Phoenix Phire

Chapter 546 - Player Puppet

"Nix locked the home-made coil spring in place after using the weight of six HEP rounds to contract it. The two of them had managed to create a spring-fed breech chamber.

Pon was inspecting the right tube while his partner in crime finished loading them up. "The springs will probably break after a bit."

"Six shots from each tube is all I'm hoping for." Nix jumped down from the rigged ladder and studied their monstrosity.

The golems were about 8 feet in height; each of them had long tubes that, for aesthetic purposes, could be referred to as arms. Raising the arms up forced a projectile into the chamber, effectively locking it. There was no safety; at this point, firing became the best option. From trial and error, the duo discovered that firing both simultaneously wasn't a good idea. The kick-back would either knock the golem to the ground or bend the fragile frame.

"Men and their toys."

Pon's crabby face broke into a smile at the sound of Semmi's voice. "Don't women have toys?"

Semmi kept her face expressionless. "Sure... but that's a different topic altogether.

Nix peeked from behind one of the golems. "Don't flirt in front of me; you both suck at it."

Semmi walked around the Golem where Nix was working. "You wanted to see me?"

Nix nodded. "Hopefully, I'm about to head back to Haven for a few hours. I want you to assign a sniper team to the Keep. Have them target every open window they see. They should be able to get it done from the ocean."

Semmi brought up her hud and highlighted the former Gladis crafters, Darsi's people had all become snipers. "Toward what end?"

Nix placed the 12th HEP round inside the framed track and then closed the panel. "I've been inside those rooms; each window has thick wooden doors that can be barred shut. I need those windows closed."

"So you want them to stop firing when the windows are closed?"

Nix nodded; the thing he loved about Semmi was her ability to put things together. "Yes. Once a window is closed, they stop firing at that one and move to the next."

Semmi pursed her lips slightly while nodding. "Why? There several areas in the upper Keep that have lookout nests that we can't get to. There's no way we are going to surprise them."

Nix grinned because he knew he was one step ahead of her for once. "Maybe I just like closed windows."

Semmi sighed in frustration, a habit that blew the tip of her blonde bangs upward. "Don't think I won't figure it out."

Nix winked at her. "I'll let you name these Golems if you do."

Semmi rapped on the nearest tube-arm with her bare knuckles, an action that caused both Nix and Pon to flinch slightly. "What? These things gonna blow up?"

The duo glanced at each other and then shrugged. "Maybe," they answered at the same time.

Semmi stepped away from the Golems. "I'm on it, Nix. What are their names now?"

Nix nodded. "PetraZi and..."

"Cuppiecakeninja," Pon finished.

Semmi's pretty face broke into a wide smile. "You two suck at naming. Going to change them to Thelma and Louise once I figure out your plans."

Nix cringed slightly; he'd never let it happen. "Sure, Sem."

[You have been Summoned by Shae Balefire. Do you accept?]

"Yes. Cya guys!" Nix vanished from his spot behind the golems, leaving Pon and Semmi staring into the empty space.

Semmi had been expecting it, so it didn't surprise her. "Hey, Pon. Why does he want the windows closed?"

Pon laughed loudly and shook his head. "No way!"

The blonde officer wrinkled her nose at him. "You don't even know."

The old man shrugged and headed toward their crafting table. "Won't work, Sem."


An instant later, Nix appeared on the balcony of his Haven Ranch. Three different people were smiling at him.

"Styxx!" Bev hugged her brother tightly for a moment before stepping back and watching her father do the same. "Still hiding away in the Bone Fortress?"

Nix laughed when his father hugged him. The oddity of having his old man look the same age as him still surprised him. "Hey, Dad. What's up, Froglegs?"

Bev shook her head slightly. "Nothing. We were visiting Hyai." His sister fixed him with a sly look. "Little Styxx has been busy."

Nix shrugged slightly, Hyai must have told them about her condition. "Little Styxx only does what Big Styxx tells it."

"Huh?" Bev's eyes look confused for a moment before her complexion turned deep red. "Oh my God!! I didn't mean it like that you... you..."

Nix laughed at his sister. "If you don't breathe, you're gonna blow up."

Shae gripped his hand and leaned in for a quick kiss. "Deidra is waiting."

Nix nodded and opened a breach directly into Deidra's nursery. "Back in a bit."


The warmth and humidity of Deidra's nursery was vastly different than Tai'Qui's. Was the environment nothing more than personal preference? Or did something else drive it? There was also more light in Deidra's nursery; Dragon water pools glowed slightly while releasing steam into the air. The Solomon City Dragon Master was in the central pool, tending to an Emerald colored Dragon Egg.

"Nice color. Is that normal?" Nix jumped right into the conversation since Deidra wasn't particularly good or interested in exchanging pleasantries with people.

Deidra's brown eyes were focused on the egg; both of her hands glowed with flames as she pushed her element into it. "An interesting question. Normal in my experience talking to other dragons? I'd say no. However, for the Haven nurseries, it's very normal."

Nix disrobed quickly and let his Emerald Fury Flames light up before sitting in the water. "I want to talk about a delicate subject."

Deidra stared at the bright green flames, she was going to ask him to charge the pool, but it seems that he already understood that. She turned away from the dragon egg and joined him at the edge of the pool. "Ask whatever you like."

"What kind of control abilities do Dragons have?"

Deidra's cold face was emotionless. She had purposefully changed the way her human form looked. Her hair was worn up, and there was no visual sign of her horns. "Some of us have a line of abilities called Dominate. To my knowledge, neither Tai'Qui nor Sinfaya possesses it."

"Do you?"

Deidra nodded. "Yes. However, this spell branch is highly regulated by the Dragon Accord. It's not like the Greater Heal Spells, where the intent is to heal, but lesser creatures fall asleep. The Dominate line is by nature, quite harmful."

Nix considered her words for a moment. "What would happen if you cast a control spell on me?"

"The marrow in my bones would become cursed, and within a few days, my strength would wither away."

"Like dragons from fallen cities?"

Deidra nodded. "Much faster and probably very painful." The dragon moved closer and closed her eyes.

"What if I gave you permission?"

Deidra's eyes blinked open, showing the tiniest bit of interest. "You want me to dominate you?"

Nix's laughter echoed in the nursery. As soon as she said it, he pictured her with Mimi's black leather armor and whip. "Let's put a solid 'NO' onto that... then lock it up in the 'no way' vault that I have in the basement of my 'Not even if I die first,' house."

Deidra let a smile seep into her cold features. "I have no idea what you just said."

"If a Dragon like Jargon Kane had permission, could he use that on one of the human Heroes from Trifecta?"

Deidra's smile faded into a frown. "Maybe. There'd have to be a blood contract between both parties as well as some sort of limited timeline."

Hulo's presence in the Keep raised every black flag in Nix's head. "What kind of abilities would that mean?"

Deidra looked troubled by the conversation. "Dragon skills wouldn't carry over, but the person's abilities would increase dramatically."

Nix leaned back in the water, his eyes staring at the dark brown ceiling. "I think Hulo and Jargon Kane have entered into some sort of contract." He told her in detail about the seven Wildling hearts and how the Greater Spell fed off the land while it cycled through the Burroughs.

"You misunderstand me, Nix" Deidra placed a hand on his shoulder, instantly jerking it back when it contacted his flames. She was silent for a long moment before continuing. "If such a thing were possible, and I'm not even sure that it is. You wouldn't be facing this Hulo person with amplified strength."


Deidra shook her head slightly and eased a few inches away. "You'd be facing Jargon Kane with his powers greatly limited. You might not appreciate the difference, but Jargon is a very dangerous opponent."

Nix grinned suddenly. "Perfect. So if I punch this clown in the face, Jargon is gonna feel it?"

Deidra's perfect lips widened into a real smile. "Yes, and I would love to see that."

The dragon watched him as he dressed a few minutes later, she had invited him to stay longer, but Nix had refused. "Going back now?"

Nix shook his head and opened a breach. "No, I'm going to craft a few puppets and spend some time with my family."

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