Chapter 403

The first time Jonathan and Kim Cheong-Soo met in person was in the waiting room of the assembly as they had only talked through phone calls prior to that. Kim Cheong-Soo also received a notice to attend the hearing. Although he was just a witness, he knew he was one of the subjects of the hearing as well.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t just the hearing that made him furious as he was pissed about what was happening outside the assembly.

Kim Cheong-Soo skipped the greeting and dove into the point immediately. It was an urgent matter he had heard on his way to the assembly as well.

“The search warrant review has begun.”

There was a face of a young prosecutor on the smartphone that Kim Cheong-Soo showed to Jonathan.

“The submitter is an underlying prosecutor, but many members of the House and civic groups are involved. It has been confirmed that he is carrying this out without the approval of the current chief prosecutor.”

Kim Cheong-Soo did not take out a separate profile for the prosecutor because the profiles of candidates running for chief prosecutor were readily accessible through the election management website or the candidate’s campaign website for the upcoming off-year election.

At that moment, a dry, lifeless chuckle burst out from Jonathan’s mouth. Despite this, his clenched fists looked as if he was about to cause trouble at any moment. In fact, the armrest of his chair had shattered into pieces, and the entire chair broke as he got up.

Looking into Jonathan’s outraged eyes, Kim Cheong-Soo realized what the presence of ‘the King of Hell’ meant to people in the Stage of Advent. It wasn’t something that could be hidden even if Jonathan wore a suit instead of items.

Kim Cheong-Soo pulled himself together and continued speaking, “It will be dismissed for now.”

Jonathan commented, “I guess they are going to talk about Anti-Trust law.”

The Anti-Trust Law was a policy that had dismantled the kingdom of Rockefeller, who was once called the King of Oil.

However, Kim Cheong-Soo couldn’t hear what Jonathan said. He only sensed a high-pitched noise that caused extreme pain in his eardrums. He couldn’t hear anything other than a low hum.

Jonathan noticed that his anger had gone too far when he saw Kim Cheong-Soo covering his ears and complaining of pain. He needed to calm down, but it was easier said than done.

When Jonathan apologized, Kim Cheong-Soo shook his hands as if to say it was alright.

“What did you say?”

Jonathan responded, “Anti-Trust Law.”

When Kim Cheong-Soo nodded, Jonathan’s heart pounded with the impulse to activate the Descent of the King of Hell.

He was more vexed now compared to when he had found out that Rothschild was trying to kill Sun’s parents. Rothschild’s ambition was at least blatant. However, those who were joining the protests… The stupid idiots who knew nothing about the world were trying to cover up their greed as justice. Jonathan was on the verge of exploding in anger.

Nonetheless, he needed to suppress his emotions. He could cause chaos in the world, but this wasn’t the world he created. He was just following Sun’s rules.

Kim Cheong-Soo waited for Jonathan to calm down, then spoke.

“Many of the politicians in the assembly haven’t even seen the shadow of the club. The attacks will become more intense. Keep an eye on this guy. He is the one leading the search warrant along with the prosecutor.”

* * *

「Mr. Jonathan Hunter.」

Reporters were swarmed like bees at the central seat where nameplates were placed and the entrance leading to it. Even after Jonathan sat down, the sound of reporters pressing camera shutters didn’t stop. They were close enough such that they could reach out their hands and touch him.

For a while, Jonathan couldn’t see the assembly members sitting in a circle as they were obscured by the reporters.

Jonathan maintained a stern face. He tapped the microphone to signal that he was ready. As the reporters cleared the way, the hearing began after the formal greetings from the chairman.

「DeColes Donovan, Republican House Representative」

The first member to speak was chosen, but he couldn’t even open his mouth. As his gaze met Jonathan’s, he realized what kind of trouble the government had caused.

Jonathan was basically the owner of Wall Street and exercised tremendous financial control. Even excluding the power he wielded in the Stage of Advent, he exuded an overwhelming presence that dominated the entire assembly.

Of course, he looked mad about the current situation. When an assemblyman noticed that the cameras were turned on for broadcasting, he was about to open his mouth. However, another member snatched the chance to speak first.

“Are you using a smartphone? Then, which company’s are you using?”

Jonathan tersely responded, “Berry.”

“Same with me. I have heard that you came here by car. Is it a German brand’s car?”


“When did you sleep last night, and where did you have breakfast this morning?”

Jonathan replied, “I understand what you are trying to get at, so stop. Yes, I own all the stocks of the companies that I use.

“If you only possessed them, we wouldn’t be gathered here today. Even if it is a story that only applies to you, Mr. Hunter. Many Americans are concerned about the monopolistic economic structure caused by the Jonathan Investment Finance Group, as it could have a negative impact on society as a whole. Today, we are here to talk about that.”

Jonathan checked the face of the man who spoke.

「Jack Benedict, Democratic House Representative」

The name on the nameplate matched the one Kim Cheong-Soo had mentioned earlier.

Then, the politician who had initially missed the chance to speak, tapped the microphone causing it to ring, while giving Jack an uncomfortable glance, as he had seized the opportunity to speak.

This is different from what we agreed on beforehand. Why are you using words that provoke the public, such as monopolistic economic structure? You will end up being boring if you keep trying to stand out alone, Mr. Benedict.

“We want to hear directly from you about the financial defense that took place on the Day of Advent. We appreciate that you have joined us here today. So let me ask you. Do you remember the Day of Advent? You spent many years in the Stage of Advent, did you not?” asked Jack Benedict

Jonathan said, “No one will be able to forget that day.”

“Then, do you remember where you were on that day?”

“I was at the headquarters.”

“Did you direct the group yourself?” questioned Jack Benedict.

“Yes, I did.”

“One of the points that many people are curious about is that Jonathan Group made trades that defied common sense on that day. While most capitalists were disposing of their assets, the Jonathan Group actively purchased those that had appeared on the market. Wasn’t it because you knew in advance that extraterrestrial civilization would be repelled in the future?”

Jonathan retorted, “Let me be clear. We had no clue whether they would be repulsed or not. Instead, we suspected there would be an invasion.”

“How did you know that?” asked John Benedict.

“I can explain by using two keywords. Pre-Awakened and trait Explorer. As you know, Osiris, Joshua von Karjan, is the head of the Karjan Group, a member of the association. He was also a pre-Awakened at the same time. The trait Explorer predicts the moment a gate opens. Let me repeat this again. We knew there would be an invasion, but no one knew if they would be repelled.”

“Did you inform the government?”

Jonathan nodded. “Of course. Not only the United States but also the leaders of the world governments were aware of this either directly or indirectly. Therefore, governments all over the world were able to safely shelter their people on the Day of Advent.”

John Benedict aggressively continued, “Then, I have a question. Why did you aggressively buy stocks with group assets when you weren’t certain that the aliens would be repulsed?”

“When we make a decision, it’s not based on a single reason, especially in the financial world. However, we acted based on only one reason on that day.”

Jonathan gritted his teeth, and hot breath fluttered in his nostrils.

“It was to defend the collapsing economic system. The foundation of civilization.”


Another politician took the floor.

「Sarah Weston, Democratic Senator」

“You succeeded in defending humanity, and we are all grateful for your work. But is it true that you guys really didn’t know the possibility that the aliens would be defeated?” she asked.


“That’s strange. Joshua von Karjan, the head of Karjan Group, stated that the Awakened would emerge with their prepared power and ability on the Stage of Advent providing us with a relief from new threats.”

Jonathan countered, “Then, do you remember what he said next? We were short on time back then. Let’s backtrack a bit. The Stage of Advent occurred a week after the Day of Advent. During that week, the monsters emerging from the gate were susceptible to our firepower. However, the ones that appeared an hour before the Stage of Advent were of a higher rank.”


“He only meant that humanity should not use nuclear weapons because we would be back after the Stage of Advent. If he didn’t have the press conference, then the world would have been destroyed by nuclear weapons before the Awakened even got a chance to fight.”

Sarah then said, “You mentioned that Jonathan Group did warn the governments over the world about the Day of Advent, either directly or indirectly.”


“Then, why didn’t you inform the public and private market participants? The reason this is important is because there are many misunderstandings about this. People believe that Jonathan Investment Finance Group monopolized information that was directly related to the fate of humanity and profited from it. If the public had known about it, then they would have been prepared. Many Americans who disposed of their property that day are suffering from resulting damage.”

Jonathan rubbed the tip of his nose. Then, he answered while pressing his thigh under the table with his fists, “I know there are people who can’t stand the results now. I understand their feelings, too… However, it’s their misunderstanding that we profited from monopolizing the information.”

The woman looked skeptical. “Okay.”

“I won’t repeat that we prepared countermeasures with governments instead of monopolizing the information. It’s the government’s duty to answer the question of why they didn’t publicize the Day of Advent.”

“If you say so…” she interjected.

Jonathan admonished her, “Don’t interrupt me, ma’am.”

“Go ahead.”

“The world stock market was divided into two stands on the Day of Advent. The ‘buy’ side and the ‘sell’ side. The majority was on the ‘sell’ side, and those on ‘buy’ were the so-called ‘Defenders of the Day of Advent.’”


“In other words, the ‘sell’ side believed that the public’s fear would subside, while ‘buy’ anticipated a market crash due to the public’s terror. However, there is something you are all forgetting. Even while we were successfully wiping out the monsters with our firepower, the public’s fear was still at its peak.”


“The most confusing moment during the Stage of Advent was Act One, Stage One. Despite our announcement that anyone could be placed in the Stage of Advent, no one was truly prepared. Have I provided a sufficient answer to your question? Do not assume that people would have been prepared if we had publicized it. If you make such claims, then the public will believe your misleading information.”

The transition of the speaker’s turn was rather awkward as Jack Benedict, a Democratic House Representative, seized the microphone right after Jonathan had finished his response. This caused a brief disturbance, after which the chairman reluctantly allowed Jack to speak.

「Jack Benedict, Democratic House Representative」

The camera captured him and his nameplate on the screen again.

“It is hard to confirm the accuracy of your statement immediately as the information you disclosed is considered confidential. The truth will be revealed in twenty years, so let’s focus on the present. There have been significant changes in the global economy since the Day of Advent, and Jonathan Investment Finance Group has their influence everywhere. They have taken control of the majority of companies and led the shareholders' meetings. Corporate executives have no choice but to look to their guidance.”


“The decision of the Jonathan Investment Finance Group affects us immediately. We witness their influence across all sectors, not just one market. I call this ‘monopoly.’ Yes, there is a legal term for that.”

Jack Benedict turned toward the camera and raised his voice, narrowing his eyes, “The Anti-Trust Act. The Monopoly Prohibition Act. As Mr. Hunter has mentioned earlier, we should not discuss unconfirmed matters and present personal opinions as if they are facts.”

The chairman tried to hurriedly dismiss the matter, but Jack Benedict continued to speak.

“I’m saying that we should figure that out from now on. It will be an opportunity for the Jonathan Investment Finance Group to prove they are not above the law. However, if they have violated the Monopoly Prohibition Act, then they should be dismantled to protect the free competition of the market economy.”

Jack Benedict made a big gesture as he was conscious about the camera filming him.

“The voices of our great American citizens are not limited to the defense process on the Day of Advent. There are bigger voices. We should start by examining whether the Jonathan Investment Finance Group is currently violating the Monopoly Act. We should check if they are abusing their power based on their control or not, and if they are working to acquire more monopoly power than they currently have.”

The members of the assembly, attendees, and reporters began to stir up.

At that moment, Jonathan closed his eyes. He was comforting himself inwardly to suppress his anger and muscles that were on the verge of exploding.

Was it because he had spent decades being a ruler on the Stage of Advent? No. It was because Sun’s sublime achievements that he had spent years on were being ridiculed by the tongue of an opportunist. Also, when he thought about how the public would hold this jackal up as a hero…

“Mr. Chairman, members of the assembly, and dear great American citizens, I propose a recess for this hearing. The search warrant review for the Jonathan Investment Finance Group is currently underway. Irrespective of the result, it is imperative that the assembly forms a ‘Special Investigation Committee on the Monopoly of the Jonathan Investment Finance Group’ and initiates a thorough inquiry without specifying any financial constraints or time limit.”

Jonathan’s brows twitched.


A translucent blue giant burst in through the wall of the assembly. The female Awakened who had summoned it was so furious that she was shedding tears.

“How can you tolerate such an insult?!”

Before she finished speaking, Jack Benedict was already screaming in the grip of the blue giant. However, it was safe to say the cry of the female Awakened, Olivia, sounded more like a scream as well.

“I ruined it. This unworthy servant has destroyed the master’s hard work. Don’t…don’t forgive me! I can’t stand this!”

Olivia jumped into the air and screamed even louder, “Dieeeeee! Jin!”

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