Pet King

Chapter 1488 - In the name of the sage

Chapter 1488: In the name of the sage

Except for the elder gray-robed man, it was the first time for the other gray-robed men and father yang to see this secret room and these two statues, but they had long heard that the Brotherhood’s sacred relic was preserved under this building. Of course, this company was used by the Brotherhood to deceive people. The employees in the company were also believers of the Brotherhood. The accounts and trade transactions were all well-documented. As long as it was not for profit, it was not difficult to maintain the self-sufficiency of a Puppet Company. All the people present stared at the statue, as if they could feel its greatness and glory even through time and space. They had seen the Sage’s face countless times in other murals and statues, but only this statue was the most loyal to the Sage’s voice and smile. Even the fine lines between his eyebrows, the folds of his robe, the hemp rope knot at his waist, and the thick calluses on his feet from long-term barefooted trekking were all displayed, as if he would come to life in the next moment and lead them to glory. The elder man in gray tottered to the side of the dark room and fumbled to press a switch. The light in the dark room turned on. Their pupils instantly contracted due to shock, and their eyes widened even more. Their knees went soft and they almost knelt down because they saw an unbelievable scene. As the light lit up, the saint’s head was also shrouded in a faint Halo. As the lights came on, the details hidden in the darkness were clearly revealed to them. There were pale red circular scars on the palms of his hands and the back of his feet. If an ordinary person who did not know about his past saw this statue, they would easily overlook these four scars. There was a hole in his robe on the left side of his ribs. Through the hole, one could vaguely see the deepest, fifth pale red hole-shaped wound. Even though they understood that they should give praise to the sculptor from hundreds of years ago and thank him for leaving behind such a perfect statue of the Saint for the future generations with his superb craftsmanship, they were still very grateful. As for the beast beside him ... The ferocious beast was also very lifelike. Its fur seemed to be dancing in the wind, and the fangs in its mouth were sharp. Its strong body looked as if it would Howl at the Moon in the next moment ... Only its eyes were clear and pious, a pair of eyes that did not belong to a ferocious beast. They were all familiar with the legend of the sage, so they knew that it was a beast, not a pet dog, such as an Alaskan or a Husky, because its demeanor was very different from the impression of a ferocious beast like the gray wolf. However, this was not the fault of the sculptor. On the contrary, to be able to transform the ferocious gray wolf into a kind pet dog, it was enough to show how great the saint’s virtue was. ” 800 years ago, the evil heresy worship made us at a loss. At that time, we also made a big mistake. In order to overcome the fear of the evil statue, we slaughtered house cats and wild cats. The result was that the situation was so serious that it could not be resolved ... At that time, we could only pray piously, asking the Father to guide us in heaven, and asking the Saints to lead us out of the swamp. “The Father replied to us, and the Saint sent his brother to drive the Devils to hell for us, burying the evil statue deep underground and never seeing the sun again. “Today, heresy is quietly spreading in this city. The kind animals have succumbed to the devil’s summoning, so we have to ask the Saint again to give us His grace and lead us to defeat the devil again! Amen!” Father yang and the other gray-robed men drew a cross in front of their chests and chanted in unison,””Amen!” Having said that, they didn’t know how to remove the seal on the sacred relic. What happened 800 years ago was too long ago, so not much information was passed down. They looked at the older man in gray in unison, waiting for his instructions. As The Guardian of the sacred relic, Yingying should know more secrets than them. Moreover, he was the one who had gathered all of them. If he didn’t know how to lift the seal and summon the sacred artifact, wouldn’t he be a joke? The older man in gray said with confidence,””It’s simple. We pray, just like 800 years ago.” Pray? Just pray? The eyes of the elder man in gray robes shone brightly.”Not just us, please spread the word. The hundreds of millions of brothers and sisters of the Freemasonry and the Fangji female cultivators Association will start to pray with the greatest piety from today until the Saints and sacred objects respond to our call and lead us to defeat the demons ... Now, let’s start with us.” Everyone present took a deep breath and prayed devoutly in unison. Lord! Please turn me into a tool of peace! Where there is hurt, let me convey forgiveness; Where there is hatred, let me spread love; Where is there any doubt, let me provide virtue; Where is the despair, let me bring joy ... They prayed over and over again. In front of the saint’s statue, their hearts were filled with reverence. They had no doubt that the Saints would respond to their prayers, nor did they doubt the legend that had been passed down from 800 years ago, that the Holy objects had been resurrected to expel the demons. If praying was the only thing they could do, then they were willing to pray until the day their lives ended. Countless brothers and sisters would pray with them, praying that the power of the Saint would descend upon this city named after him. Father yang was also praying. He was born in China, but he was taken abroad when he was very young. At that time, he had not heard of the city of San Francisco. Later, he grew up in Belgium to study, and then he knew that such a city existed in the United States, but he did not pay much attention to it. It was not until he converted to the church and joined the Brotherhood that this city had a special meaning to him ... When he passed the test of the church and could take charge of things on his own, he returned to China again. However, he had never been used to the name of San Francisco China. San Francisco is a very beautiful name, but it also has historical significance and a sense of the times. It has witnessed the blood and tears of countless Chinese workers who made their way to the United States to find gold and is worthy of respect. Unfortunately, among the three principles of translation,”honesty, Dada, and elegance” have reached the extreme in “honesty” and “elegance,” but the word “honesty” is missing. As for the strange translation of San Francisco, he didn’t even want to think about it. He was more willing to use another name that wasn’t very down-to-earth to call the City, which was also the real name of the city. It was St. Francisco. The city was named after the animal, the merchant, the stowaway, the Catholic Church movement, The Guardian of the natural environment, the owner of the stigma, and the manifestation of the miracle, Saint Francis! Whether it was a heretic worshiper or a demon, if they dared to commit evil in this city that was named after the Saint, what awaited them was the fate of destruction.

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