135 Take good care of your boy

Indri was seen wearing a pink skirt and high heels while running to her fiancé’s side.

“Haikal!” She shouted frantically, as if she was really worried about Haikal getting hurt.

Ella was about to take this opportunity to run away from there, but Haikal walked towards her with his limping legs.

“Ella, don’t go,” Haikal looked at Ella with a sincere look.

Indri immediately turned red with anger when she saw this incident.

“Haikal, I am your fiancée! If not for Ella, how could your co-worker suddenly cancel the contract?” She said as she ran towards Haikal with wide eyes. “You love me, not her!”

Indri’s shout made Ella frown.

From this point of view, her step sister looked really pitiful. If she hadn’t loved this bastard, Indri could’ve found herself a better man. Maybe she would marry a man who came from a rich family and lived a life as a young wife full of luxury.

Listening to Indri’s words, Haikal just looked at her with disgust. “I am the future son-in-law of the Maheswara Family. I thought your father would help me. But see what happened? I waited, waited and waited, only to get rejected from your family! If it wasn’t for you being stupid, then why wouldn’t your father be willing to help me?”


Haikal felt more and more angry after he vented all his feelings. He wished he could step forward and slap Indri’s face in front of everyone.

This idiot girl couldn’t do anything!

But now was not the right time. He had to restrain himself.

Today he came not only to wait for Ella. He came to Christian’s company with the belief that Indri would follow him.

All this he planned on purpose.

He wanted to speak in front of these two women.

As long as Budi was willing to help him get through this difficult time, he would definitely get a position as CEO of the Adisurya Group.

Ella looked at the two people in front of her with a cold gaze.

The feelings she once had for these two had gone. Now, whenever she saw their faces, Ella could only see a couple of fakers.

Why couldn’t she see all this before?

She was completely blind.

When she heard the words from Haikal’s mouth, Indri became even more panicked. It’s not that she didn’t want to help Haikal, but that she didn’t have the ability to do so.

Her mother had also tried to persuade her father, but her father would not help. Yesterday, Budi finally agreed and said that he would meet Ella to cool things down.

But Indri did not know whether her father had spoken to Ella or not.

“Haikal, listen to me. Dad said he’s been having a hard time too and it’s because of Christian. He’s afraid he’ll get involved if he helps you... But don’t worry, I’ll find a way to help you!”

Indri stepped forward and immediately took Haikal’s arm. Her eyes were filled with worry, afraid of losing the man in front of her.

If she lost Haikal, Ella would be happy in her suffering.

Indri had gone to great lengths to crush Ella under her feet. How could she allow Ella to turn things around?!

“What can you do?” Haikal looked at her suspiciously.

Indri was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.

When she saw that the woman in front of him didn’t have an answer, Haikal immediately yanked Indri’s hand from his arm and walked towards Ella.

“Ella, can you see their hypocritical faces? I’ve been fooled by them all this time. I know that I was wrong,” Haikal said while forcing tears in his eyes.

That pitiful appearance didn’t make Ella feel sorry, it made her disgusted instead.

She immediately walked towards Haikal.

A glimmer of hope appeared in Haikal’s eyes, but that hope only lasted for a second. After that, his face became unsightly when he heard Ella’s words.

“Haikal, wasn’t Christian’s warning enough? He hated those who wanted to fight him the most. This time, he’s just teaching your company a lesson. After this, he’s probably going to teach you something with your life. Do you want to die so badly?!”

Ella laughed as she looked at the pathetic figure in front of her. “Plus, there’s no way I’d let Christian go just for you. Because you can’t compare to him at all.”

Ella turned and looked at Indri who looked angry. “Look at your man. Take good care of him. Don’t let him turn into a mad dog.”

After saying that, Ella felt so relieved.

It was now past working hours so there weren’t many people in the company. There were only two or three people passing by after they had worked overtime.

Every now and then they would glance at the commotion that the three of them were causing but then they would quickly leave from the scene.

Ella looked at Indri who was grinding her teeth. She remembered the slap that Budi gave her.

Budi used all his strength to throw that slap, showing that he really didn’t think of Ella as his daughter anymore.

At that time, Ella was pregnant. No one knew who the father of her child was so it made Budi feel very embarrassed.

His family was a respectable family and was looked up to by many, but Ella seemed to spoil everything. Finally, he sent her to the worst prison called a mental hospital without mercy.

It’d been five years. Only a few could remember the incident, but Ella still remembered it clearly.

Ella still remembered that her father had no intention of forgiving her.

Indri glared fiercely at her stepsister.

“Ella, you evil woman!” Indri really hated Ella. When Ella appeared, all her dreams seemed like dust that disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Indri...” Ella swept her cold gaze across Indri’s face, forcing her to shut up just by saying her name.

She slowly stepped in front of Indri and looked closely at her face. For some reason, Ella’s aura made Indri tremble.

“Your father was looking for me because of you, right?”

“Father is looking for you?” Indri’s eyes lit up when she heard that and she immediately looked at Haikal. “Haikal, do you think I lied to you? I really ask dad for help and that he shouldn’t ignore you. He’s also looking for a way to help you.”

Haikal’s face showed disgust.

So what if Indri’s father went to see Ella? It didn’t change his situation for the better in the slightest.

“Don’t worry, I’m not done talking yet.” Ella raised her hand and placed it on Indri’s shoulder. After that, she continued, “He came to see me and taught me a lesson. Maybe that means he doesn’t want to help Haikal at all. Since you and your mother kept pestering him and urging him, in the end he had no other choice but to see me.”

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