Pet King

Chapter 1467: The Prophet

Chapter 1467: The Prophet

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Although Zhang Zian vaguely understood what happened, but he could do very little to affect it because such a major event required irrefutable evidence before he spoke out.

The so-called concrete and irrefutable evidence were to prove that the Leshi dog food contained meat of diseased deer, along with the fact that the dog’s food might’ve caused spongiform encephalopathy and that the coyote that eats sick deer meat can also be infected...

However, these were too difficult to prove. The scientific experiment, as performed by Canadian researchers, was to feed monkeys only venison while excluding other foods that might’ve interfered, and then observe and record it over time. This ensured that the monkeys didn’t come into contact with other wild animals, which might’ve had the possibility of affecting the results. The results obtained in such a manner would’ve then had a certain level of credibility. Additionally, the researchers themselves must’ve had the appropriate education and qualifications to support their findings. Otherwise, who would admit and validate their results if they were unqualified?

Prion protein wasn’t a virus or a bacterium. The only way to diagnose deer, cattle or other animals with infectious spongiform encephalopathy was to perform a cranial autopsy on them.

Before he came to the United States, he inquired that the people who were suffering from strange diseases at the waste acquisition station were still being treated in the hospital and weren’t dead. Of course, it was impossible to call for a cranial autopsy to observe whether their brains had signs of spongiform encephalopathy. The process was extremely inhumane and thus would’ve never been done.”read comics on our”

Additionally, “aggressive” behavior was difficult to define because most of the previously identified infected animals were mild herbivores such as cows, sheep, and deer. The herbivores themselves weren’t very aggressive, and infection would’ve only made them behave abnormally. They may have done unexpected things that could’ve been easily mistaken for offensiveness, but this was said to be purely rumored.

He didn’t witness what happened to those people at the waste acquisition station but merely listened to the reports. Their scientific knowledge was close to zero, and many descriptions added hype and doubts about the credibility of the reports.

However, Zhang Zian saw that San Francisco’s coyotes alone became more aggressive and attacked people, which was also evidenced by Father Yang.

The middle-aged woman seemed to have finally persuaded the old lady to stop buying wild venison, but she decided to buy ordinary venison that was produced on the farm.

The venison produced by the farm wasn’t completely insured because the virus had an incubation period. The safest option was to not eat venison at all.

The emu was also killed during the incubation period. It was estimated that 15,000 infected deer unknowingly entered human stomachs every year, and this number would continue to increase.

Snowy Lionet picked at the corner of Zhang Zian’s trousers and urged him to buy the meat quickly before everyone bought everything else.

“Give me a pound of wild mountain pork meat,” He told the staff as he glanced at the other salivating elves before adding, “Another roast turkey... as well.”

Snowy Lionet was very satisfied, but when she saw that he walked out of the shop immediately after buying the wild pork without planning to buy wild venison, she suddenly pulled a long face. She was lucky that there was wild pork or she could barely hold back her temper.

After leaving the store, Snowy Lionet grabbed the corner of his trousers, “Hey, stop right there! Why didn’t you buy the venison? I haven’t tasted it yet!”

As people passed by them, it became inconvenient for Zhang Zian to speak, and he brought the elves to a quiet street corner and told them what he had just found.

“So it is like that ...” Old Time Tea nodded, “Behind the walls, gentlemen are safe, but there is no guarantee that they will not be dangerous.”

“Well, the safety of venison in farms depends on the quarantine efforts and isolation measures in the farms because studies have shown that whilst free-range deer herds have a 30% chance of infection, captive deer herds have a maximum of 100%. The possibility of infection is high; if there is a deer infection on the farm, no deer can run away. In this case, the venison from the farm cannot be completely reassured, and it’s not worth taking such a big risk to solve your hunger problem... though it doesn’t matter since you don’t use your brain,” Zhang Zian said.

Angered, Snowy Lionet said, “What! What does the last sentence mean?”

“Nothing, do you want to eat now or wait until we go back?” He picked up the pork and shook it in front of her.

“Humph, we go back and wait we eat again, the outside is too dirty!” Snowy Lionet said as if being hypnotized by mountain pork, her attention successfully diverted.

San Francisco on its own was dirty and messy, but Chinatown was even worse. Although there weren’t as many homeless people and feces outside, there was a lot of garbage thrown away by people; it really could cause one to lose their appetite.

He carried the pork and roast turkey and proceeded forward with the elves.

There weren’t many tall and spectacular sights in Chinatown. He came here purely to feel the style of the old times and eat special food.

As he walked around, it seemed that a group of people surrounded something in front as if watching a lively scene.

Were they playing chess?

In Chinatown, there were always old men who had nothing to do. When they were bored and set up a chess game, they attracted many other idle old men who gathered to give pointers to the players.


Famous inhaled the air from his nose and stopped everyone.

“What happened?”

“That smell... it’s familiar,” Famous stared at the crowd in doubt, “It came from the crowd, but... that person shouldn’t be here.”

“Who?” Zhang Zian wondered.

Richard fluttered his wings and flew up, circled high, then fell back onto Zhang Zian’s shoulders before he shaking his head and eagerly spoke up.

Zhang Zian tore off the string tied around his beak. “Who is it?”

“Quack! You won’t believe who is ahead,” It lowered his voice mysteriously, “You can see them if you look over the crowd. But I advised you to enter the village quietly without shooting.”

Zhang Zian perked up. Using the cover of the pedestrians and surrounding shops, he quietly walked to the periphery of the crowd and walked up to a window, pretending to be looking at the goods behind it. He then adjusted his angle and looked at the crowd through the reflection in the glass.

“Everyone, you must believe me. The calamity is imminent. The natural plague is about to sweep the entire world. By then, there will be sorrows and pain, and no one can possibly go through it alone. The things you cherish will disappear... The only way to survive this catastrophe is to transform yourself and evolve to a higher level so that you can avoid disaster and survive.”

The clear and slightly hoarse Mandarin came from the center of the crowd.

Zhang Zian trembled in his place, almost throwing the turkey and bacon onto the ground.

What the?! This voice...

“We at the Institute of Cosmic Information have decrypted the information from the universe, foreseeing the coming of this catastrophe in advance, and are now doing our best to save the world.” The tall Peter Lee opened his arms wide with a smile and looked around. “Come, join us.”

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