Pet King

Chapter 1548 - -Wolf’s Trail

Chapter 1548: Chapter 1548-Wolf’s Trail

The image of the canine’s moonhowl had already formed a rigid impression in people’s hearts through movies, animations, comics, and other media. It could be imagined without any description.

Not only coyotes and wolves, but even pet dogs such as the Husky sometimes did the same. Of course, when the Husky howled at the moon, it was not as domineering as its ancestors. Instead, it would be beaten up by its owner for disturbing the people ...

As nocturnal animals, wolves and coyotes don’t have any special meaning to their moonhowl. It’s just a means of communication between their companions. Their windpipes are fully opened, allowing air to pass through their vocal cords at high speed. Of course, it’s better to raise their heads. I’ve never seen any singer with their head down when singing.

Due to the ancient people’s fear of wolves, they imagined the scene of the wolves barking at the moon. This led to a series of mysterious legends, such as werewolves transforming on the night of a full moon, which were all nonsense.

However, one thing was for sure. The wolves howled at night to contact their companions.

The black wolfdog’s long howl clearly ordered the Coyotes to prepare to attack. The Coyotes responded to their leader with a long howl, indicating that they were ready.

It happened to be a full moon night today, and he was alone in the forest surrounded by a group of coyotes. The continuous howls were really creepy.

Zhang Zian was already mentally prepared to call the Elfins up the trees to take shelter. He didn’t want to confront the Coyotes directly to avoid being infected by diseases. As for the deer, although he was also very sorry, the law of the jungle in the forest Park was a part of the ecosystem. Coyotes and deer play their respective roles in the ecosystem.

However, he and the Coyotes didn’t expect that there would be another wolf howl in the forest. The previously arrogant coyotes suddenly shriveled up like frost eggplants.

The howl of a coyote was relatively short, far less long than that of a real Wolf. It was easy to hear the difference between the two. Even if you didn’t know which wolf howl it was, at least you knew that it was definitely not a coyote.

The black wolfdog’s howl was to contact its companions, so what was this howl for? It was obviously to contact his companions.

Zhang Zian was surprised at first, then he was both happy and sad. He secretly motioned the Elfins to calm down and wait to see what happened.

Wolves are the natural enemies of coyotes and often hunt them for food. However, due to the consideration of human safety and the protection of animal husbandry, the number of wolves in North America has been reduced sharply. Coyotes have no natural enemies to restrict them, and their number has soared to the extent of flooding.

In recent years, scientists have been breeding gray wolves in some national parks in the United States to control the number of coyotes, and they have achieved good results.

Could it be that the wolves had reappeared in the redwood forest?

Whether it was in terms of size, feral nature, or team cooperation, wolves were the Super-enhanced version of coyotes. A Wolf Pack facing a coyote pack was the same as a coyote pack facing a deer pack. It was basically a one-sided slaughter.

Therefore, when this group of coyotes heard the howl of their natural enemy, they were suddenly scared and kept quiet out of fear. Some coyotes were hoarse halfway through their howl and did not dare to howl again, while more coyotes whimpered like frightened puppies.

Even the black wolfdog leader had its tail between its legs, and its body seemed to have shrunk. It looked around in panic, not bothering to attack Zhang Zian and the others.

Famous, who had been on full alert, seemed to have awakened the wild genes flowing in its blood after hearing the distant wolf howl. It felt as if there was something in its chest that it had to spit out. It could only resist the desire to howl because it knew that it was not a Wolf or a coyote. It could not lower its status and howl blindly with these wild animals.

When Zhang Zian first found the coyote, he had already added a lot of dead branches to the bonfire. At this time, the newly added dead branches were all ignited. He held the one that had not yet caught fire and threw The Burning Dead branches in all directions. He did not expect to burn the coyote, but to expand the safety zone.

Wherever the dead branch was thrown, the Coyotes there would retreat out of fear of the fire, and the encirclement that had already been set up became scattered.

As the leader, the black wolfdog judged the situation and wisely judged that it had lost the possibility of attacking. If it attacked, not only would it face the tenacious resistance of this human, but it might also be attacked by the wolves behind it at any time ... In the worst case scenario, the entire pack of wolves might be annihilated, roasted by the charcoal fire, or become food for their natural enemies.

Helplessly, it let out a short low roar at the Coyotes. The Coyotes, as if they had been pardoned, followed it into the forest with their tails between their legs and quickly disappeared.

Other than the lingering smell of the coyote, it was as if nothing had happened.

The sudden end of the crisis left the elves at a loss.

“Kaka! What about the Coyotes? If you have the guts, then come over. I’ll fight you for 300 rounds!”

Hearing that the Coyotes have retreated, Richard, who had been hiding somewhere, jumped out and shouted again, with shit and urine hanging on his butt.

“Come on! If you want to fight, you can. Although the Coyotes are gone, there may still be gray wolves. ” Zhang Zian grabbed its neck.”Don’t treat your words as farts!”

“Gah? Gray ... Gray wolf? I’m not afraid. Other bird owners call me gray machine. I’m from the same family as gray wolf. Gray wolf doesn’t eat gray machine, hahahaha!” Richard was already so scared that he was incoherent, but he still tried to act tough.

“Zian,” old time tea said worriedly,”that was a wolf howl. I’m going to investigate nearby. If it’s really a Wolf Pack, we have to be careful.”

Old time tea had seen wolves attack livestock and pedestrians before, so it knew how terrible the most disciplined animals were when they moved in groups. Only a few animals could resist them.

He shook his head slightly.”It doesn’t look like it. If it was a Wolf Pack, it shouldn’t be just a howl. Even if there are wolves in the mahogany forest, there won’t be too many of them. I think that howling sounds more like they’re looking for their companions. ”

There were no hints or warnings about wolves in the visitor center of the forest Park. This might be because there were too few wolves in the forest, or maybe the staff didn’t know that the wolves had returned to the forest. After all, wolves had suffered a great loss from humans, so they generally hid from humans. Moreover, in the depths of the forest where few people visited, even the park staff rarely came in.

A few wolves were nothing to worry about.

After his analysis, old time tea felt that it made sense. There was no lack of prey in the forest Park, and wolves generally would not take the initiative to attack humans when there was other food.

Even so, they were still on guard that night. They would wake up every once in a while, as if they had not slept much.

In the end, the night passed by peacefully without any more abnormal situations.

The next morning, they packed their bags and continued on.

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