Phoenix Phire

Chapter 662 - Murphy's Law

A few minutes later, Dex entered the 12th floor. He stared at the round door for a moment before keying in the access code. Nova had been placed under house arrest since he'd uncovered her actions.

He stepped in a few moments later, the pleasant smell of cookies hung in the air. "Nova?"

Nova popped up from behind the kitchen island. She was wearing oven mitts on both hands; the slightest dusting of flour decorated her black tank top. Her face still showed the yellowing of a bruise under one eye. "Dex..."

They stared at each other for a long moment. A week earlier, they considered each other close friends, but now the distance between them had turned into an abyss.

Dex noted that her lip was still split open. "You should put something on that."

Nova touched her face with a mitted hand. "It burns whenever I eat. For the record, your partner hits really hard."

"I wouldn't know." Dex walked into the kitchen, quickly noticing that there were a few dozen cookies already baked. Unexpectedly, he felt the stirring of sympathy but decided to ignore it."

"Not that I blame her. I deserved it." Nova slid her mitts off and grabbed a plate from the cupboard. "I was going to have someone bring you some."

Dex grabbed one of the cookies that were still cooling. During one of his visits, he had mentioned his favorite cookie. "You'll be released in a few minutes." He covered his expression by taking a bite.

Nova placed the plate on the counter without filling it. "Do you like them?"

Dex shook his head. "Complete shit. Where did you learn to bake?" He scarfed down the one in his right hand while securing two more with his left.

The goth hacker grinned suddenly, wincing in pain before touching her lip with a pale hand. "I'm sorry, Dex. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry that you got caught?"

His words caused a small, purple vein to stand out on her forehead. The smile slipped from her face. "Do you hate me?"

"Not at all. We were marks to you. Since I target others, I can't complain when someone does it to me." Dex took a seat at the island, inhaling the scent of oatmeal raisin cookies. "Anyways... get your things together."

Nova shook her head. "You can't release me."

"Hmm? Why not?"

"I'm not who I said I was." Nova sat beside him, staring at the cookies she made. There was a hint of sadness in her features. "Although, I wish I were."

"I know. I'm the one that caught you."

"That's not what I mean." Nova stared at him for several seconds. "I lied when Mongoose was questioning me. I work for the Secret Service."

"Holy shit..." Dex studied her face, trying to read what she was thinking. "Like working for the President?"

"We do a lot more than that." She placed a pale hand on his arm, thankful that he didn't immediately pull away. "My name is Murphy; I'm a field agent in the Cyber-Security division of the Secret Service."

"Was the Infiltrator handle just a cover?"

"No. I am the best Infiltrator in the agency." She spoke softly; the words sounded sour in her ears. "I want to stay here. Maybe we can cut a deal?"

Dex muttered a curse while helping himself to more cookies; she was some kind of baking savant. "No promises, but I will relay whatever you say to the rest of the Bottom Feeders."

Nova pursed her lips slightly, watching him for a long moment before continuing. "I want to return to the lower levels, at least to the 9th floor. I'll agree to any sort of monitoring and will submit all my reports through the Bottom Feeders."

"It's easier if we just send you on your way." Dex shrugged slightly; she had a long way to go before he'd accept an olive branch.

"Wait, I'm not done. I'll help with this Yuli job. So you'll have the complete backing of the agency."

Dex stacked a handful of cookies on the counter before standing up. "You can pack up your things... Either way, you won't be on lockdown anymore."

"Hey..." Nova's voice stopped him at the door. "I tend to screw up good things; it's my own personal brand of Murphy's Law."

"Was just kidding about the cookies... They were great." Dex waved and then quickly exited the apartment.

Nova wrinkled her nose at the door before peeking into the oven at the latest batch. "I wasn't talking about the cookies."


"The data isn't right... We need to do a quick field test." Dex sat at the round table on the lowest level of the Hive. He smiled politely at Mongoose, who had already volunteered to test the software.

Mongoose flashed his white teeth. "I've read the brief; this is basic interruption software. We're going to get Yuli into cyberspace and then prevent her from leaving. It's hardly worthy of Fucking Da Vinci."

"Now you sound like Quicksilver. Not everything I do is amazing." Dex loaded the program into his jumper pod while the rest of the Bottom Feeders looked on.

Quicksilver had joined them via her hotel room's holo. Because of the safeguards involved, v-Earth was inaccessible from the outside. So her role in the software test would be that of a spectator. Unexpectedly, she'd been in favor of allowing Nova to remain in the Hive. Only Dex and Thumper voted against the temporary alliance. "Don't sell yourself short, partner. You're fucking amazing."

Gadget studied the layout of Yuli's Abu Dhabi compound, one of three locations that she was suspected of being. Interruption software could lock a jumper in virtual space for short periods. Generally, it was considered adequate if it lasted more than twenty minutes. Someone with Yuli's resources was bound to have safeguards against lockdown. "Our new friends are putting a strike team together as we speak. We'll have to run interference on security while they grab the asset."

"I want to talk with Dex for a moment." Darsi smiled innocently at her friends. "The four of you go ahead and jump in."

Stiletto was the first to stand. "I'm just glad it's not me testing Fucking Da Vinci's software. What was it called again?" Her multi-colored eyes focused her query on Dex.

"Groundhog," Dex answered. "I'll join you in a few minutes."

One by one, the four Bottom Feeders made their way to the T-6 jumper. Dex sat quietly at the table until they were gone. "Something up?"

Quicksilver shook her head slightly. "Not really. I just wanted some alone time. You angry about Nova?"

"Not sure," Dex admitted.

Quicksilver smiled at the admission. Her partner was straightforward, something she considered very attractive. "So... Groundhog isn't awesome?"

"Hmm?" Dex gave her an innocent smile. "Maybe it will hold up."

Quicksilver's laugh reverberated from the holo. "You're going to annihilate them?"

"Undoubtedly." Dex stretched his hands over his head before checking his hud. "That's five minutes; it should be enough time. Log into the v-Hive and then find some cover."

"Huh?" Quicksilver's pretty face showed her confusion. "v-Earth is inaccessible from outside of the Hive. If I log into v-Hive, they won't be able to see me."

"Won't they?" Dex stood with a quick motion and headed toward the T-6. "Just stay out of sight."

[Greetings, Dextron.]

Dex was greeted by the synthesized voice of the Hive's AI. Once again, the AI changed its appearance. She kept the silver hair, but her pale skin with the scrolling code had darkened considerably. To the Bottom Feeders, the AI was no longer considered genderless but instead was referred to with female pronouns. "Hey... You changed your appearance again?"

"Yes. Perhaps a few more adjustments before I get it right." Syntax hovered in the air above the platform. "I have confirmed that Yuli is currently at this location."

Dex noticed that the navigation platform was descending; a quick glance over his shoulder told him Gadget was at the helm. "Let's get this software test done; then we can start prepping for the finale."

Gadget landed in a beautiful courtyard, surrounded by gardens on two sides and a fountain on the other. The remaining side stopped at ivory-white steps that led to a set of glass double doors. "We'll send the compound schematic and Yuli's location to our allies."

Mongoose stood casually with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Like every hacker, he had safeguards to being locked down. "I have some pretty sharp 'breakout' software. Let's see what you got."

Gadget held up a hand to stall the test. "Let's make some wagers first."

Mongoose's dark face flashed a grin. "A wonderful idea. I want a set of those v-gloves!"

Thumper nodded in agreement. "Same here."

"Ditto," Gadget joined the party before turning toward Stilleto.

Stiletto shook her head. "You guys have short memories. I'm going with Dex on this one. I'll cover half the cost of making those gloves if he loses."

Dex shared a smile with her before nodding. "Mongoose has to breakout within 30 minutes. If he does, I'll make three sets of gloves. If he doesn't..." He glanced back at Stiletto for input. Unfortunately, they didn't have anything he wanted.

"Seniority! Dex and I will move from 4th and 5th to 2nd and 3rd, behind Quicksilver." Stiletto gave the three senior Bottom Feeders a smug look. "Deal?"

"I'll throw three sets of v-goggles, too," Dex added.

Mongoose glanced at Thumper and Gadget; both of them were nodding vigorously at him. "Deal!"

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