Chapter 1705: A story that never ends

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Zian’s story was very interesting to all the adults present. The staff slowed down the rate at which they poured water, not wanting to miss the details of the story. Little celery was even more fascinated.

The reason for this was, of course, because the story itself was excellent. It was a fable about life and was praised as a picture book that was loved by adults and children and surpassed the times. It described life, death, and love, and it was a famous work that you wouldn’t get tired of even if you read it a million times. Next, Zhang Zian replaced part of the story with the elves in the Pet Shop, making up a half-true, half-false background story for them. Little celery was very familiar with them, and immediately had a strong sense of immersion.

While little celery and the others were still grieving for the blue cat that was determined to save all stray cats, Zhang Zian continued to pull them into another story.

“It died, and then it came back to life. This time, it was also living in another era, in another country.”

Everyone thought that he was going to use snowy Lionet as a template to tell the story of the white cat, or Galaxy as a template to tell the story of the black and white kitten. After all, they were the only two special cats left in the shop. Snowy Lionet was eager to try, baring its fangs and claws, and strongly expressed that it wanted to appear on camera, or else it would make him bleed in his crotch.

Zhang Zian pretended that he didn’t see snowy Lionet’s hint. He turned to look at the other pet and said unexpectedly,””This time, it’s the cat of an United States movie director. It’s covered in black and yellow. It’s not an expensive cat breed, but it’s full of love for film performances.”

In order to dispel Cai meiwen’s worries, famous stayed on the upper floor of the stairwell, lying quietly.

“Film performances are very hard, and because there are no stars in animal films, the funding is limited, so the animals always have to go into action themselves and challenge some difficult and dangerous actions. The rewards they get are far less than that of human actors. It worked hard on the set just to see the children’s smiling faces in front of the screen. ”

“Then, there was an accident during a filming. It was seriously injured and couldn’t be treated. The film director had buried it in Hollywood’s eternal Cemetery. Other than its name on the tombstone, its epitaph read: An actor. Even though the epitaph is only four short words, it is the greatest praise for it. ”

Only then did Cai meiwen notice the group photos hanging on the wall. They were all group photos of famous with European movie celebrities and Chinese movie actors. It had even been received by the leaders of Binhai city. The one in the middle was a photo of it standing in the middle of the stage and receiving an award.

Even if she didn’t pay much attention to entertainment news, she had heard that a dog movie King had appeared in Binhai city and caused a sensation. Could it be the German Shepherd that she had regarded as a dangerous person? If that was the case, it would be too awkward …

In addition to the death scenes and pointing at a dog as a cat, little celery and the staff all looked at famous with respect.

Little celery’s school had once organized a group to watch dog Warrior in the cinema. At the end of the movie, the naughty boys were excited, and several of them were determined to get into military school or Police School to protect their country, while the girls were crying for the injured police dogs.

Although famous had written its own death in the story, it was not angry at all, nor did it feel that it was unlucky. Instead, it felt that it was hard to find a soulmate. If it died one day, such an epitaph was enough.

Old time tea and Vladimir were also not angry. They both felt that the death scene that Zhang Zian had fabricated was full of poetry and beauty, and it could be said that they had died for a good reason.

Whether it was on the top of a mountain or under the sunflowers of Russia’s national flower, it was the best place to bury one’s bones.

Even fina wasn’t angry, because it felt like it had already died once in the Golden Pyramid.

“It died, and then it came back to life. This time, it was also living in another era, in another country.”

The cat’s million lives continued.

With the experience of the previous cat, everyone knew that the prototype of the protagonist in the story was not limited to the cats in the shop.

“This time, it’s a Denmark internet celebrity cat. It’s not that busy, and unlike other cats who hate water, it’s a Turkey van Cat that likes water by nature. As long as it’s at home, it’s willing to stay in the bathtub all day.”

The staff looked at each other, wondering which cat this was. Was it little Snow’s snowball? After all, snowy was a very popular live-streaming internet celebrity, but he had never heard that her snowball liked to play in water.

Sihwa, who was on the second floor, suddenly held her breath.

“It likes to sing and has an unparalleled sweet voice. It is said that when it sings, even the nearby fish will be attracted to it and listen to it. Although humans couldn’t understand what it was singing, it had become a popular cat on the internet, even more famous than its owner. Gradually, it was no longer satisfied with the narrow bathtub. The vast blue ocean filled its heart, and it always sneaked to the beach to play with the fish in the sea. ”

Zhang Zian looked at the curtain Door that was crackling under the rain.”One day, there was a storm in the sea. It was fiercer than today’s Typhoon. It was swept into the depths of the sea by the storm and never surfaced again. From then on, its owner would come to the beach on that day every year and throw the memorial letters from netizens all over the world into the sea, asking the sea to pass on their grief. ”

Little celery hugged her mother tightly, as if she was afraid that she would be swept away by the terrible storm.

Cai meiwen and the staff sighed. A good swimmer had drowned. No matter what, this cat had finally gotten what it wanted and was now in the arms of the sea forever.

Sihwa remembered that when she first appeared in this world, she almost froze to death in the Baltic Sea in winter. If she had died at that time, she would never have had the chance to become an internet celebrity.

“It died, and then it came back to life. This time, it was also living in another era, in another country.”

Zhang Zian looked at Richard. The usually noisy guy was unusually quiet today.

“This time, it’s an United States zoologist’s cat. It has been living in the laboratory since it was born, cooperating with the zoologist to explore the intelligence of animals through a series of experiments.”

The staff did not know about Richard’s past. They thought that Richard was just an ordinary gray parrot. After all, gray parrots all looked the same, but they were very smart, even though they always used their intelligence on the wrong things.

“Becoming an experimental subject means that it has to cooperate with all kinds of strange testing methods that humans have come up with. It was very smart. After all, it was a cat that had lived for a million times. It often surprised the zoologists and assistants in experiments. They even felt the need to redefine the intelligence of cats. However, it’s because it likes zoologists that it’s so hardworking. It wants to make zoologists happy, so it constantly excavates its potential. ”

“One day, perhaps because it had been living in the laboratory for a long time, its body’s resistance to bacteria decreased. It fell sick, a very serious illness. Even the best veterinarian couldn’t cure it. It died, but the zoologists didn’t leave it in the laboratory. Instead, they brought it back to their home and buried it in their courtyard. It could be with the zoologists forever. ”

Everyone thought of the white mice in the laboratory and the beagles that had become human test subjects. It was because of the existence of these animals that human medicine continued to advance and human lifespans continued to be extended. They had used their lives to exchange for human lives. Of course, human beings should pay tribute to these animals who had sacrificed themselves for science.

Except for referring to a bird as a cat, the story was almost the same as Richard’s own experience. It was as if he had returned to the laboratory, overcoming difficulties together with the doctor.

“It died, and then it came back to life. This time, it was also living in another era, in another country.”

Zhang Zian looked at Fati again. The latter was also lying on the stairs, quietly looking at him.

“This time, it was the cat of an ancient European priest. It and the missionaries had abandoned their wealth and lived a very simple life, often traveling mountains and rivers on an empty stomach. In the ancient times when the plague spread, it and the priests risked being infected by the disease, walked among the sick to serve them, performed acrobatics for them, and made them forget their pain. No matter how poor or difficult it is, it and the priests are always optimistic and bring joy to everyone. ”

“One day, they encountered a landslide. It was unfortunately hit by a falling rock and died. The priests buried it in the church’s graveyard so that it could listen to the heavenly voice of the choir every day and enjoy eternal joy and peace. ”

Fati squinted its eyes in relief. This was the best ending for it.

Although Cai meiwen and the staff were not religious, no matter what the purpose was, what the cat did was no different from that of a noble medical worker, and it deserved people’s gratitude.

“It died, and then it came back to life. This time, it was also living in another era, in another country.”

Zhang Zian finally looked at snowy Lionet, who had been impatient for a long time.

“This time, it’s the cat of an ancient China Princess, who lives in a Royal Garden all day long. The palace was as deep as the sea and heavily guarded. It couldn’t leave even if it wanted to. Moreover, it had experienced so much hardship and it should rest. Its fur is as long as the ground and its fur is whiter than snow. It is extremely loved by the princess and the palace maids, and they play with it every day without any worries. ”

Obviously, compared to the cats that people couldn’t figure out, this cat’s prototype was definitely snowy Lionet. It was also the beauty of the Pet Shop, and even the Ragdoll cat that was popular paled in comparison.

Cai meiwen said that she didn’t have a pet, but when she followed everyone’s gaze and saw the snow Lion, her maiden heart, which had not been there for a long time, began to stir. If there hadn’t been an argument just now, she really wanted to buy it home. After all, every woman once had a princess dream.

Snowy Lionet was elated. Living in a Palace full of young girls and having the princess as its backer, it was like living the life of a God!

“However, one day, the peaceful life suddenly came to an end. Without it realizing it, this country was invaded by foreigners, the Imperial City fell, and people were burned, killed, and plundered everywhere. The barbarians only knew about gold, silver, and jewelry. They didn’t know about the four Arts, nor did they know how to appreciate beauty. They burned down the Imperial Palace. It was separated from the princess and was killed by a fierce-looking barbarian. The collapsed Palace and ashes buried it. ”

“Meow meow meow?” snowy Lionet asked.

The cat in this story was very ordinary. It had not done anything earth-shattering, touching, and tearful, but it was plain and ordinary. It was because of its ordinary nature that people paid more attention to the background of the era and imagined the painful history of the country’s destruction.

“It died, and then it came back to life. This time, it was also living in another era, in another country.”

Before everyone could recover from the vicissitudes of history, the cat’s story continued.

Zhang Zian looked at the stairs again, at Pi, who was next to famous. He could only see it from his position.

“This time, it’s a writer’s cat. The author is a homebody, except for necessary activities. This cat is also a homebody, so they are a perfect match. ”

The cat surprised the staff again. They exchanged glances and asked each other if Zhang Zian had found out that they were secretly writing a novel.

“It watched the author type in front of the computer every day and began to imitate it. It used its claws to tap on the keyboard continuously until one day, it could finally type out meaningful words. The author bought it a computer and it began to work hard, writing out the million lives it had experienced and the million stories it had told. It wanted to share these stories with a million people. ”

Pi’s eyes grew brighter. If it were that cat, it would have done the same.

“The author read the story and found it very interesting. He illustrated it and made a picture book for the publisher, which was published smoothly. The title was ‘the cat that lived a million times’. The children who see these picture books love them very much and always look forward to the publication of the next book. ”

“However, a million stories were too long. It wrote and wrote, from young to old, from youth to old age, but it still didn’t finish. One day, it fell asleep in front of the keyboard and never woke up again. The author buried it together with the published picture book, so that it can reminisce about the million lives it has lived. ”

This story was a mix of reality and fiction, which made little celery almost breathless. Even Cai meiwen and the staff couldn’t tell which was reality and which was fiction.

“This story is over?” Little celery asked eagerly. She was deeply attracted to the story, just like those children who looked forward to the next picture book being published. She hoped that the story would never end.

Zhang Zian shook his head and gave her a meaningful smile,”No, not yet. Just when it thought that everything was over, it came back to life again. It was also living in another era, in another country. ”

He looked at Galaxy again.”This time, it’s the cat of an Austria physicist.”

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