In the era of materialistic desires, Wang Dong is undoubtedly a rather heterogeneous existence. He writes and writes a film review, and only speaks according to his own wishes, not profit.

Such people are rarely very difficult to get, so Wang Dong is respected by many people. In Xiangjiang literature, including the film and television circle, he has his own influence, and his blog posts have been highly commented and forwarded.

Wang Dong has written a lot of film review articles, mainly based on films produced by Xiangjiang. Since the Xiangjiang film has been dying in the past decade, he has criticized more and praised less, leaving a harsh impression. .

Therefore, when Wang Dong’s long film review article of "Ghost Story" was released, it inevitably caused a small sensation outside the circle. Even those who did not usually watch movies were interested in this film. So ok?

Some people are amazed, some people are curious, and some people will be suspicious. However, on the Hong Kong Island blog, there are many people who support Wang Dong’s views. Those are the Xiangjiang netizens who have watched the film.

"Ghost Story" is a good movie, highly recommended!"

"I haven't seen such a sincere and full of ghosts in a long time, and the characters have a good story, at least 9 points."

"Special effects are also good, although the lens is not many but very exciting, super like Yan Chixia!"

"Take a girlfriend tonight to see it, 70 dollars spent a lot of money, and then when the girlfriend came out to see the surrounding hands to buy a set, and spent a few hundred, the wallet is crying."

"Compared to "Ghost Story", "Painted Skin" is simply slag!"

In the Internet age, all the people are netizens, and freedom of speech has reached an unprecedented level. Anyone who has registered an account on a blog forum can express their opinions and express their opinions.

The same is true for film reviews. The ordinary people who used to be viewers can only watch the film critics in the newspaper or on the TV. Now they can participate in it, and everyone can be a film critic.

Although the ordinary netizens' perceptions and Wang Dong's film review articles are incomparable in terms of content thickness and depth of thought, their feelings are the most intuitive and real, and their influence is more extensive.

The praise of "Ghost Story" has spread from Hong Kong Island blog to Hong Kong Island Forum, especially in the film and television section, which has become a hot topic at present.

Unlike those who use money to post with the rhythm of the water army, most of the commentators of "Ghost Story" are senior ids, and their posts are more eloquent and reputable.

In the film and television version of the Hong Kong Island Forum, it is very rare to have such a one-sided tribute.

Even if there is a voice that criticizes "Ghost Story", most of them use the vocabulary of "not ruining", and believe that the shortcomings of the film can not cover up the advantages, it is also recommended.

Many people believe that this is one of the best films produced in Hong Kong in the past decade. Whether it is a story, background, special effects or soundtrack, it has strong local characteristics.

These praises and recommendations from the Internet have affected many ordinary netizens, and naturally played a good role in promoting the box office of "Ghost Story".

The power of word of mouth is powerful!

On February, the box office of "Ghost Story" reached 5.77 million, which lasted for two days, and the number of online bookings increased. On the 24th, most of the theater's prime time tickets were booked.

Under such circumstances, with the full public relations of Jiayang Film, on the 24th, the sequel of "Ghost Story" soared to 35%, showing a blowout trend.

The market is very sensitive, and the market is very realistic. Whether it is a large theater or a small and medium-sized theater, they are certainly willing to leave valuable audience seats to those popular movies, regardless of the film.

"Ghost Story" is not only good at box office sales, but also good reputation, but also a Hong Kong-made co-production film, but the surrounding products are still very popular, in the eyes of the theater is simply a hen that can lay golden eggs.

Especially in the peripheral products, the stores in the theaters sold the surrounding Hollywood blockbusters. Although they sold very well, the purchase price of these peripherals was very high, and the profits left to the theaters and cinemas were low.

In contrast, the peripheral products of "Ghost Story" give the theater a higher share.

No one will be too hot, so there is no need for Lu Chen Studio to communicate with Jiayang Film. Many theaters take the initiative to put the products of "Ghost Story" in the most conspicuous position, and also make a large advertisement to avoid the audience. We ignore the past.

On February 24th, the box office of "Ghost Story" continued to rise with the increase of the filming rate, reaching 7.24 million, completely crushing other films released in the same period, including a Hollywood blockbuster that has been released for three weeks.

"Ghost Story" is red, and it will be a big red, even those who are prejudiced, can only remain silent and can not attack the film, even the box office of a dollar did not buy.

As for the propaganda and offensive that once made a lot of noise, the "painted skin" that bought the box office and bought it, in a bad comment, the box office in the US and Japan fell below one million, and even only 580,000 on the 24th, it is simply terrible.

Moreover, the filming rate of "Painted Skin" has dropped to less than 10%.

Everyone knows that the production of "Painted Skin" Fang Huaguan Film and Star Art Entertainment has given up, they have set aside too much budget in the early stage, the high box office piled up at high cost is only a short-lived, if you continue to die, It is equal to throwing money into the bottomless pit.

Therefore, as long as the two family members are not too stupid, they should make a wise decision. "Painted Skin" has been defeated in the Hong Kong Island market and is unable to return to the sky. The only move is to switch to the mainland market.

According to the judgment of the industry, "Painted Skin" is likely to be in the lower line of Xiangjiang Cinema in advance.

In late February 2017, the fiasco of investing over 100 million "painted skins" became one of the backgrounds of "Ghost Story", and sweeping the market is unstoppable!

On Monday, February 27th, "Ghost Story" Hong Kong Island blogger v announced that the film had a cumulative box office of 45 million in six days, which became a well-deserved box office champion. It also significantly refreshed the record created by the previous "Painted Skin".

In addition to the beautiful box office, "Ghost Story" also sold 24 million peripheral products.

The former is not enough, the latter is simply the eyes of people inside the circle.

Such peripheral sales have not lost to many Hollywood blockbusters at all!

What is the investment in "Ghost Story"? Just 30 million, the cost is almost recovered in the week of the release, all of which are profitable, and there is a bigger mainland market.

So many Xiangjiang film companies have red eyes, planning to catch up with the wind! ——

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