different world like Han was. Instead, they’ve lived here all their lives! They were born here and they grew up here!

When the group was taken to the main house where Fey and Ragnar’s father lives, they got into an office where the man sat down on the main chair. He is the leader of this settlement, it seems. But the thing that Han was still trying to understand was why those two left their home and joined the Trinata guild? What sort of crazy plot is going on here now?

“The two of you dare to come back here even after everything that you did. You abandoned your people and you show no shame as you walk inside here!?”

The man was righteously angry! His nose was flaring and Han could see smoke leaking out of his mouth to show that he was about to use [Dragons Breath]! But even in the face of all this the two of them were unmoving! Fey stepped forward since she was the more level-headed of the two! Ragnar looked like he would rather bite off his own head than talk to this man in a civilized manner!

“Father, we didn’t come here to take anything from you. We just wanted to warn you about something that could be dangerous. The Alcatraz guild is on the move in these lower floors. I think they were on the tenth floor and it’s possible that they will use your war as an excuse to attack the people soon!”


That was the sound of their father hitting his chair in anger! He stood up and shouted at the two of them!

“Our war! It is not my war, but ours! What will it take to make you understand that I’m doing this for our people!? You are a part of this too!”

At that moment, it seemed like Ragnar couldn’t take it anymore because he stepped forward and shouted at the top of his lungs!

“And what exactly are you doing father!? Do you just want to have power so badly that you will kill all your people to gain it! This thing that you are fighting for is worth the lives of your children!? What sort of bullshit excuse us that!?”




Their father immediately grew enraged and Ragnar responded with the same amount of anger! The two of them immediately released an intense amount of fire from their mouths and an intense heat washed over the room as it exploded in the center! Han took a step to the side to both block the girls and prepare in case something stupid started to happen. He didn’t feel good about interfering in family disputes, but when it states to harm his own family, things become a bit different!

Fey wasn’t even moved at all by the display of dragon breath. She was already used to her father doing a thing like this whenever they come to see him! He would never accept them and they would never accept him, it was just how things were meant to be.

Once the fire from their display died down, she turned and began to leave while calling Han and the rest to follow her. They had done their duty by telling him what was going on. If they don’t take care of it and protect their home, then they will be the ones to pay the price!

Once they were all outside, Han finally asked what the hell that was all about. What sort of war were they fighting!? Fey sighed as she answered.

“This floor isn’t meant to be this dangerous. It was actually supposed to be a safe floor that everyone could enjoy. But all that changed when the settlers found a large deposit of Mana stones on this floor. Everything went down to hell from there. The fight for the stones became so dangerous that everybody had to move out and begin looking for shelter on other floors, only two races remained here even through all that. The Dragonborn and the Cyclops”

Han hummed as he finally understood. So they were both fighting for who would gain final control of the mana stones? Well, it was understandable. Mana stones were known to be very useful for the chosen.

They were called mana stones, but they didn’t have anything to do with magic. If Han was being more logical, he would call them system hacks.. Han hasn’t seen anyone using it yet, but he heard from Yuuma that they were like temporary boosters. They could only be used once, but they could add a ten times boost to whatever skill you cast while holding them! It was capable of performing the same task as Hans’s secret skill! Even if it could only be used once and on only one skill before the stone disintegrates, it was still a very useful boost!

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