Chapter 78: Rising Tide Organization


Seeing this reward, Mathison could not help but gasp. A God damn B level reward is only a magic spell.

People’s Red magic is only B-level, one wonders if it can compete with Harry Potter’s Magic?

Why not the whole Hogwarts spell book?!

The first-grade student’s version of a spell book would also be okay.

“Do you want to receive the reward?”

Looking at the pop-up window on the system panel, Mathison nodded yes with a torn face.

And because it was only one magic spell, obviously, it wasn’t necessary to spawn a whole spell book.

Instead, it was directly turned into Mathison’s memory like Carlos’ experience.


After receiving the entire information of the Mending Charm, Mathison found something was wrong.

Quite wrong!

This system reward, this Mending Charm has actually no upper limit!

What does that mean?

As long as his mana is large enough, and he is familiar with the internal structure of the object he intends to repair, no matter what it is, it can be repaired!

The spell is definitely not so weak as to be used only for repairing torn clothes.

Scrapped cars, crashed planes, even exploded missiles can be repaired to a normal state.

As long as it is not a living thing, or broken into particles, and as long as these things can be rebuilt, Mending Charm can perfectly repair it!

The premise is to have enough mana.

This is a bit counter-intuitive.

Because with the current mana of Mathison, he can only repair torn clothes, as well as some simple equipment.

However, there’s hope to do much greater things in the future!

With this in mind, Mathison closed the system panel contentedly.

“You’ve made a lot of noise today.”

Charlie said to Mathison.

Charlie used his paw to press the remote control, turned on the TV, and was switching several stations in a row.

All of them were playing one content.

That was the image of Phantom Kid flying in the sky with countless police cars chasing behind him.

It’s no wonder that Mathison flew to Brooklyn from the southwest coast of Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen, and then across Queens to take a detour back to Times Square in the middle of Manhattan.

Many New Yorkers have witnessed the appearance of Phantom Kid.

Anyway, the media all over New York went crazy, rushing through the middle of the night to follow up on the shooting.

Basically, everyone knew that Phantom Kid had run off to New York.

“That’s exactly what we planned from the beginning, isn’t it, Charlie?”

In response, Mathison was happy. After all, he made all this fuss in New York only because he wanted everyone to know so.

The more people knew, the better.

In any case, he possesses his Red Magic, namely his teleportation spell. Hence, he is never afraid to encounter any superhero in the way.

“Seeing these reports, did Barbara come over yet to see me?”

Mathison asked.

“No, but she called the landline number at home, I answered it for you. After this incident, she should never suspect your identity again, even if you do any suspicious actions.”

Charlie shook his head first, then said what Barbara had done.

Mathison nodded, after a while, he can also travel around to other cities, so that the identity of Phantom Kid will get even more confusing.

On the other hand, Barbara sat on her bed fiddling with her laptop, gazing at the encrypted file on the screen.

The file had been received while she was browsing a hackers’ community, and it seemed that everyone with a bit of hacking skills had received the same file.

Most of the file consisted of a fuzzy electronic female voice making some sort of statement, and at some point, a video or picture would be released.

“We can’t explain what we saw, but we saw it.”

“In this world, there are countless secrets hidden, heroes, gods… and monsters.”

After the opening remarks, two small videos were shown, one video was of a green giant singling out an entire army, and the other video was of a small town in New Mexico where the Destroyer blasts lasers and then gets blasted by Thor’s hammer.

With Barbara’s ability, she could naturally see that these videos were not artificially made, but were real records.

Only now did she truly believe everything Daisy said.

At the same time, she also began to have a strong curiosity about the sender of the file, the hacker group called Rising Tide.

After the video finished playing, the person who created the file continued her speech.

“This world is full of miracles!”

“Not only above the surface, but under the deep sea, there are also unknown threats hidden… Perhaps, the legend of Atlantis was never a fake story.”

There was another seconds-long video of an unmanned detector beneath the deep sea, destroyed by a male with a trident, and then the picture ends.

“But for decades, organizations hidden in the shadows have obscured the truth of everything.”

This time it’s not a video, but a picture with a circular eagle-shaped symbol drawn on it.

“People were kept in the dark, ignorant of the true world.”

“But now, we already know.”

“How do you plan to keep us silent?”

“We are like the wind, we are everywhere.”

“You can’t stop the Rising Tide.”

“You cannot find us, and you will never know who we are.”

“But what is certain is that we will face up and fight against those who prevent us from knowing the truth.”

“No one and nothing can stop us…”

Apparently, these words were all spoken to the organization that hides in the shadows.

The organization, Rising Tide, was obviously very hostile to the mysterious organization they’re talking about.

At this time, the content of the file had been played to the end.

The electronic synthesized female voice suddenly switched to a low male voice.

“All of you who received the file are hackers with certain skills, and I believe that in your hearts, you must have a thirst for the truth, so…”

“I am here to invite you, on behalf of the Rising Tide organization, to work together to unravel the secrets that have been hidden from them, the secrets that should have been known to the public!”

“Join us, let’s protest together!”

After saying that, the document was automatically destroyed.

Barbara skimmed her lips, the last invitation was clearly a pretext.

What the Rising Tide did was clearly an act of anti-governmentalism, and there was absolutely no way they could recruit members so blatantly.

If someone really listens to them and intends to join in, then 100% will become peripheral members

Knowing nothing about the details of the organization, and still wanting to join them, will result in one becoming a pawn in their hands.

Certainly not because of these few words of incitement and a few videos, Barbara was excited to join the Rising Tide Organization, to uncover the truth about the world.

At this moment, Barbara’s mind had only one thought.

She has been studying hacking technology for many years but had never heard of the Rising Tide hacking organization.

In other words, this is a completely new organization.

Then, the Rising Tide organization that has just emerged, with a high-profile, promoted this kind of anti-governmentalism, and also took huge risks to hack into the database of government secret agencies?

What exactly is their purpose?

Is it really just to let people know the truth?

Barbara would never believe such free noble acts.

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