Chapter 363 (Part 2)

Gillian had a hunch that Odin would call him upon realizing that Brian Kim’s associates had not only ransacked Mossack Fonseca but also the Carl and Jane Accounting Law Firm. He had a feeling that the data that was obtained through their internal source was aimed at Jessica. That was why they were here today.

He had made every effort to contact his wife but ultimately failed. He actually entrusted his Chinese work to his elite subordinates and flew to the Isle of Man where his wife lived. However, her bodyguards stood in front and didn’t let him in. She didn’t respond to any phone calls or texts. For reasons that were entirely unknown, she had retreated into a cave and was evidently undergoing a process of self-destruction.

So why the hell? Jessica!

He knew she was suffering from severe depression. Nevertheless, the sense of accomplishment he had gained by protecting the market on the Day of Advent was immense, so he thought Jessica would feel the same way and recover to a certain level.

We saved billions of people in the world.

No… He believed she would be completely cured of the depression from that alone.

However, he noticed that his wife had remained the same at this year’s club meeting. While she put on a smile and engaged with other members, he could detect that she was still struggling with depression. This was evidenced by her avoidance of him and the occasional shadow that fell across her face. He should have held on to her then as that had clearly been the last chance.

Gillian gazed out the car window, which was heavily tinted and made even the midday appear dark, much like the overwhelming sense of heartbreak that he was experiencing.

The secretary said when Gillian lowered his window, “She just got here!”


“Yes, sir!”

Jessica followed Odin’s instructions and arrived in Korea promptly. Gillian caught sight of her walking alongside her bodyguards from afar.

“Can I take the ride with you?” she asked.

Gillian opened the door for her, then moved closer to her side.

“Why are you looking at me with such surprised eyes? Did you think I would ignore his order?”

He shook his head. “Not that. I didn’t expect you would ask for a ride together.”

She responded, “This is the last time.”


“It’s none of your concern. I will ensure that nothing happens to you. That’s why I’m here,” she reassured him.

“Yes. You have to make sure I’m not removed from his line.”

Gillian felt a throbbing headache and rubbed his forehead with the thick part of his palm.

“Do you have a headache?” she asked.

He nodded morosely. “Yes. How could we fill your spot? Who can replace you?”

“Are you not worried about me?”

“You’ve always been like this. Your thoughts are often too complex for me to understand, and it is no different this time. I have absolutely no idea what you are thinking…”

Gillian felt like he would become emotional if he spoke any more. It was too early to shed tears. In order to protect Jessica in front of him, he needed to grasp her intention first.

As the car began to move. Gillian realized that the time until they reached the association headquarters could be his final moment with his wife. He gazed at Jessica with a complex expression in his eyes, unable to bear the weight of his emotions. The intensity of his feelings was akin to the swirls of emotions that the four priests had evoked during the ceremony.


According to the Awakened, Odin was a ruthless man in the Stage of Advent. Many strong Awakened had tried to assassinate his lover Mary in the Final Stage, but they all died without mercy. He never showed forgiveness to those who conspired behind his back even before the Day of Advent.

His wife…could die with the love, friendship, and respect she shared with Gillian.


Why do you think the current civilization is still intact and maintained? How was the world saved?

The memory of Odin explaining why he had been named after a god had remained etched in Gillian’s mind.

“I hope you are prepared to save the world. If that proves to be too difficult, then take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished so far. We have always managed to thrive during times of global economic crisis, and the upcoming crisis…it could very well be the worst one. But we are already getting ready for it.”

Odin was driven by a noble purpose, rather than greed. Moreover, he had never taken any actions that contravened this purpose, both before and after entering the Stage of Advent.

His actions were entirely focused on ensuring the stability and well-being of humanity. When the suggestion was made at this year’s club meeting to revive Project Tessera and install wiretapping devices in all of humanity, Odin immediately dismissed it. Instead, he restricted it to the Awakened, a source of anxiety within society. This was a prime example of his righteousness.

His wisdom lay in the creation of a financial empire that was instrumental in defending the Day of Advent, as well as his wise management of the Awakened following the Day of Advent. Despite being the wealthiest person in human history, he didn’t spend the money on himself. Instead, his decade-long focus on the dungeons prior to entering the Stage of Advent was a testament to his moderation.

While he was fearful of the potential collapse of civilization on the Day of Advent, he was unafraid to take on the old Bilderberg Club. This demonstrated his courage in understanding what to fear and what not to fear.

Odin embodied the characteristic of a Philosopher King[1], as described in Plato’s ideals. Also, this world paralleled the utopian society envisioned by Plato’s concept of a Philosopher King ruler.

However, his wife Jessica turned her back on a world she would never see again. Gillian still couldn’t understand why. It was unacceptable for any reason!


He should have taken care of his wife. He had to do the same as his wife had taken care of him in the days when he was wandering without being able to hold his mind together. Every time the procedure failed, he at least needed to try to understand her feelings. Although it was urgent to prevent the destruction of mankind, he should have focused on her well-being.

Jessica was such a competent financier that he completely forgot that she was also his woman. However, it was too late.


Jessica kept silent until they almost reached the headquarters.


Gillian burst into screams as he buried his head in Jessica’s lap.

“It’s funny to say it myself. I know you better than anyone else, and you won’t be able to stand it.”

“I promise,” his voice shook.

“You used to think like me, that the Jeonil Club is dangerous. Isn’t that very contradictory? Now I’m doing that, and you are loyal to them. Yes, I didn’t want to raise a kid in this world.”

So everything comes back to kids again?

Gillian almost screamed. He closed his eyes so tightly that tears inadvertently fell out.

“No… No…”

Gillian continued to mutter, rubbing his face against Jessica’s lap. As Gillian’s movement became more intense, Jessica watched his trembling fist from behind his head and spoke in a hollow voice, “I told you that you won’t be able to stand it.”

He wailed, “Even I can’t forgive you for that reason. Jessica…You are done.”

“Raise your head. Come on.”

Tears were flowing from Gillian’s bloodshot eyes. Jessica could tell that he was incredibly angry.

“I admire you, and I respect Odin more than you.”


“But it was something that one of us had to do. Jonathan? Joshua? Brian? And you? Who would have done it except me? I was the only one.”

“Was your plan simply to leak data? Such a woman like you? Nothing else but just a disclosure?”

She shrugged. “Then what more can I do? I don’t mean to break order and don’t have the ability to do so.”

“Then what is this for…”

“I wanted to incite fear in Odin with public sentiment so that he would return to the right path even if he was straying.”

“That’s ridiculous!”

Gillian pounded the private screen blocking the driver and back seat. “Turn the car around! Right now! What the fuck are you doing! I said turn the car right now!”

“Where should I take you then?” the driver asked.

He screeched, “Anywhere! Anywhere far from the association’s headquarters!”

The driver widened his eyes as this was his first time witnessing Gillian acting in such an aggressive manner.

“What are you doing? Are you insane?” Jessica yelled at Gillian.

He responded tersely, “He will forgive me.”

Jessica looked at Gillian with shaky eyes, but only for a short moment.

She then said to the driver, “Please go to the association headquarters and just ignore him. Our boss is calling for us. If you turn the car around, you will have to be responsible for that.”

“But President…” the driver said.

“Turn the car!” she ordered.

Gilian pleaded, “I’m telling you. They won’t deal with this by just firing you. You would never have seen him so furious. Think wisely about what kind of situation you are in.”

He then turned to the driver, “Turn the fucking car around!”

Jessica interrupted, “If you do that, you will be in big trouble. Just go. That’s how we will save Gillian instead.”

As soon as the car turned around, Jessica shifted her gaze toward Gillian from the driver’s head.

“Wow, he is as loyal as you are. So what are you going to do now?”

“Think about it. You are better than me.”

“Why don’t we head to Odin’s parent’s house and ask for a meal?”


“You are definitely out of your mind. What I did isn’t something to ask for forgiveness.”

“Now I understand the emotions that led you to this moment.”

“Are you treating me like a patient now? You are too full of rage right now.”

“It’s all because of you, Jessica.”

Jessica sighed. “I don’t want you to be harmed because of me.”

“Then you shouldn’t have made things like this. Did you not expect that I would act like this?” he asked.

“Did you know?” she asked in response.

He shook his head. “I didn’t, but you should have. This is what you did.”

Jessica frowned. “What do you mean? But are you really doing this for me? There will be consequences.”

Gillian continued, “I will regret it, but yes. Take a moment to reconsider why you believed this world to be dangerous. If we have children, then they will grow up safer than any other child… Be selfish.”

She rolled her eyes. “We don’t even have one.”

He insisted, “Just think about it.”

She sighed. “Then I hope they can grow up normally in a world that is itself normal.”

“The world ruled by the Bilderberg Club? No, in a world where human civilization has collapsed, so people are wearing rags and are scrounging for food? That was our kids’ future if he wasn’t here. You are not the only one who wanted to have children. I did too. I still do.”

Jessica fell silent as Gillian’s tears began to flow endlessly. “Never mind. It’s all useless now. Odin will never forgive you…and me.”

She shook her head. “It’s not too late. I understand you, so let’s go back to the headquarters.”

“Do you still love me?” Gillian raised his head and looked at Jessica.

“...I now know what you needed.”

Gillain begged, “Stop saying nonsense. Please just plead for forgiveness. If not for yourself, then for me. Just tell them that you were crazy for a bit because of the depression. I don’t want to lose you.”

Jessica looked at Gillian trembling for a while, then she pulled Gillian’s neck toward her chest and opened the blocked private screen.

“I’m sorry for changing our minds, but please drop us off at the headquarters.”


Despite Jessica’s conversion being purely driven by her conscience and not for engaging with other club members or personal gain, her betrayal was still a shock to me. I was honestly impressed upon realizing her intention through Bastian.

Did any of the whistleblowers hold a position as high as Jessica did? No. They were usually from lower groups who accidentally came into contact with top secrets. None of the top leaders were directly involved in this matter like she was.

Above all, she was currently holding the position. One of the richest and most prestigious people in the world disclosed the club’s information. Furthermore, she would have known the hell I had gone through during the Stage of Advent, so it was a life-threatening risk for Jessica to even touch the Carl and Jane Accounting Law Firm.

No one survived after betraying me. In that sense, Jessica would be the only one who would stay alive although she had turned her back on me. It was because she gave up on her vested rights and acted according to her conscience, rather than trying to protect her wealth.

According to Basitan’s statement, Jessica was fully prepared for the press conference and willing to sacrifice everything she had gained.

Therefore, I contemplated what led her to this point, as it wasn’t her desire for wealth, status, or fame. Conscientious whistle-blowing… Perhaps Jessica thought that the threat to humanity had been eliminated, but afterward, she may have become fearful of me, who had amassed vast wealth, power and military might and the state of the world at the moment.

One thing that was evident was her significant contribution to the financial empire. If I left for outer space, then she was one of the three individuals responsible for maintaining order in my absence. In the world of business, I could forcibly squeeze Daniel from Gold and Silver into the Big Four, but he wasn’t comparable to Brian Kim, Gillian, and Jessica.

A rule had been already established in this world, so we had to keep it as it was. There was no other option than to acknowledge the importance of Jessica’s role. Even though I could take on the responsibilities of those I killed in the Stage of Advent, there were certain areas that only Jessica could handle and no one else could replace her.

That was why. I was going to tell her about it so that she could make a wise judgment when she arrived. I was planning to explain which position we were in and what kind of contract I signed with Doom Kaos to hold her. I could put aside anger and disappointment if she accepted those terms to stay.

However, Jessica’s first words were as unexpected as her conversion.

“How…can I make it up to you and earn your forgiveness?”

Another unexpected thing was the sound of her heart.

Thud. Thud.

A sound of another heart tickled my ears.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

I commented, “It must have been around six weeks.”

“...Pardon me?” she asked, frowning.

I shifted my gaze toward Gillian and said, “Have you named your kid?”

Gillian had the same reaction as if he had heard nothing from Jessica. They looked at each other in surprise. I decided to stop talking about it and tell not only Jessica but also Gillian the truth of the world that the four priests knew.

However, my nerves became on edge with the feeling of someone pulling my hair. From there, the pressure spread to my entire body and gently pressed down on me. It was a familiar phenomenon.

I made a gesture to stop Jessica as she was trying to say something, then focused on the voice that would fill the space soon.

[The Priest Osiris has removed the Holy Knight Caldoran.]

I couldn’t determine the source or origin of this pressure, but it was undoubtedly emanating from a specific point in time and space. Suddenly and inexplicably, it surged through my body like an item being extracted from my storage.

[You have gained 20 points on Power.]

[Power: 320]

The pressure seemed to be scratching my chest wall with their claws to get them out.


The sensation of energy pouring into my body made my eyes widen even further, and I suddenly knew what I had to do. Unlike a rainbow bridge or a red carpet, the driveway leading to the extraterrestrial world was a set of coordinates. I realized that the spot where Joshua had defeated the Holy Knight was likely where I needed to open the gateway.

Without further delay, I wanted to check Joshua’s situation first.

[You have used Gate Formation.]

As the air tore apart like a reptile’s pupil, Joshua burst in holding his bloody abdomen, and stumbled, causing a handful of blood to spill on Jessica’s stiffened body and dress.

Joshua looked back at me and said, “P…please…close…it Before…before that…that thing.. comes in...”

1. A ruler who possesses both a love of wisdom and a desire to live a just life and is, therefore, best suited to govern society. ☜

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