Pet King

Chapter 1404: I Can’t Take It Anymore

Chapter 1404: I Can’t Take It Anymore

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The two big dogs haven’t been trained professionally. This made them even more dangerous since they weren’t to attack the target’s arms and legs and avoid the torso, head, and neck. This was to limit the target’s actions, so even if professional police dogs are fierce, there was a limit to the damage that they will make. It would only hurt but not kill. It was hard to say if the same applied to untrained dogs.

Seeing that the two big dogs were barking loudly and rushing to him, Zhang Zian was also panicking. How did the situation get so out of hand? Nevertheless, he was still able to recite a poem.

When faced with stray dogs, a person generally shouldn’t turn around and run. Once he started running, the dogs would chase him. However, should he then not run and wait to be bitten?

Even a heavyweight boxing world champion could only turn around when faced with two angry big dogs. It was impossible to beat them, and it wasn’t worth fighting them.

Humans were only above other species because they could use their brains.

He chose not to escape in a straight line. Two legs couldn’t outrun four legs, and the dogs would soon catch up with him. He could only use the surrounding terrain and obstacles to run around in a circle.

The small truck that the couple drove in was not far away. Zhang Zian run a few steps, rushed to the front of the car and pressed his hands on the bonnet. Then, he used the momentum to jump onto the hood.

The hood wasn’t safe, so he jumped further to the top of the driver’s seat before rolling over to the top of the boot.

The two big dogs caught up quickly, easily jumped onto the hood, and then stood up with the two front legs on the upper edge of the hood, intending to jump up.

Zhang Zian certainly couldn’t wait for them to catch up. Once they stuck their heads out, he threw his shoes towards their noses.

A dog’s nose was very sensitive and fragile. The nerves, blood vessels, and cartilage were concentrated there along with their precious olfactory receptors.

The best way for ordinary people to deal with wild dogs was to stick the dog’s nose with sticks. If you miss, that would’ve been another story. If you didn’t miss, the dog would stop wagging its tail and contemplate its own life regardless of how fierce it was. Even the legendary pit bull that was rumored to be not afraid of pain was no exception.

When raising or training a dog, one should never hit its nose even if the dog made a big mistake or didn’t change its behavior. Not only would this cause permanent damage, but it would also leave a psychological scar that is difficult to erase.

Of course, there weren’t many people who could instantly strike down their target with one throw. Zhang Zian didn’t have a stick in his hand, but he took advantage of the geography. He had the height difference and was leaning against the top of the car. He took the opportunity to aim well and managed to strike one of the dog’s nose.

If the dog was dashing towards someone, it would’ve been extremely difficult to use their leg to kick a dog’s nose. Even if they did hit it, the force might’ve not been strong enough.

The dog groaned in pain and jumped off the car after calming down. If a strong stick was used, the dog would’ve instantly lost its will to fight.

The situation was slightly better with only one dog left, but his next move was still critical. If Zhang Zian used the same method to strike the second dog’s nose, he would’ve likely missed since he already lost his chance to do so. Instead, the dog wouldn’t let go and bite hard on his foot whilst vigorously turning its head from left to right to drag him off the roof.

Zhang Zian laid on his back with his hands on the sides of the roof and used the other leg to kick the dog’s head. However, he didn’t do much damage to the dog; his posture was wrong and made it difficult to generate any power.

After his poem, a series of meows suddenly sounded around him. However, he was completely unaware of this and instead concentrated on the two big dogs at the time.

There were several stray cats on the surrounding roofs and walls, trained to surround the venue and ignore the humans running around in a panic. Instead, they were all focused on the two big dogs.

The dog that was kicked by Zhang Zian wasn’t seriously injured since his foot wasn’t as strong as a stick. However, it didn’t dare provoke Zhang Zian again but instead stared at the monkeys. It began salivating at the sight of the little monkey covered in tempting duck feet sauce.

It howled, but not as fiercely as before. Even so, it was still enough to scare the four older monkeys.

The older monkeys retreated to the side, leaving only the little monkey with the hair on its body unkempt, staring at the big dog.

The big dog showed its fangs and was about to rush to taste the duck. Suddenly, its hind leg was scratched. Since the dog had almost no hair, that scratch left a few bloody marks.

First, its nose got kicked. Now, its leg got scratched. The big dog couldn’t take it anymore. His hind leg was already somewhat in pain. When it turned around, It saw that it was surrounded by a few cats.

Usually, these stray cats would’ve turned around and ran upon seeing it. However, today was different.

Not waiting for it to understand, its other hind leg was scratched again. It turned out another cat had quietly gone around it.

The stray cats didn’t fight directly against it. They instead kept on turning left to right, making the dog confused with all that head-turning and moving to exhaust it. Its body was covered in blood marks, its turning speed beginning to get slower...

The little monkey watched anxiously. After a while, it looked at the big dog, then looked up at Zhang Zian who was stuck on the roof. It didn’t know what to do.

At this time, a furry paw rested on its shoulder.


The little monkey was shocked and jumped to the side as if he were a frightened bird. Looking back, behind it was only a blue-gray cat and a Russian blue cat.

The little monkey caressed his chest and heaved a sigh of relief; it finally found its teammates.

The blue-gray cat clenched its front paw as if to say, “Where there is oppression, there is resistance!”

The little monkey was a little bit stunned and turned to see the toy keyboard on the table.

The big dog that had dominated earlier was now made dizzy by the stray cats. Coupled with some blood loss and a painful nose, its steps grew weary until it was almost unable to stand still.


At this time, the big dog was provoked by the sound of the little monkey behind him. Its sense of panic quickly transformed into one of rage. ‘Forget being bullied by a bunch of evil stray cats. How dare this mere little monkey insult me further? I may not be able to bite these crafty cats, but I can still bite this monkey. It will be so much more satisfying!’ he thought.

It mastered all its strength and suddenly turned around to bite the little monkey.

It expected the little monkey to be goating and dancing around arrogantly instead of defending against it if it suddenly turned around.

However, it had just turned around when it saw flowers all over.

The little monkey, who was always perceived to be weak and easily bullied, held the toy keyboard in both hands and used all its strength to slap its nose!


The big dog screamed as its nose bled massively. It swayed around before laying flat on the ground.

The toy keyboard was smashed into two under the severe impact, and several keys rolled off it and towards the men whose nose was bleeding along with his dog.

He and the woman looked down and couldn’t help but widen their eyes as the monkey finally made another meaningful word by neatly arranging several keys to read: F, U, C, K, Y, O, U.

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