43 Disbelieving of Love

“Father, do you prefer this aunt over me? Am I adopted?” Nathan shook his father’s hand with tears in his eyes.

In this world, he only had his father. If not for his father, he wouldn’t have anyone else.

“He wasn’t the one who gave birth to you.” Ella said it with a smile, deliberately teasing Nathan even more.

Nathan’s lips seemed to thin as he tried to contain himself. He really wanted to cry now. He wanted to cry when he heard Ella’s reply that it wasn’t Christian who gave birth to him.

He was not a child who cried easily and he did not want to cry in front of his father and this evil woman.

It didn’t take long for him to control himself. There were no more puddles of water in his eyes, it’s just that they looked a little red.

“Is that true?” Nathan didn’t want to give up and kept asking Christian.

All the answers that came out of Ella’s mouth were unreliable. As long as his father said that he was his son, Nathan could rest easy.

Nathan was still 5 years old, he was yet to understand the concept of human reproduction. He had only seen it from the cartoons he watched, about how animals give birth to their young.


So he thought, his father also gave birth to him in the same way.

Christian’s face looked confused at this question. He didn’t know how to answer his son’s question

It was true that it wasn’t him who gave birth to Nathan, but his mother. But how should he explain it?

If he answered that it was true that he did not give birth to Nathan, he had to explain to Nathan how a human gave birth.

He had to explain where Nathan was from. He wasn’t very good with words and he couldn’t explain things like this to his son.

He was really in trouble now!

Christian rubbed his face. He looked at Ella who was holding back a laugh.

“Are you happy now?”

Those words made Ella immediately swallow her laughter and try to put on a straight face. She immediately waved her hand repeatedly. “No, no...”

Ella’s appearance made Nathan sneer. “Father, that evil woman is lying!”

Over time, Ella also became annoyed with Nathan. Even though he was young, this chubby kid was really annoying!

She tried to be patient. But when dealing with Nathan, her patience drained faster than usual for some reason.

“Christian, your son continues to bully me.” Ella rose to her feet in annoyance. But when she saw Christian’s gaze on her, she decided to sit back down.

Christian’s eyes showed as if he’d come up with a funny idea, but his face remained serious. “Explain to him how he came to this world.” After that, he added, “Explain correctly and in as much detail as possible. Otherwise, you know the consequences.”

Even though Ella was only a high school graduate, of course she knew how children were born. This was common knowledge. Plus, Ella herself had already given birth once.

However, she didn’t know how to explain it.

Ella wanted to refuse, but she dared not oppose Christian. In the end, she could only give up. “You were born to your mother after she carried you in her belly for 9 months.”

“Then, how did I get inside my mother’s belly?”

Nathan knew that Ella felt awkward explaining it so he purposely asked again to make her uncomfortable, even though he didn’t really care. As long as he was his father’s son, he was satisfied.

All he needed in this world was his father!

Ella thought for a moment and finally said, “Your father loves your mother and you are the proof of their love. Then you were formed in your mother’s belly and after nine months, you were born.”

Ella tried to explain it as easily as possible. However, her voice grew weaker as time went on.

Proof of love? Unfortunately her son was not...

In the past, she had dreamed of having a handsome husband and a warm family, like the dreams of most women in general. Unfortunately, her dream ended at the age of eighteen.

Maybe because she was used to the pain so she could control it easily. She looked at Nathan and continued, “So you have to love your father because it wasn’t easy for him to raise you.”

Nathan couldn’t understand Ella’s explanation, but he didn’t really care. Finally, he decided to just eat.

Christian’s gaze stopped on Ella who was looking at his son with a dreamy gaze. His hands were shaking slightly in annoyance.

Proof of love?

Such words did not exist in this world and never would be in his life.

He himself did not know who the mother of his son was and he did not want to find out.

In this world, there were so many women who wanted to be his wife and Nathan’s mother. This kind of problem was a small matter to him.

“You are still so naive,” Christian suddenly insulted her.

He could see that Ella still had illusions about love and hoped for it in the future. But Christian knew that he was not in the future that Ella longed for.

Christian could only provide protection and a little help to Ella.

He couldn’t give her any promises, let alone love.

He just didn’t believe in love.

Ella snapped out of her daydream and snorted, “So I can’t even imagine it, huh?”

Maybe it’s true, Ella wouldn’t be able to get her dream now. But she wouldn’t stop dreaming about it.

Because only then she could fight for life.

Only with her dream could she move on with her life.

“Whatever you are imagining, I’m not and wasn’t there,” Christian said, frowning.

He felt very upset at the thought that Ella had removed him from the image of her dream.

He knew that once Ella had achieved her goal, she would leave him. She would try to achieve her dream, where he was no longer in Ella’s dream.

During the few days they were together, Ella had understood Christian and knew what he was thinking. She knew how to please Christian and persuade him not to get angry. She immediately smiled sweetly. “How could there not be you? You are the best thing that ever happened in my life. I will keep you for the rest of my life.”

“Hey, old hag! Stop talking nonsense,” Nathan rolled his eyes. “By the way, don’t you want to get my father’s attention? Let me tell you. My father doesn’t like a woman like you.”‘

Nathan sounded very sure. But Ella didn’t hear the rest of his words, only the first two. “Since when did I turn into an old hag?”

She was only twenty-three years old. Why did she get called an old hag now?

“You are old to me,” Nathan had no intention of being polite in front of Ella.

Ella stopped moving and looked at Nathan with a smile on her face. “Ahh, I suddenly wanted to talk with you, Fat Boy!”

“I’m not fat!”

Nathan shouted loudly. He was just a little fat, not very fat.

Yeah! He only had a small amount of fat.

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