Han poured himself a drink while listening to Yuuma. He knew that Yuuma was a binary and that it would be difficult to get anything logical past her. She found something she wanted to decipher and it would be hard to make her stop now, so Han just let her continue. He already knew what she was heading to anyways.

“And that isn’t the worst of it. I heard from the girls that you had to kill a lot of people because of someone’s stupid mistake. The same person that came in here before and the same people that you bumped into on the street. What are the odds that you would be going to the tenth floor on the exact same day as them? Han, you planned all this from the beginning, didn’t you?”

Han couldn’t stop himself from smirking as he looked her in the eye. He wouldn’t deny that this was all a part of a bigger plan he had all this while. His original plan was to just have them let down their guard before he would kidnap one of them and make them his sleeper agent and release the person again? But now that they fucked up he had to change his plan a little and accommodate the stupid decisions. It isn’t his fault that the idiots decided to test him.

“But what exactly is your plan Han? Do you want to take over the temple from the background? No, that would be too much trouble for you. Do you want to have some supporters? I don’t think you need anything like that, so you obviously wouldn’t want that? I’m still trying to wrap my head around your goals Han. This is the first time I’m seeing a human that can bring up a plan I can’t decipher,”

“I think it’s time for us to go to bed. I’m going to the twelfth floor tomorrow with Lily, so I hope your information is still correct,”

Yuuma smiled as Han avoided the topic completely. She was still interested in finding out Han’s plans, but it would be a game that she wouldn’t win by being rash. She needed to be calm and figure it out slowly before he finishes!

“Yes, my information on that floor should still be valid. If you want to find the greatest weapon on this beginning floor then you have to go to the hidden mission on the twelfth floor. You know you can still trust me,”

Han didn’t care about trusting Yuuma because he would kill her before she ever tried to betray him. But he needed to go to the twelfth floor to find that weapon for a completely different reason so tomorrow, they would be going to the twelfth floor.


That night, when Han was finally alone, he looked at the secret skill he received from his system. He found it strange that his system would call it a secret skill instead of a unique skill like usual, did it mean that he was the only one that has this skill? Or was it just that you had to have a certain number of skills before you could get it to activate and the people that had it were too few for it to be a unique skill? Han decided he wasn’t really interested in knowing and just opened his tab.

[Skill Combination – Max – Combine skills to form even stronger skills! The skills to be combined must have high compatibility and they must be in the same power range. A skill between levels 100 and 200 can only be combined with another skill that is between 100 and 200. The same applies for all multiples of 100.]

Oh, well, that’s convenient. Han was excited now! The skill wasn’t putting too much restriction on what he could combine or not! He thought there would be some sort of high-level algorithm or skill Combination method he would have to use, but it was good that he can just combine skills as long as they have high compatibility and they fall into the same level range.

Han looked through his tab and then he picked out the first skill he knew he wanted to combine with another one. He hardly uses it on its own, so maybe it would be better to just add it to another skill!

[The Host has chosen [Railgun] as his first choice. Please pick a skill to combine it with]

Han hummed as he looked through his tab again. He needed a skill that he wouldn’t regret combining later and also a skill that was in the same power range as Railgun. The only skill that Han could see was the skill [Electric Discharge]. This was good enough. Han hardly uses that wide-area skill anyway and it wasn’t like he didn’t already have other lightning-based attacks!

[Host has chosen the skill [Electric Discharge] as his second choice.]

[Skill Combination] has been activated

Han could almost feel the two skills bleed away from him and then combine into something completely new! Once the combination was done, Han turned back to his tab to see a new skill there to replace the previous two.

[Electric Railgun – 1900 – Release a large blast of electric energy!]

Wow! Han saw the level of the new skill and couldn’t believe it was twice what the previous two were! This was now his highest skill and he got it from just combining them! Han now knew he had to do a lot more of these! He didn’t like having so many skills anyways, so it would be better to combine some of them so they would still give him what he wanted!

That night, Han stayed awake for a long time while trying to decide which skills he was going to combine and which ones he wouldn’t. The choices were hard because Han didn’t have a lot of skills that were in the same power range, and those that were in the same power range didn’t always have the compatibility.

[Skill Compatibility is below 50%. Skill combination failed]

This is the notification that Han would get whenever he tried to combine skills that were not capable of combining. But after some time, Han finally chose some good skills to combine. The first two were [Reflexes (×50)] and [Agility boost (×50)]. These two skills were perfectly compatible. Almost at 99%! They then combined to form a new skill [Total Command – Max – Your body has total command over its actions. Dodging and avoiding obstacles are now second instinct and even impossible things like speeding and slowing down the body’s metabolism and thought process is possible!]

It was a little different from what Han thought he would be getting, but he wasn’t going to complain. Han could now move his body in ways that would make most contortionists go mad with envy, he didn’t think it was a totally useless ability. And even his reflexes were still top-notch!

The next two to get combined were [Recorder] and [Gods Eyes]. Han was a little skeptical about them combining because the [Recorder] skill is almost past the five hundred mark and it was close to no longer being capable of combining with the God’s Eyes skill. But luckily they combined to form a new skill [Almighty Overseer – 990 – Eyes that see all. Eyes that perceive all. Eyes that can show you the top of the mountains and even the depths of the sea. If it exists in the world of mortals then the host will never be caught unaware by it. The Host is now the Almighty Overseer]

Hehe… This system can really stroke someone’s ego eh? It feels like some sort of super-powered show host telling you what you won in a gacha!! Han found the entire thing very funny! But after a while, Han then decided it was time for him to get some sleep. Most of his skills were either incompatible or he felt he will still need them later on in the Temple. He would add those important ones to other skills when he is sure he can replace them with a better one!

Name – Han Luo

Level – 620

Strength – 14920

Stamina – 14520

Agility – 19300

Intelligence – 12710

Free Points – 7000

Skills – [Ultimate Critical Hit – 790] [Crowd Coersion – 660] [Critical thinking — 600] [Ultimate Blood Lust – 750] [Berserker – 10] [Mental Shield – 100] [Danger Sense – 250] [Hypnotic Aura – Max] [Mutation – 50] [Quick Burst – 100] [Body of Adamantine – 450] [Clairvoyance – 50(20 familiars)] [Telekinetics – 390] [Flight – 1000] [Ultimate Pyromania – 500] [Erasure – 50] [Pain Nullification – 900] [Thunder Bolt – 1000] [Lightening Palm – 880] [Laser Beam- 600] [Armament of Troy – 650] [Roaring Meteorites – 400] [Frigid Tundra – 900] [Lightening Armor – 750] [Gravity Control – 1000] [Overcharge – 1000] [Autopilot – 1000] [Stealth Mode – 1000] [Hidden in Plain sight – 500] [Enhanced Senses – 700] [Mine – 200] [Atmospheric Dominion – 1600] [Battle Continuity – 1500] [Eagle Eyes – 1000] [Slash – 1600] [Flare – 900] [Shadow Hunter -1050] [Presence Concealment – 1500] [Ultimate Armor – 1900] [Gale Winds – 2000] [Sword Dance – 2600] [Rain of Swords – 1970] [Charisma – 500] [[Silent Steps – 1600] [Butcher – 1520] [Palm Strike – 900] [Rapid Burst – 900] [Wide Marsh – 1200] [Earthquake -1600] [Stone Coffin -1720] [X-ray vision – 1100] [Penis Enlargement – 1900] [Rapid Thrust – 1000] [ Echolocation – 1800] [Assimilation – Max] [Dragons Breath – 1000] [Underdog Boost – 1200] [Electric Railgun – 1900] [Total Command – Max] [Almighty Overseer – 990]

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