Pet King

Chapter 1621 - The Prophet and Saint

Chapter 1621: The Prophet and Saint

Fati knew nothing about Chinese martial arts. When it watched the fight between old time tea and Amir, it only felt that it was very magical. The way they used their strength was completely different from the fighting style of Western Warriors. It was both gorgeous and strange, as if each move contained countless follow-up moves. The flexibility of a cat’s body made their martial arts level far beyond the limit of human beings. Fati’s eyes could not even keep up with their movements.

However, Fati had a strong perception. Perhaps it was because it had a lot of experience in hunting in the wild, but it actually found some animal shadows in old time tea and Amir’s moves. It seemed that these moves were improved by humans after imitating the movements of animals, including cats, snakes, Lions, Eagles, and other fierce beasts. This was Fati’s best field.

Ever since it appeared in the city of St. Francisco, Fati noticed that it was no longer in its original era. It was very different in all aspects, one of which was the wilderness. The wilderness of this era was very desolate, while the wilderness of its era was full of danger. All kinds of beasts wandered in the dark, including some beasts that had quietly become extinct in the modern era. Even it had to tuck its tail between its legs and act like a Wolf. There were also bandits gathering in the mountains, burning, pillaging, and doing all kinds of evil.

Fati had fought with all kinds of beasts, so it could see the shadows of the animals in Chinese martial arts at a glance. It had initially formulated a countermeasure, but it never expected miezha to rush up and fight with it in a way that would cause both sides to suffer. The way miezha fought was rough and unrefined, like a village man hugging, throwing, scratching, biting, and punching. It was simply a surprise to Fati!

As the saying goes, a chaotic punch can kill an old master. Caught off guard, the Fati suffered a few hits and was scratched with a few bloody marks. With the advantage of his body size and weight, he could still hold on for the moment.

Under the storm-like attacks, the pushing spell retreated continuously to avoid being hugged by the other party. Because once the two of them hugged each other, no matter how exquisite the move was, it would be useless. Then, they could only instinctively bite each other’s neck and see who would bite the other to death first.

Fati didn’t know why Mieza chose this strategy. It was because Fati would definitely have the absolute advantage in a neck-biting competition. Whether it was the length, sharpness or bite force of its teeth, it would never lose to a cat. It was confident that it could bite the enemy to death first.

Of course, under the enemy’s counterattack, it would also be injured, but not to the extent of death.

It was because it was too easy that it was suspicious. Why would miezha choose such a suicidal attack?

Before it could figure out the problem, it would rather be at a disadvantage of being beaten.

Before it met Zhang Zian, when it led the Wolf Pack and confronted the cat Pack, it had deeply felt the other party’s slyness, so it was more careful.

“Is that all you’ve got? Did your master only teach you this much? Or do you plan to be like your useless master, hiding for the rest of your life, wasting your life on insignificant things, and finally die a tragic death like an old dog?” Miezha used physical attacks and verbal attacks at the same time, trying to provoke Fati, just like how it had provoked fina.

Fati’s life and experience were different from fina ‘s, so its personality was also different. It did not have Fina’s arrogance, and its feelings for its master were not like Fina’s attachment, but more like ... A fellow Taoist. Therefore, miezha’s words were ineffective against Fati. Its master’s glorious and great life had long been concluded, and the slander of a heretic cat was insignificant.

To settle the matters of the church and win fame in life and death. He chose the path he wanted and stuck to it for his whole life. He had many followers when he was alive and was widely recognized after his death. Even his enemies recognized him as an impeccable Saint, a near-perfect person. Even today, there was a prosperous Super City named after him ... What could be more fortunate than this?

Due to the lack of information, Fina’s master had been controversial. Therefore, fina was very sensitive to remarks that slandered her and could not tolerate it. However, it was different for the Fati. Its master ... No, its brother was an indisputable Saint!

Fati suddenly thought it through. It remembered those strange cats that had been resurrected from the dead. If those cats were resurrected because of miaizha’s power, then miaizha, who was the source, might also have the ability to resurrect!

It all made sense now. Why would miezha use such a brutal method of exchanging a life for a life ... It was because it could be resurrected, but the law could not.

Fati was different from fina and Vladimir. It knew that a person had been resurrected 2000 years ago, so it naturally accepted the possibility of resurrection.

After understanding the cause and effect, fa Xiu was even more vigilant and did not allow miezha to get close to him, but he still had no idea how to defeat miezha.

The reaction speed and dynamic vision of canines were inherently inferior to that of felines, and this gap would not be erased even after becoming an elfin. In the face of the enemy’s truly crazy attacks, the law attribute could not avoid all the attacks and could only fight and retreat. It had already suffered several injuries. If this battle of attrition continued, it would also lose without a doubt.

“My brother, please give me strength and help me defeat the evil demon!”

It had no other choice but to pray.

“Forget your faith! Your faith can’t protect you!” Miaizha laughed wildly and increased his attack in an attempt to disrupt its prayer.

The Fati was unmoved. It had undergone a harsher test. The enemy’s attack would not distract it. Once the prayer began, it would not stop until it achieved its goal.

It prayed even louder, and its eyes seemed to penetrate the dark night sky and the dirty clouds to see him in the sky.

“Evil demons appear in all kinds of forms. Sometimes they are human, sometimes they are non-human. The best way to defeat them is personal sacrifice and unremitting efforts!”

“My brother! When I need it, please give me strength! You are my shelter, my power. I fear nothing, because you are with me!”

Fati’s prayers seemed to be of no use. There were more and more injuries on its body, and more and more blood was flowing out, but it was still praying, burning its own life like a candle.

Blood flowed down from its back, from its four limbs, through its left rib and four feet, leaving blood stains on the ground.

On his left rib and four legs, the five originally light red scars became unusually distinct after being stained with blood. These five places were clearly uninjured, but it seemed as if blood was about to gush out.

Personal sacrifice and unremitting efforts were the only way to win the favor of God. This was God’s trial for people, or else they could not prove their piety.

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