367 Demanding

“Christian, do you think the woman beside you is a good woman? She’s been with a lot of men before!” Indri said.

She no longer cared about her apology.

How could she let Ella get away with it before she got what she wanted?

In the midst of her despair and anger, Indri could only do what she usually did— insult Ella.

Everyone in the room immediately fell silent, not daring to move an inch.

Has this woman gone mad?

Anyone with eyes could clearly see how Christian treated Ella. Christian really treats Ella as someone special, unlike any other woman before. Now everyone knows how important Ella is in Christian’s heart.

But Indri still dared to challenge her openly. And in the presence of Christian!

The reporters immediately looked at Indri with a surprised look.


“Indri!” Merry called her daughter’s name coldly.

Even now, this daughter still has no brain!

Unfortunately, Indri couldn’t hold back any longer and all her frustrations were poured out. “Why don’t you let me talk?”

Indri pointed at Ella hatefully. “She thinks she can hide everything she’s been doing from Christian!” She looked even more excited when she badmouthed Ella. For some reason, insulting Ella gave satisfaction to her heart. “I don’t know what you did to get Christian to like you. But I know how many men you’ve flirted with before.”

Ella smiled at Indri’s words. She could barely hold back her laughter when she heard her stupid half-sister.

This time, Budi rose to his feet, pounded the table and said, “Enough! How can you say all this in front of the reporters?! If everything is revealed, don’t you think of your sister’s reputation?”

Budi couldn’t say that Indri was saying nonsense. Once again, he decided to sacrifice Ella. After all, Ella was no longer part of the Maheswara Family. Plus, everyone already knew how bad Ella was.

The smile on Ella’s face instantly disappeared. Her heart felt cold when she heard what her father said.

Seeing the expression on Ella’s face, Christian immediately frowned in displeasure.

He knows Ella wants to sort this out herself so Christian doesn’t say anything and just holds her hand, comforting her.

“Are you happy to be able to create a baseless rumor?” Ella asked in a cold voice.

Her own father knew her very well. Budi knows what Ella is like since childhood. After dating Haikal, when had she ever had sex with another man?

In the past, Ella was really in love with Haikal and was willing to give everything for Haikal.

Indri did not even realize that her father was suggesting that she should not talk much anymore. She thought her father supported her to continue. Therefore, she felt even more daring.

“Ella, look at you. Do you think you deserve a man like Christian?” Indri asked with a condescending look.

“Why am I undeserving?” Ella chuckled. She looked at the dress she was wearing on her body at this time. The dress wrapped her body beautifully, making her look more mature and seductive.

Today, it was undeniable that Ella was the most attractive in this place.

Ella tilted her head and said, “I think I’m much prettier than you.” A smile tugged on her lips.

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Indri’s body trembled violently as if she wanted to throw a tantrum. She had heard those words many times. Since childhood, everyone always compared her with Ella.

Everyone said that she was not beautiful like Ella, and not as smart as her.

She couldn’t compete with Ella.

Ella leaned against Christian’s body, as if to show that this man would always be there and catch her when she fell.

Indri gritted her teeth and said, “How can you accept a woman like her? Before this, she was also in contact with Haikal.”

Christian narrowed his eyes at Indri. His face looked calm as if he didn’t care about Indri at all.

He knew everything about Ella’s past.

Christian looked at Indri and asked, “What’s wrong with Haikal?”

When talking about Haikal, Indri became a little nervous. After all, she had also been in contact with Haikal before.

“If she was in a relationship with another man while dating Haikal, it means Haikal was stupid for not being able to keep her. What does that have to do with me?”

Christian’s words took everyone there by surprise.

Just for the sake of one woman, Christian can act like this!

Indri was about to open her mouth but she didn’t know what to say.

Why is Christian so defensive of this bitch!

As she is about to speak again, Christian continues, “Is there anything else you want to say? Otherwise, Ella and I will leave.”

Christian’s gaze is fixed on Indri, “I already know everything about my own lover. I’ve investigated it before. If you make up rumors that are not true, I can sue you. My lawyer will contact you later.”

Indri trembled when she heard the threat. She doesn’t have time to speak anymore because Christian has already taken Ella out of there.

Budi’s face looks very cold.

‘You stupid…!’ He cursed his youngest daughter inwardly.

Merry’s face was also unsightly. She glanced at Budi and spoke in a low voice, “We’ll talk about it later.”

Budi stood up and looked at the reporters in front of him. “Today’s press conference is over. Thank you for coming.”

The reporters wanted to ask some follow-up questions, but they were immediately stopped by the guards.

Indri initially wanted to say something, but Merry held her and dragged her out of there.

“Mother, what are you doing!” Indri was very upset and rebuffed her mother’s hand hard. “Why did you stop me?”

“Today, your goal is to apologize, not to get into trouble again!” Merry looked at her coldly. She glared as if she wanted to punch a hole in Indri’s head and put her brain into it.

Budi also looked so disappointed with what happened today that his face was gloomy.

“Home,” after saying that one word, he left angrily.

Indri looked at Merry with a blank stare. It took her quite a while to react.

“Mother, Christian said that he was going to sue me. Is it possible?” Indri immediately grabbed her mother’s arm and said frantically.

She doesn’t really care about her family or her family’s company. She only cares about herself.

She is still young and her future is very long. She won’t let her future just fall apart.

“What’s the use of saying this now?” Merry inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm herself. “Don’t talk about it here. Let’s go home and talk about it later.”

Indri nodded in fear and hurried to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

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