Chapter 1717: Stealing in passing

Translator: 549690339

The hard and cold granite floor, huge granite pillars supporting the magnificent dome, long hand-woven carpets extending to the entrance of the palace, a mountain of dazzling jewels, oil candles burning in copper lamps, the smell of spices filling the air, and the faint sound of people’s devout prayers.

The feminine statue of Bastian stood upright, solemn and sacred.

Everything around him was extremely familiar. It was the Bastet’s Holy Palace.

Fina looked at the furnishings around indifferently. It was obviously impossible to say that there was no trace of nostalgia and touch in her heart, but she knew that these were all fake. The real Bastet’s Holy Palace had long been destroyed by the hands of the foreign races, and only ruins were left.

It had stepped into that place and witnessed it with its own eyes.

As a warrior, it had an extremely strong heart. Although everything around it was flawless, if it didn’t know that the Bastet’s Holy Palace had collapsed, it might have really believed it. It just thought that it had a long dream, dreaming that it had an interesting experience with a stranger in a strange era, a strange country, a strange city. Although the aftertaste was long, it was still a dream. Since it had woken up from the dream, it was a dream. She might come in with a smile at any time and tell it that she had won the final victory and driven the enemy down the Mediterranean.

However, it didn’t want to lie to itself. Only cowards would live in their fantasies.

She was already dead, the Bastet’s Holy Palace had collapsed, and even the Holy Kingdom no longer existed.

All of this was an illusion.

“When are you going to keep bengong here?” It said in a deep voice.

His voice echoed in the spacious Celestial Palace, but there was no answer.

Fina walked to the door of the temple and tried to push the door with its claws, but the door didn’t move.

It was indeed difficult to push the heavy door with the power of a cat, but it was not an ordinary cat, and the door usually would not close, unless the god of chaos, Seth, came with a black storm.

“This Prince is not your prisoner!” It stressed its tone, and its voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.”Quickly release this Queen, and this queen may pardon your disrespect!”

There was still no response.

Fina became even more furious. It grabbed the jewelry in its hand and threw it at the door.”Speak!” Are you all mutes?”

The gorgeous jewelry shattered and scattered all over the ground.

Just when fina thought that there would be no response, a flashing light suddenly slipped into the temple through the gap of the closed door, and the gap was clearly so big that not even a piece of paper could fit in.

Fina had seen this ball of light before, on Zhang Zian’s phone screen.

[Navigation elf]:”please be patient. Wait for your new master.”

What new master …

Fina was furious.”I don’t need a master!” It roared.”Let me go!”

[Navigation elfin]: we’ve determined that your condition is abnormal. After analysis, we think that you’re no longer suitable to return to the human world in the form of an elf.

Fina didn’t understand the nonsense, but it knew that this guy had refused its request.

It was useless to say more. Since he couldn’t reason with her, he could only show her the truth with his claws.

It suddenly bent its body, stretched out its sharp claws, and pounced at the ball of light.

Seeing that the tip of the claw had touched the ball of light and was about to tear it apart, the ball of light did not avoid it, but fina pounced on nothing, as if the ball of light was just an illusion without a physical body.

The ball of light floated towards the door like a will-o ‘-the-wisp.

[Navigation elf]:”what a coincidence. Someone is here to adopt you. If you want to leave this place, this is your only chance.”

“Shut up!” Fina said angrily. Bengong doesn’t need to be adopted by others!”

It once again pounced towards the ball of light, but it still missed.

It was like attacking the air.

Compared to the helplessness of not being able to hit the enemy, what made it even angrier was the enemy’s disregard of its attack.

Fina picked up a handful of jewelry and threw it at the ball of light. It didn’t expect to hit the ball of light, but it just wanted to vent its anger.

At this moment, the tightly shut door suddenly opened.

The jewelry passed through the ball of light and smashed toward the two figures at the door.

However, the two figures reacted very quickly. One of the relatively slender figures quickly dodged and was not hit. The other figure seemed to want to Dodge, but hesitated and was hit in the abdomen and leg by the jewelry.

Fina threw with all her strength. Although it was only jewelry, the weight of the jewelry was not light. The jewelry offered to Bastian was all gold and large gemstones. If it hit an ordinary person, it would at least be bruised. If it hit a weak part, the consequences might be more serious.

It didn’t expect the door to suddenly open, so it didn’t mean to throw it. Seeing that it had hit someone, it was more or less uneasy. After all, they were innocent people who had been caught in the crossfire.

That person clearly had a chance to Dodge, but in the end, he didn ‘t. Perhaps he was the kind of person who hesitated for a long time whether to Dodge left or right when he saw a car coming head-on …

However, when fina saw the two people walking in against the light, the little sense of guilt disappeared. It stared at them warily because they were really strange. They didn’t look like humans, and they didn’t have the scent of humans.

[Navigation elf]:”I’m sorry. This cat has a bad temper. Why don’t you look at the other pets?” There are many other types of pets in this shelter. Generally speaking, there are two types. One type is a physical pet that needs to eat, drink, and poop. They are pets that have existed in human history, but this type of pet is not popular in our simulated human world. They are very dirty and smelly. The other type is an imaginary pet that doesn’t need to eat, drink, and poop. They are relatively better in terms of hygiene. This cat belonged to the former.

Fina was furious. It had lived for so long, and this was the first time it had heard someone say that it was dirty and smelly.

But what could he do if he was angry? It couldn’t hit this hateful ball of light at all.

“There’s no need,” one of the human replicas said.”We like this cat. If we can’t even tame a cat, how can we talk about taming a human?”

Fina sneered. Taming humans was a task that her family had long completed, but they dared to say that they wanted to tame it. They were really not afraid of the wind biting their tongues!

It couldn’t deal with that ball of light, but it couldn’t deal with these two monsters that could be hit by the jewelry?

Therefore, it bent its back and was ready to pounce on them and scratch their faces until they were all blooming. It would show them what it was made of and see if they would still dare to speak arrogantly in the future.

However, just as it was about to pounce, it suddenly noticed that the man-like human replica was secretly making a small gesture of hiding with the ball of light behind it. It wasn’t a secret signal to it, but … It was quietly stuffing a string of shiny jewelry into the crotch of the one-piece suit, not caring about how scary it was.

Fina was dumbfounded. So this person didn’t avoid the jewelry on purpose just to steal it?

It used a lot of strength when it threw the jewelry, and the jewelry flew very fast. At first, the man wanted to Dodge it instinctively, but when he saw that the jewelry was priceless, he instantly changed his mind. He risked being hit and secretly caught one of the strings, and he caught the seemingly most valuable one among the dazzling string of jewelry.


This kind of behavior that valued money over life reminded it of a person.

It stared at the monster suspiciously and looked at him repeatedly. The more it looked at him, the more … Suspicious his behavior was, the words he said were evasive, and his eyes were always on the jewelry in the celestial Palace.

[Navigation elf] said,”well said, guest!” We human simulation should have this kind of backbone! Then please take it away, but this cat may not be willing to go with you. I can help you find a collar that can restrict its movement.

The human replica who was secretly hiding the jewelry said,””There’s no need for the collar. We want to try. If it doesn’t work, we’ll come to you.”

[Navigation elf]:

“Little cat, let’s go home.” The man waved at fina.

Fina hated being called a kitten, but it suppressed its anger and walked over obediently, only glaring at the man.

The navigation elf said,”then, take care, Dear Customer. You can come to us at any time if you have any questions. If you need a collar that can restrict your movements, we can send it to your house at any time.”

“Wait a minute, we still want to adopt some more pets. We don’t have any children at the moment, so the house can be more lively.” The two human replicas held each other’s hands and looked at each other intimately.

The [navigation elf] was speechless.

“Can’t I?” One of them asked eagerly,”or do you need additional procedures?”

Navigation elf: “there’s no rule that states that you can only adopt one pet. I just happened to have recycled a batch of pets recently. Please follow me.”

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