139 It ended like this


Ella felt like her bones were about to break as she fell to the floor.

“Ouch...” Ella immediately woke up with a painful moan. When she lifted her head, she saw Christian waking up and raising his eyebrows while looking at her.

“Are you hurt?” He asked casually.

Ella nodded immediately. Of course it hurts. She just fell out of bed.

Christian’s cold snort rang in Ella’s ears. “That’s what happens when you rebel against me.”

“Hah?” Ella didn’t understand why Christian called her a rebel.

She accidentally fell off the bed. What did that have to do with rebelling against him?

What a strange man!


Ella took a deep breath. Just as she was about to get to her feet, Christian’s hands were already much faster than hers. He immediately picked up Ella’s body from the floor and laid her on the bed again.

After that, he wrapped Ella carefully.

“You were hurt and being dishonest with me,” Christian said, frowning. But Ella could see the worry on the man’s face.

Ella felt her chest pounding. She pulled the blanket closer, but her eyes followed Christian, unable to take her eyes off him.

Men are most dangerous when they are being gentle, especially someone like Christian.

When he was gentle, no woman could resist his temptation.

Christian raised his hand to caress Ella’s cheek. After making sure she wasn’t hurt, he lay down next to Ella again, hugging her, feeling the warmth from Ella’s body.

Ella could feel it.

When Christian checked whether she was injured or not, he always paid special attention to her face.

It’s true that men fall in love with their eyes, but Ella hopes that Christian likes her a little, not just because of her face...

Ella was frustrated again at the thought.

Looks like she really has nothing to be proud of other than her face.

She couldn’t help but ask Christian that question, “Christian, are you only interested in faces?”

“And the body...” Christian replied quickly, without a second thought.

Ella immediately frowned upon hearing that answer and she continued, “I noticed every time you checked my wound, you were always looking at my face. Yes... my face...”

Ella’s voice grew quieter and weaker.

After that she was annoyed with her own question. Why should she ask Christian? Why would she want to hear Christian’s opinion about it?

At least she had something to grab Christian’s attention. Her face and body alone were enough... No need to dig deeper into this man.

Christian laughed briefly as he sensed the annoyance in Ella’s heart. Actually he didn’t mean to answer but the woman in his arms was too cute.

“You are a very beautiful woman. If your face is hurt, you will definitely be sad. Haven’t I been kind enough to have it checked for you?”

It was rare for Ella to hear Christian talk this long.

So since he knew that Ella cared about her appearances, he paid attention to them too?

Didn’t this sound... romantic?

A smile immediately appeared on Ella’s face. “Then I have to thank you for your concern.”

Ella tightened her arms to show her gratitude. Since it was still early and they had just woken up, Ella looked innocent but also charming.

Christian couldn’t help but kiss Ella on the lips.

It was still early, but the room already felt so hot.

Since the man still had to go to work, they ended up only making love once. After that, Christian carried Ella to the bathroom.

Ella let Christian carry her. Her eyes were droopy, half awake and half dreaming. Her sweet appearance made Christian want her again, but he tried to contain himself.

Christian had never bathed anyone in his life and didn’t know how to. But he tried to be as gentle with Ella as possible.

In his eyes, Ella was like a fragile porcelain doll that needed to be treated with extreme care.

After being led to the dressing room by Christian, Ella finally woke up. She blushed when she realized she was wearing nothing. The man in front of her was also standing in front of her without wearing any clothes.

Ella hurriedly put on her clothes. After that, she combed her messy hair.

Suddenly, she felt something cold on her neck. She didn’t know how long it’d been around her neck. Maybe Christian placed it there while she was unconscious.

She lowered her head and saw that there was a diamond around her neck. The diamond was in the shape of a princess.

If looked closely, it could be seen that the cut was so perfect, even down to the corners.

The diamond was so beautiful!

There was a look of surprise in Ella’s eyes.

At that moment, Christian felt very satisfied.

Many people say that women can not resist the temptation of diamonds. He also had expected Ella to be surprised by the gift.

While thinking about Ella’s previous refusal, Christian got annoyed and patted Ella’s butt lightly.

Ella immediately smiled bitterly. If she dared to take the necklace off, the man would be very angry.

She could only hope that her relationship with Liam would not be exposed in front of Christian.


Nathan was waiting in the dining room as soon as he came out of his room.

Last night he thought about the matter with Ella seriously and came to a conclusion that made him feel sad.

He still wanted to be with the old woman, but Ella would marry another man.

The more he thought about it, the sadder Nathan became, to the point that he couldn’t sleep last night.

In the morning, the fat boy’s eyes looked slightly puffy. When the butler came to wake him up, he immediately asked the butler whom Ella would marry.

The butler looked confused and told Nathan to ask Ella herself because it was not a question he could answer.

After that, he ushered Nathan into the dining room.

After listening to Nathan’s question this morning, the butler also thought deeply about it.

The butler also hoped that Ella and Christian could be together. In all his life working for Christian, he had never seen his Master dealing with a woman like her.

But he was old, so he thought he couldn’t understand the feelings of a young man.

He felt that Christian and Ella actually cared for each other, but neither of them wanted to admit their feelings. Maybe they even loved each other.

However, one of them still didn’t understand about love, while the other tried to keep her heart from breaking a second time.

The butler had never seen his master like women so much as he liked Ella. This was a very rare thing.

The butler was also very understanding of Nathan’s nature. Over the past few years, it had been very difficult for Nathan to be close to any women, even the babysitters his father hired.

He didn’t know how he should feel about it now that things took a sudden turn...

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