Chapter 312: Milk Custard

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhang Shu muttered a few times, took the basket on his back, and went out.

In the study room.

Ye Muyu took out a book about the scenery of Jiangnan from a high shelf and gave it to Chu Ziluo.

Great Chu was not a small place. It would take at least seven to eight days to walk from Nanchang County to the provincial city.

It was even further away from Jing City. It would take two months to walk.

Most of these miscellaneous notes were written by some monks. Great Chu valued Buddhism and had temples everywhere. It was said that the Buddhist

Light Temple outside the capital was the most famous in the entire Great Chu.

Most of the miscellaneous notes that Chu Heng had bought were from the monks of the Buddhist Light Temple.

Even in Nanchang County, there were temples not far away. Because the imperial court valued Buddhism, the people also had the habit of offering incense, causing the temples to be filled with incense, even if it was a small temple.

When these monks had offerings, many of them could read. However, monks did not take the imperial examination. After they learned how to read, they would often travel. After that, these miscellaneous notes could often be sold to earn some income for the temple.

It was killing two birds with one stone.

Ye Muyu thought to herself, Even the monks talk about traveling, but if you don’t have money, you’ll probably die of old age in the temple and can’t leave. Isn’t that the case since ancient times?’

“Take your time. Mother will go boil the milk.” Ye Muyu placed the book on the desk.

She let Nenya read with Chu Ziluo.

She did not want to disturb the children.

She turned around and left the study room, entering the kitchen.

Madam Hu was waiting for Ye Muyu. The wooden bucket was filled with freshly squeezed milk.

“Help me light a fire.” Ye Muyu instructed softly. She planned to make sour milk and send some to Chu Heng.

Madam Hu controlled the fire very well.

Ye Muyu first poured the milk into the pot and boiled it. Then, she scooped it into a bowl while it was still hot and waited for a layer of milk skin to form on the surface of the milk.

When it was time for skin to form, Ye Muyu took out the red beans and boiled them in the pot.

After a while, the milk had already solidified.

Ye Muyu took a pair of chopsticks and pierced through the milk skin. She slowly poured the milk into the empty bowl, leaving a little milk skin under the milk.

“Madam Hu, give me four eggs,” Ye Muyu said.

Madam Hu hurriedly took out the eggs from the cupboard.

Ye Muyu separated the egg white first.

She added a suitable amount of white sugar to the egg white and stirred it evenly. Then, she poured it into the milk and continued to stir.

Slowly, a layer of bubbles appeared.

“Madam, do you need a sieve?” Seeing Ye Muyu cook a lot, Madam Hu could tell what she needed. She did not need Ye Muyu’s guidance to know what she needed.

“Not bad.” Ye Muyu nodded in response. She took the sieve from Madam Hu, removed the foam on the surface, and poured it back into the original milk bowl.

The milk skin slowly floated up.

They did not have plastic wrap, so Ye Muyu placed another bowl upside down on top of the bowl.

The upside-down bowl needed to be heated first so that no steam would be produced later.

He put it into the pot and started steaming for ten minutes.

“Knock, knock!”

When Ye Muyu put the milk skin into the pot and started steaming, she heard a sound coming from the courtyard door.

Madam Hu had already gone to open the door.

Ye Muyu scooped some hot water and washed her hands. Then, she scooped out the red beans from the jar and placed them in a bowl.

After a while, Madam Hu returned.

“Madam, it’s the Wang family who has come to visit.” Madam Hu said, “This servant has already welcomed the other party into the main room.”

“Okay, I got it. Brew some more tea and bring it over..”

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