Chapter 451

Whenever someone was interacting with those who called themselves “citizens of the Savior’s city”, there was one thing to keep in mind: never mention him. Therefore, from the moment Kim Ji-Hoon and the group he led appeared on the street, everyone became silent.

There were quite a few who were watching them with admiration and jealousy, but most of them became more alert as they couldn’t forget the ‘citizens’ fanatical behavior.

Even the members of Hera’s, Deborah Belluci’s, group stopped their conversations as soon as Kim Ji-Hoon appeared. It was no different for other Awakened groups in the challenger section, such as Apollo and Hades.

All these morons and opportunistic assholes have gathered here.

Kim Ji-Hoon walked, scanning the people who were glancing at him with their narrowed eyes. As he headed towards his destination, those who showed him the salute of the Revolucion joined him.

“The power of the ancient dragon and him still remains. There are many points to be careful about when entering.”

They were the citizens of the Savior’s city who were waiting for Kim Ji-Hoon to arrive.


“A large-scale movement of the enemy has been detected from the north. It seems that they will attack soon.”

“Just as the King of Hell said.”

There were hundreds of people waiting for Kim Ji-Hoon at the assembly place. Looking at the comrades gathered below him, he could shake off the feelings of disgust caused by the gazes of the traitors, idiots, pieces of garbage, and opportunistic Awakened assholes.

It was the first time he was seeing these people since the Stage of Advent, so it had been about half a year. The moment that the faces that he had missed for a while filled his view, he couldn’t help but remember the battles he had fought at the Stage of Advent. The number of comrades who had died then was as many as the number gathered now.

At that time, they couldn’t afford the time to mourn them as they were in a hurry. It was the perfect time to do so right now as everyone had gathered again.

“Although the System and the assholes who were swept away by it threatened us, we were all able to gather again for two reasons! First is because of his advent, and secondly because of the sacrifice of the old comrades…”


After he finished his speech, the citizens of the Savior’s city armed themselves. Their resolve brimmed with a determination that even the rest of the Awakened would stand against them, just as in the final moments of the stage.

However, it didn’t look like they would have to fight against the other Awakened. It was not solely due to the absence of the System or because the Awakened had been instilled with fear of him.

Even if the System were to revive and drive the Awakened once again, he believed that those assholes, the Awakened, would not be able to gather in large numbers into corps again. They had been physically distanced from each other to a great extent.

Even the Awakened in the challenger section barely mobilized a few hundred, excluding the mercenaries. Therefore, the others would have been in a worse shape.

The streets were filled with logos representing various corporations. The multitude of factions made it nearly impossible for their interests to align.

Perhaps this was his intention as well… Did he tear them apart with different labels to prevent the assholes from assembling like insects?

Did he introduce capitalist forces into the Awakened world for this purpose? Stop it, Kim Ji-Hoon. How can you understand his desires with your humble intellect?

Anyway, I need Caliber’s help.

Kim Ji-Hoon returned to the street. Upon closer inspection, the Awakened were clearly different from how they were on the Stage of Advent. They were cautious with their actions and avoided eye contact as much as possible. Those who met his eyes were only pretending that they knew him personally with a smile of a viper.

At that moment, Kim Ji-Hoon sensed one of the vipers approaching him. It was Hera, Deborah Belluci. She had a striking impression combined with beauty, which made her a typical representative of the vipers.

He thought that it was surprising that this woman had not been subdued earlier. Perhaps it was because she had bet on her own fate that he would come back.

“I will see you there, the leader of the citizens.”

Kim Ji-Hoon had never had any direct conversation with Hera in the Stage of Advent. He had approached her first, but she treated him no differently than she did the other morons, viewing the citizens of the Savior’s city as fanatics. He gritted his teeth, remembering the occasion. However, he pretended that he was maintaining his composure outwardly.

“We do not have a leader. There is only one who is truly great among us. Only he deserves our reverence. Understand? If you want to be treated well, then it is better to get rid of that thought from now on. We don’t discriminate in punishing people. Even if that is you, Hera.”

Hera chuckled, but Kim Ji-Hoon was not afraid of her.

She purred, “Such a convenient way of looking at the world. Your arrogance is quite adorable.”

He refrained his desire to snap at her as he responded, “Don’t feel bad about this. It is not just you; I also treat Apollo and Hades the same way. By the way, this is our first time meeting. I am Kim Ji-Hoon.”

She shrugged. “I already know your name. I guess you don’t use a code name here?”

He shook his head. “We don’t shy away from mentioning our real names, whether here or on the mainland. When you call us, you can use our actual names.”

She smiled. “I will keep that in mind.”

Kim Ji-Hoon read Hera’s gaze. Her eyes were focused far beyond his shoulders, on the gathering of comrades.

Hera asked, “You just arrived, right?”

“The Awakened are hesitant to join?” he asked.

She flipped a hand. “No need for long explanations. As you can see, the situation has changed significantly from the Stage of Advent. It is difficult to unite our voices. He is not here, so all they talk about is money. That’s why we have been waiting for the citizens of the Savior, including those from your side.”


“You would agree that there needs to be a channel of communication between our leaders. Also, someone would need to have a louder voice and lead among us. You must have heard that the natives from outer space are swarming toward us right now. We just need your approval because I am convinced that the other Awakened will listen to you better than me.”

She swallowed nervously and continued, “I will admit the truth, so let’s discuss rewards later. For now, it’s urgent to retrieve his equipment, isn’t it? The things coming from the north are a problem too. Also, don’t think that you are the only ones serving him. I, too, can sacrifice my life for him, kiddo.”

“So?” he asked impatiently.

She blinked. “What do you mean? We, leaders, are prepared to follow your orders.”

Kim Ji-Hoon felt a surge of derision. It felt like the muscles around his lips would twist and go up if he relaxed them. He felt like bursting out with laughter.

A self-serving piece of trash… Who would fall for that? I’m sure you already made the same proposal to Caliber… Caliber must have refused as well.

Right then, Kim Ji-Hoon felt an unexpected presence and turned around. There stood Caliber Kwon Seong-Il. Kim Ji-Hoon slightly lowered his head.


At the very least, Caliber deserved to be treated as someone closest to him. In any case, he deserved some respect.


People who assumed that Caliber Kwon Seong-Il was a musclehead due to his dull appearance were idiots. They were likely Bsilgols who only saw him from a distance and followed orders without knowing anything about the group’s internal affairs.

Nonetheless, those who had been by Caliber’s side knew well that he wasn’t just physically strong. He boasted a bear-like physique, but inside his head resided a cunning fox.

“Oh, yeah? That old bitch must have finally opened her mouth.” Even after hearing the whole situation, he still acted as if he knew nothing. “But it is such a good opportunity, isn’t it? You can enhance your reputation and prevent futile actions.”

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“Then, why did you refuse such a great suggestion?” he asked.

Kwon Seong-Il candidly said, “Because I can’t lead many people. Being a leader is not just about being strong. You need to have a sharp mind, like Tae-Han.”

The Caliber had always been like this from one point. He foolishly packaged his own abilities while keeping a sharp eye behind the scenes.

Ji-Hoon asked, “Do you really want me to accept it? Then I will.”

Seong-Il replied, “Hey, don’t cut me off. I’m just saying that, but you must have had something in your mind to reject such an offer. So, what is your thought?”

“Either way, Ji-Ae noona will arrive and take control in the name of the association.”

Seong-Il smiled slightly. “Calling her ‘noona’ reminds me of Mary noona. Don’t tell this to anyone else. Mary noona fought against a transcendent being and got injured. It would be difficult to see her for a while.”

“...I see. Thanks for letting me know, sir,” Ji-Hoon said.

“Nah, not a problem. I’m telling you to put that into mind when you think about the future. So, what do you think? What are you all thinking by hanging around in groups like that? Everyone is terrified because you are glancing at them in a very intimidating way.”

Ji-Hoon responded, “That is what we want.”

Seong-Il chucked. “Haha, I am even terrified.”

“You remember what they did at the end of the Stage of Advent, right?” Ji-Hoon asked.

“Of course. Now tell me honestly. What are you actually thinking about?”



“You don’t like me, do you?” Ji-Hoon asked.

Seong-Il blinked. “Huh? Why would I dislike you?”


“Gosh, what are you trying to say? Just spit it out. Hehe.”

“Sir. Even if it is you or Lee Tae-Han, I will betray you for him. I guarantee that it won’t end as a mere joke.”

“Dang, you are growing quite audacious. Do you even know what you are saying? Hahaha!” Caliber laughed out loud, slapping Kim Ji-Hoon’s back with his big palm. However, his eyes were not smiling. “Let’s keep the jokes to that extent. It’s good for misunderstandings if someone overhears us.”

Ji-Hoon shrugged. “It’s technically not a misunderstanding. Lee Tae-Han and you treated us like dogs during the Stage of Advent.”

“Hey, it was not just you guys.”

“I know, but you were always at the forefront for that. It’s not like we have not faced more danger than other groups.”

“We did it only for the best of us. And the result was pretty good.”

Ji-Hoon shook his head. “No, Lee Tae-Han and you did it to us only because we were the easiest to handle. It’s because we treated you well with respect.”

“It’s because you guys are strong and independent. Hey, why are you talking as if you have a grudge toward me? It makes me feel bad. Is our relationship this shallow?” asked Seong-Il.

Ji-Hoon continued, “I don’t think you remember, but how many heads do you think we have taken under your orders? I am not only talking about the rebels. I am honestly impressed that I have managed to survive until now.”

“Are you going to keep talking about the past?”

“It’s not the past, sir.”

“Well…then, are you also considering this? How many times have I saved your life?”

Ji-Hoon said, “I have given something more precious than my life to you and Lee Tae-Han. How much power have you enjoyed because of us? It must have been very sweet.”

“The fuck? You guys talk as if you didn’t gain anything. Just because you spit out stuff from your mouth doesn’t mean that they are all correct. Just talking about the rebels’ necks, I killed more than you guys…”

The Caliber started mumbling the end of his sentence and began chuckling.

“Watch your tongue. You are shortening your lifespan, dude. Do you miss my fist? Oh, yeah? Are you going to keep doing this?”


“When I tell you to stop, you should stop. Let’s get to the point.”

“Do you know that Hera is armed with S-class full items?” asked Ji-Hoon.

Seong-Il remarked, “That bitch did make a lot of money.”

“Apollo and Hades also scrapped a lot of S-class items.”


Kim Ji-Hoon looked directly into Caliber’s eyes and responded, “I want to take this chance to clean up the opportunistic morons.”


“So you want to slice their throats?” Seong-Il asked idly.

Kim Ji-Hoon shook his head. “Do we really need to get our hands dirty? And he will probably hate meaningless killing between the Awakened.”


“I’m not sure if you know this, but the challenger guys, led by Hera, are picking out battlefields that only let them earn a lot.”

“What is your point of saying this?” Seong-Il asked.

“Doesn’t that sound familiar to you?”

“I have no shame at all.”

“Before entering here, the King of Hell connected to the Awakened network.”

“Why are you bringing him up out of nowhere? Keep going.”

“The King of Hell predicted that powerful outer space species would come, so we should have to be ready for the counterattack. There might be a transcendent being hiding among the group that is currently coming. This moment, it might be a chance for them to overturn the situation as he is not here, or they might have been targeting his equipment from the start. Whatever the case is, they are coming.”

Only then did Seong-Il sincerely laugh. “Ji-Hoon, you grew up a lot, telling me what to do and don’t.”

He shook his head. “No, it’s not that…”

“So, why bother pondering over it? Are you telling me to gather all these bastards under the bitch Hera and head north? Look for an opportunity and thrust them into the frontline of the battle?”

Ji-Hoon continued, “The decision should be yours. If they are people who have a strong desire to serve him, then they will give their all in the battle. Keep an eye on a few of those in the challenger section, and you will have to retreat at a critical moment when the selection is complete. Of course, you will only retreat with those you have chosen.”

“In that case, the bitch, Hera, is already out. I know her too well.”

“So, please accept the leadership position, sir. Once Ji-Ae noona arrives, she will begin to support you. You will become a genuine leader, not just a figurehead. I will take care of this place.”

Seong-Il narrowed his eyes. “Are you confident? Even if I take the challenger guys, there will still be plenty left. More will gather. This is no ordinary matter.”

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I wasn’t sure. I am willing to risk my life to recover his equipment.”

“I have been there and back, and there are a lot of danger zones. It’s actually so thrilling.”

“Curiosity breeds desire, sir. Do you really want to expose his equipment to these worthless bastards? Can you guarantee that they will only hope for a complete reward? No, I don’t think so. We shouldn’t even allow that possibility in the first place. If our forces are combined, then we can evaporate even the slightest possibility. Not doing so when we can is just laziness. To be honest, I am disappointed in Chairman Lee Tae-Han. If he had picked on us first…” Ji-Hoon rambled.

“Hey! Stop babbling and listen carefully.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Open your ears wide!”

“Yes, they are open.”

“Fine. This time is an exception, so there is no choice. But next time, no mercy. Just be honest that you don’t want to take the risk. Okay?”

Ji-Hoon grinned. “...Hehe. You got me.”

Seong-Il smirked. “This is the last time that I will pretend to go along with it. Someone has to go north, and that will be me. Only because I am better than you. If you act cocky in front of me again, then I will not let it slide. I wouldn’t kill you because why would I? Just… Do you know why I am called Caliber?”

“That is a terrible thing to say, and…”

“What else is there?”

“Don’t forget to take care of the profits. You have to serve as a defensive wall and shove the opportunists into the enemies’ mouth, but profits are the priority…”

Seong-Il snorted. “Your big mouth is the problem. You blabber too much when you feel like it. I will handle it. Also, the opportunists are the ones who value their life the most. Just pushing them into danger will make them struggle desperately to survive. Hera is fully equipped with S-class items. She won’t die alone.”


“They won’t be able to deal with the transcendent, but the regular shabby monsters will quickly get cleaned up. That will help with the war that Odin is waging. If there is a real chance of annihilating the enemies, then I will step in. After all, that’s the most important thing.”

Kim Ji-Hoon chuckled. “Hehe. That’s what I am saying.”

“Don’t laugh, seriously. I want to stop liking you. Keep your guys in check!”

Kim Ji-Hoon quickly retorted, “The citizens are not under my command. We are…!”

Seong-Il responded as he turned away, “I know, I know. They are your comrades. But if you think about it, I am also a citizen of the Savior’s city. I, too, fought on the same stage, so they are my comrades as well. I am like you guys, so why would I hate you? On the Stage of Advent, Tae-Han and I did a lot of terrible things to you… I am not denying that. It’s not because I hated them, but because there was no choice at the time.”

Then, right after that, something unexpected happened.

“I am…so sorry… I am truly so sorry, bro. And to your comrades.”

Kim Ji-Hoon didn’t expect someone like Caliber would apologize to him. For a long time, he couldn’t take his eyes off the spot where Seong-Il had left. This was why people said the Caliber was a cunning fox. It made it impossible to hate him. Darn.

Somehow, Kim Ji-Hoon couldn’t stop the faint smile spreading across his face. “Caliber hyung… Please always take care of yourself.”

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