Chapter 272: Away From Home (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Meng Xian did not directly lead the group into the town. Instead, she arranged for Little Six to scout ahead.

They were obviously not entirely trusting of Zhao Yu, worried that the town might hold hidden dangers.

Xiao Liu had been injected with tier two agility elixir making him a second-level enhanced individual with agility abilities. If he faced with danger, he could easily escape.

About half an hour later, Little Six returned quietly.

“Madam, it’s all clear. There’s no one in the town and no potential threats.” he reported.

“Where’s his wife and two younger sisters?”

“Madam, there’s a shelter underneath that house. They might be inside…” Little Six pointed to a house not far away and said.

Since no other places in the town showed signs of human habitation, with dust everywhere, only their house showed signs of life, making it easy to locate.

With this realization, he felt rather lucky that no one had come knocking in these years, trying to find the shelter.

“Is it there?!” Meng Xian asked.

Zhao Yu nodded.

“Yes, I built that shelter before the end of the world.”

“Let’s go!”

The others didn’t seem to care. After the outbreak of the nuclear war, shelters had become the most popular choice. Almost every wealthy person had built one or more.

In fact, it was rumored that some large corporations had built super shelters capable of sustaining life for a hundred years.

In their eyes, Zhao Yu probably built a basic shelter similar to a basement.

Upon reaching the house, Meng Xian walked over to the entrance of the shelter and knocked on it, trying to gauge the thickness of the door from the sound.

The male members present shivered upon hearing her words, unconsciously shrinking back.

Although Xu Meng Lan didn’t understand her well, it was apparent that this woman named Meng Xian was the most powerful.

Plus, with Zhao Yu above ground with them, she hesitated only briefly before unlocking the entrance.

Once the entrance was open, Zhao Yu reached out and helped Xu Meng Lan out.

After a brief chat with the group, Xu Meng Lan finally understood the situation. “May we take a look below?” Meng Xian, curious about the shelter below, asked. “Yes,” Xu Meng Lan replied after a moment’s thought.

“My two younger sisters are down there. I’ll lead you.”

Meng Xian smiled and stopped her.

“It’s okay, I’ll go down alone to take a look…”

Suddenly, she stopped talking.

Staring at the scar on Xu Meng Lan’s arm, Meng Xian suddenly reached out and lifted her sleeve, revealing a large area of crisscrossed scars.

Meng Xian’s face turned cold, “What happened to you?!”

She abruptly turned to Zhao Yu, pointing at him and accusingly asked, “Did he do this to you?!”

Zhao Yu found the situation difficult to explain.

The injuries on Xu Meng Lan were inflicted by the original owner of the body he now occupied. However, since that person had died and he had taken over the body.

Xu Meng Lan hesitated, appearing afraid and uncertain about how to respond.

Meng Xian said coldly, “Don’t be afraid. While you’re here, 1 will stand up for you…”

She then turned to Zhao Yu again and demanded, “Tell me! Did you do this?!”

“If you’re a man…”

“I…1… I did it…” Zhao Yu replied with a hint of resignation..

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