Pet King

Chapter 1525 - Ive already called the police

Chapter 1525: I’ve already called the police

If Zhang Zian’s guess was correct, the reason why Leshi dog food could be so cheap was purely because deer breeders in California were eager to get rid of their reared deer. So, even if the dog food itself was cheap, there was still profit.

Perhaps it was not just California. Due to the gradual deterioration of deer weight loss, more and more States had fallen. If the lips die, the teeth will feel the same. Many deer farms were definitely facing difficulties. In order to avoid going bankrupt, they could only sell their own deer with tears in their eyes. After selling all of them, they would either switch to other animals or simply close down.

There were 400 deer farms in Minnesota alone, which meant that there were at least a few thousand of them in the United States.

Why didn’t the other dog foods do this? This was because the ingredients of their dog food had already been set in stone, unlike Leshi, which was a new manufacturer and could take advantage of the situation.

As for the live deers sent from all over the country, only God knew if they were infected with the emaciated state.

Zhang Zian noticed that some of the deer that had been carried down from the back of the truck, although alive, looked listless. They lay in the cages with tired expressions, and the slaughterhouse accepted all of them.

After the trucks at the breeding base unloaded all the deer, they formed teams and returned the way they came.

Zhang Zian thought that the show was over and was considering whether to take back the drone. However, he saw two more cars coming from the distance. This time, it was not a truck, but an off-road vehicle.

The SUV stopped at the entrance of the slaughterhouse and the window rolled down. The security guard seemed to know the person in the car and let the SUV in without even checking the documents.

The man who came out of the off-road vehicle made Zhang Zian hold his breath.

It was Peter Lee!

Peter Lee’s face was glowing, and he was still wearing his white suit, so even if he couldn’t see clearly, Zhang Zian still recognized him.

What was he doing here?

After Peter Lee got out of the car Mexico a few more people got out of the car. Zhang Zian recognized one of them. It was the talkative Mexican homeless man who had broken into the car and stolen the bag in sossalito. His name was Fernando or something.

At that time, Fernando said that he was going to the redwood forest in the North because someone promised to provide food and clothing for free, and he really came.

The rest of them looked timid as well as they sized up the slaughterhouse and the surrounding forest.

Peter Lee said something, and then the security guard of the slaughterhouse brought a few sets of staff uniforms for Fernando and several others to wear.

As homeless people in San Francisco, Fernando and the others also had their dignity. It was impossible for them to work, not in their lives. They didn’t know how to do business either. They could only steal cars and barely maintain their lives. If they were willing to work hard, how could they become homeless?

Although Zhang Zian could not hear what they were talking about, he could see that they had a dispute with the security guards and were unwilling to wear the staff uniform. Fernando, in particular, was furious as if he had been cheated. He took advantage of the gap and threw the staff uniform at the security guard’s face before the slaughterhouse’s door was completely closed. Then he ran away, trying to escape.

Peter Lee didn’t chase or shout. He had a calm smile on his face.

One of the security guards quickly pulled out something that looked like a gun from his waist and pulled the trigger at Fernando’s back.

Fernando had only run a few steps before he was shot in the back by something. His whole body twitched and he fell to the ground, unable to move.

It was a taser gun that often appeared in American movies. It was a kind of taser gun, a non-lethal weapon. The gun was filled with nitrogen and shot out a dart with an electrode. After hitting a human body, it could make the person lose the ability to move.

The rest of the homeless people saw it with their own eyes and knew that resistance was futile. They could only put on their employee’s uniforms obediently and enter the factory under the order of the security guards.

Zhang Zian understood. The homeless were lazy. When they heard that there was free food and drink here, they came here to eat and drink. As a result, they met a ruthless character like Peter Lee. Not only did they not get any advantage, but they also lost themselves and became free labor for the black-hearted slaughterhouse. Anyway, no one would care if these homeless people disappeared.

How should he put it, there was no free lunch in the world.

He didn’t know the laws of the United States, but even if the video recorded by the drone couldn’t prove that the slaughterhouse used infected venison, at least he could be charged for illegal detention, right?

Zhang Zian knocked on Richard’s head and asked,””Do you still remember the name of that Chatterbox? Fernando what?”

Richard tilted his head in disgust.”Don’t touch me. Do you know how many brain cells you’ve killed with that? If you knock again, I’ll be as stupid as you!”

He pretended to knock again, but Richard thought for a moment and said,””Kaka! I’ll only say it once, and you’d better remember it clearly, idiot. It’s called Fernando rambias de azwado. ”

Zhang Zian gestured for the Elfins to keep quiet, then dialed 911.

“Hello, is there an emergency?” The operator picked up the call quickly.

“Um ... I think ...” Zhang Zian wanted to say that someone was illegally detaining him, but he didn’t know how to say it, so he simply changed his words,””I want to report a kidnapping incident.”

The operator’s tone became serious.”Sir, what’s your name? Who’s been kidnapped?”

“My name is Jeff, and the one who was kidnapped was a homeless man named ... Named ... Fernando rambias de azwado, and a few of his friends.”

“Alright, Sir. Where’s your seat?”

Zhang Zian reported the slaughterhouse’s GPS coordinates and said,””This is a venison slaughterhouse in the forest. If you don’t know, you can ask the forest patrolman. They must know.”

“Alright. How are Fernando and the others?”

“I don’t know. They’ve been taken into the slaughterhouse. Please send the police over quickly.”

“The police are already on their way. Sir, is your location safe? Did you see them being kidnapped with your own eyes?”

“Yes, my position is still safe ...”

“Sir, we need you to stay in a safe place until we send the police over.”

“I know,”

As Zhang Zian was talking, he suddenly saw Peter Lee pick up his phone, as if someone was calling him.

After Peter Lee picked up the phone, he didn’t say a word. He just listened to the other party’s words. His expression quickly changed from calm to solemn. A few seconds later, he hung up and then made a powerful gesture to the security guard.

The security guard picked up the walkie-talkie and said a few words. More security guards ran out of the factory and swarmed out of the slaughterhouse’s Gate. They raised their taser guns and searched the nearby woods.

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