Chapter 353: Survivors Found!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Wolf shouted loudly, the rifle in his hand firing non-stop.

A soldier at the back heard this and quickly turned around.

“Puchi —!”

The moment the soldier turned around, he saw a scene that made his eyes pop out of their sockets.

In front of him, a tall monster with a ferocious face opened its bloody mouth.

In the next second, his heart was pierced by a spike.

Blood kept flowing out. The soldier mumbled a few words and completely lost consciousness.

” There are monsters behind us too!!”

Red Pepper cried out in alarm and quickly fired at the monster.

“Da da da—!”

The alien figure withdrew the moment they opened fire, all of them were disappearing without a trace in a few flashes.

“Damn it!

Wolf grabbed the Net Bug and shouted, “Open this damn door now!”

Net Bug, sweating profusely, was frantically operating the controller on his computer.

With a “click,” the locked door in front of them instantly opened.

“Get in!

Everyone rushed into the door without having time to clearly see what was inside.

“Close the door!”

Once everyone was in, Net Bug quickly shut the door.

As the door closed, the room plunged into darkness.


Wolf casually took a flare from his waist, lit it, and illuminated the room.

“Who’s there!”

As the room lit up, Wolf saw several figures in a corner, startling him into aiming his gun at them.

The other soldiers also pointed their guns in that direction.

“Don’t shoot, we’re humans…”

Wolf immediately raised his hand, and Red Pepper, in a critical moment, quickly turned hers gun away, with the bullets grazing past the figures.

In the room, three men and two women were hiding in the corner, raised their hands high to show they were humans.

“They’re alive!”

Wolf breathed a sigh of relief. Living people meant the room was temporarily safe.

“Count off, how many of us are there?!”

Including himself, there were only four of them who had come in.

“Captain, they…” Red Pepper’s eyes filled with pain, thinking of the comrades who had trained together for so long, now half gone in this mission.

“What kind of monster is that!”

Wolf’s forehead was still sweaty, still feeling uneasy when recalling the incident.

Despite losing five comrades, they still hadn’t managed to kill a single monster.

“I hit one, but it seemed unharmed and escaped quickly…”

“I hit one too, right in the head…”

The soldiers were deeply confused, leaving the five people in the corner somewhat bewildered.

“Are you… here to rescue us?!”

One of the women gathered the courage to ask.

“Rescue you?!”

Only then did Wolf take a good look at the five people. “Are you all residents of this shelter?”


“What exactly are those monsters?!”

“Don’t know!”

The five shook their heads at the same time.

After some questioning, Wolf and his team learned that these monsters had only appeared a few days ago.

They hunted humans relentlessly, coming and going without a trace, turning the shelter into their hunting ground.

Red Pepper wondered, “Why didn’t you escape?”

“We can’t get out. The control switch for the base’s main door is in the administrator’s office…”

The five looked at them with a hint of hope, asking again, “Are you here to save us?”


Wolf shook his head, saying, “We can’t save you!”

A look of pain crossed his face.

He had thought that their combat team wouldn’t encounter much difficulty in this world, that whether it was mutants or radiation beasts, they were easy to handle.

Unexpectedly, a new type of monster proved to be a tough challenge.

The five people’s faces fell with disappointment.

“Captain, what do we do now?!” Red Pepper’s chest heaved, still not recovered from the recent battle.

“Abandon the mission!”

“Contact Skinny Monkey, tell him to notify the base and send reinforcements!”


Net Bug quickly took out the walkie-talkie and started to make contact.

After a while, he gave up, “Captain, I can’t get through, the signal is too weak here!”

“Keep trying!”

After dropping this remark, Wolf once again started talking to the five survivors in the shelter.

Mainly, they inquired about the monster.

The information they received only added to their despair.

Inside this shelter, there was an abundance of weapons and ammunition. Initially, many people organized to fight against this new type of monster, but it was a one-sided battle. Humans kept dying, and not a single monster was killed.

Many had broken down, dying on the paths of their attempted escape.

“Where’s the administrator?”

“Haven’t seen him!”

“What about the administrator’s room?”

“Can’t get in, it’s locked with a huge iron door, impossible to open!”

These new types of monsters were even more formidable than imagined.

“Captain, can we still survive?”

Wolf frowned slightly and pointed at the five survivors, “If they, as ordinary people, could survive this long, we can surely hold out until reinforcements arrive…”

“But we can’t contact Skinny Monkey…”

The captain sighed internally. Whether they could survive was unknown to him. He only hoped that after losing contact with the base, the base would send another team for support and rescue, giving them a sliver of hope.

“Block this off!”

Under the skylight, Zhao Yu surveyed the ventilation pipe opening on the ceiling.

Immediately, two soldiers took down a metal tabletop and used a chair to block the ventilation pipe opening.

There were many such ventilation ducts, and Zhao Yu, passing through each room, had them blocked to prevent the alien from cutting them off from behind.

Naturally, the alien could break through these obstacles, but doing so would make noise and reveal its presence.

After passing through three rooms and discovering several bodies, they still hadn’t encountered any sign of the alien.

Zhao Yu had to continue inward with patience.

“Sir, there’s something here!”

After walking a bit further, a soldier came back to report.

Zhao Yu went over and saw several bodies on the ground.

Judging by the coagulated blood, they seemed to have died not long ago.

“Combat suits, were they soldiers too?”

Zhao Yu bent down to examine the bodies.

It was apparent they had been killed by the alien. Three had their hearts pierced, and two had their heads exploded.

Based on his guess, those two headless corpses were probably killed by the alien’s too.

“Thump -“”Thump -“”Thump -”

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the exhaust pipe in the distance, as if something was passing through it.


Zhao Yu quickly shouted and hid among the personal guards.

A few burly tigers surrounded him while the other soldiers held their spears and looked around.

The sound from the exhaust pipe was getting closer and closer, and Zhao Yu could not help but feel nervous.

This mission was a do-or-die situation: either all the aliens here die, or they do.

His eyes were fixed on a pipe exit on the ceiling that hadn’t been sealed yet.

Judging by the sound, the enemy would definitely pass through here.

As the sound grew closer, Zhao Yu’s face showed confusion.

The alien was fast, but the sound in the exhaust pipe was slow, much slower than expected.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of all the soldiers, a head suddenly poked out from the exhaust pipe.

The surrounding soldiers did not fire.

Because Zhao Yu’s order was not to shoot at humans, as each person rescued from this mission was worth 5 technology points.

“A living person?!”

“Who are you?!” The person at the pipe exit was startled by the sight of so many fully armed individuals in the room.

Just as Zhao Yu was about to speak, a burst of gunfire suddenly erupted from a distance.

“What’s happening?!” He quickly turned his head and saw several soldiers in the next room frantically shooting at something.


Zhao Yu instantly understood; such a discharge of bullets could only mean they had encountered an alien.

A diversion tactic?!

By the time Zhao Yu got there, one of the soldiers had already met a grim fate.

The soldier had strictly followed his orders, capturing the alien with a rope before dying.

This successfully slowed down the alien’s speed and allowed the others to hit it with several shots.


The ground was corroded by the alien’s blood, revealing some of the shelter’s second layer.

“Is it dead?” Zhao Yu asked.

“Report, no!”

Zhao Yu returned to the previous room and found that the man from the exhaust pipe had come down.

“I’m from the Re Zhao Corporation’s War Wolf Squad, here on a mission. Who are you?” The man said.

Anyone in a strange place, seeing a group of fully armed people would be tense.

“People from Re Zhao Corporation?”

“What are you doing here?” Zhao Yu answer a question with another question.

Skinny Monkey glanced at Zhao Yu’s epaulettes and realized he was a centurion. Seeing the several dozen soldiers around, he understood that this was a man of authority.

“We’re here on a mission. A few days ago, Fallout Shelter 12988 has lost contact with us, and we were sent to check the situation…”

“You have contact with Shelter 12988?” Zhao Yu asked with some confusion.


Skinny Monkey explained, “All shelters were built considering the signal issue. A lot of money was spent to set up a long-distance transmission signal device…”

“I see!”

Zhao Yu casually said, “We are nearby residents. We heard from people who escaped the shelter that there are monsters here, so we came to check…”

Nearby residents?!

Skinny Monkey’s mouth twitched. The disciplined demeanor of these soldiers hardly seemed like ordinary residents.

He understood that the other party didn’t want to reveal their identity.

“Why were you in the exhaust pipe?”

Zhao Yu didn’t care what the other party thought and asked directly.

“My teammates came in for the mission, and I was on lookout at the entrance. I heard gunfire from the walkie-talkie and thought they might be in danger, so I came down…”

Skinny Monkey looked at the bodies lying on the ground, his face filled with pain, “They were my comrades…”

“I came in and found them lying here, apparently killed by some kind of monster…”

“Then, 1 heard a noise in the pipe and climbed up to check…”

After hearing Skinny Monkey’s story, Zhao Yu understood that he was probably following the noise of the alien, or maybe it was his teammates.

It’s Skinny Monkey’s voice!”

Just then, Zhao Yu faintly heard a voice.

He turned sharply, looking towards a sealed door, and wondered, “Is there someone inside?”

Skinny Monkey was overjoyed, and quickly rushed over.

“Skinny Monkey, is that really you?” The voice was very low, muffled by the thick iron door, but still audible.

“It’s me, Captain, are you in there?!”

“Net Bug, open the door!” With a series of clicking sounds, the door slowly opened.

Just as Wolf and the others excitedly prepared to greet Skinny Monkey, they were stunned to see the fully armed soldiers outside the door..

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