Part Time Employee in Konoha

Chapter 282: Itachi who took the wrong path

Chapter 282: Itachi who took the wrong path


Is this person really out of his mind?

Uchiha Madara's brows furrowed slightly.

Why is this guy called Uchiha Itachi making up stories about him?

Does this Uchiha kid not understand the history of the Uchiha clan, nor know about his and Izuna's story, and is he just making things up here?

Although Uchiha Madara no longer cared about his reputation, his brother, Uchiha Izuna, was the most important person in his life. The bond between the brothers was once so strong that they were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other.


Just as Uchiha Madara was about to jump down and argue...

Akihara Kagura hurriedly reached out to stop him.

It's still early!

Uchiha Itachi hasn't even gotten to the good part yet!

Sure enough.

Uchiha Itachi spoke again, continuing to fabricate stories about Uchiha Madara to the gathered Uchiha: "Uchiha Madara gained sight by taking his brother's eyes, which would never go blind and granted him eternal vision..."

"Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan..."

Uchiha Itachi spread his arms wide, his voice growing louder: "This allowed Uchiha Madara to awaken new powers, enabling him to defeat other ninja clans with these eyes and, together with the then most powerful Senju clan leader, Hashirama, founded Konoha..." fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓


Uchiha Madara's brows furrowed again.

In fact.

The founding of Konoha was far from the truth.

At that time, he was too young and naive, believing in Hashirama's foolish words, which led him to co-found Konoha with him. But after the establishment of Konoha, Hashirama changed, no longer being the person who wanted to protect everyone...


Had long become a memory.

This story should also come to an end, right?


Uchiha Itachi abruptly continued: "Not long after the founding of Konoha, Uchiha Madara and Hashirama fought a great battle at the Valley of the End due to differing philosophies about Konoha's future. After his defeat, Madara fled Konoha..."


Itachi paused briefly before continuing: "Many believed Uchiha Madara to be long dead, but in truth, he had been hiding in the corners of the world, surviving in disgrace, fearing that Konoha would discover his whereabouts..."

These were things Uchiha Obito had told him.

After Obito's identity was revealed, to maintain his own stature before Itachi, he had no choice but to use Uchiha Madara's name.

Of course.

All of this was true.

Uchiha Itachi had only made some artistic embellishments.


Uchiha Madara's face darkened as he listened.

He had been hiding in the corners of the ninja world to awaken the Rinnegan, to find a suitable pawn, not to survive in disgrace fearing detection by Konoha!

Mere Konoha...

Without Hashirama, who could stop him?

"Perhaps Madara is dead, or perhaps he is still alive..."

Uchiha Itachi narrowed his eyes coldly: "Now, Uchiha Madara can only manipulate others as his pawns, never daring to show himself to anyone, nothing more than a pathetic defeated dog..."


Uchiha Madara's forehead veins bulge as he eavesdropped.

This person...

Is cursing quite viciously...

Can he find out the truth before slandering someone?

"The one who truly approaches the peak of Uchiha is no longer that guy..."

Uchiha Itachi's voice grew sinister, and a murderous intent flickered in his eyes: "The one who truly surpasses Uchiha Madara, surpasses that man, is me. The one who will truly reach the peak of Uchiha is me. I will take your eyes here, and I will gain power surpassing Uchiha Madara here!"


"You are my new light!"

"You are nothing more than a part I prepared long ago!"

Uchiha Itachi's face showed a trace of madness. His eyes gradually grew wider, and his murderous intent became increasingly intense: "The Uchiha clan has always been one that kills family and friends for the Sharingan!"

"For the sake of eternal Mangekyo power, they kill their own siblings, and take pride in such power—a hideous clan..."

"When an Uchiha is born..."

"Their fate is sealed at that moment!"

The murderous intent emanating from Uchiha Itachi was almost tangible, sweeping toward Uchiha Sasuke: "Sasuke, you will be entangled in this bloody and cruel destiny for your entire life!"

"Come on, Sasuke!"

"Let me kill you with my own hands!"

"And then take care of the one who escaped that night!"

Uchiha Itachi suddenly extended his hand, almost completely consumed by madness, shouting loudly: "Let me kill all of you, to free you from the shackles of fate, and let my power transcend!"

Uchiha Itachi's roars were deafening!

No one present had ever seen Uchiha Itachi in such a state!

The Uchiha Itachi before them was unprecedentedly out of control, as if he had become a lunatic driven mad for the Mangekyo Sharingan!


Uchiha Sasuke remained silent.

At this moment...

Uchiha Sasuke recalled an evening many years ago when he softly asked his brother why he was so good to him. At that time, Uchiha Itachi told him they were forever brothers, a scene now appearing exceedingly ironic in his mind.

After a long time.

A trace of regret and sigh passed over Uchiha Sasuke's face. He looked at Uchiha Itachi with a hint of pity in his eyes, as if he were looking at a pitiful creature.

"I thought it would be something..."

"But it turns out it's for the so-called eternal Mangekyo Sharingan..."

Uchiha Sasuke's expression was unusually calm, and his voice became increasingly steady, though his words were full of sarcasm, unclear whether directed at himself or his brother.

"Uchiha Itachi."

"Since I was born, I have always looked up to you as a role model."

"Even on the night of the clan's annihilation, I had to admit your terror, and I had nightmares every night of being killed by you during my revenge..."

"Everyone praised your excellence."

"Even after that night..."

"Now it seems..."

Uchiha Sasuke gently shook his head, looking at his still mad brother, and said coldly: "You have truly disappointed me..."


The madness on Uchiha Itachi's face gradually faded.

He looked at his brother, unable to understand Uchiha Sasuke's words, feeling that this brother seemed to become increasingly unfamiliar...


"Truly disappointing."

Uchiha Sasuke stared at Uchiha Itachi, continuing coldly: "Just some hearsay and gossip made you fall into madness for the so-called Mangekyo Sharingan, becoming this twisted and sick state..."

Uchiha Sasuke gripped his ninja sword tightly and pointed it at Uchiha Itachi again: "There is one thing you got wrong, Uchiha Madara didn't kill his brother, Uchiha Izuna was accidentally killed by the Second Hokage, Tobirama..."


Uchiha Itachi's heart skipped a beat.

How did Uchiha Sasuke know about this?

"Of course."

"There's one thing you didn't get wrong."

Uchiha Sasuke did not entirely refute Uchiha Itachi. In a cold voice, he continued, "Before Uchiha Izuna died, he entrusted his eyes and the future of the Uchiha clan to his brother, which is why Uchiha Madara obtained the more powerful Mangekyō Sharingan, or what you call the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan..."


Uchiha Madara, standing on the beam, nodded in satisfaction.

The man's displeasure slightly faded as his gaze fell upon Uchiha Sasuke. Seeing the face that greatly resembled Uchiha Izuna, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

This child...

He looks so much like Uchiha Izuna!

"How ugly... Itachi..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at his brother and slowly shook his head. "Seeing you completely lost in pursuit of power makes me feel immensely disgusted..."

"Killing our kin, our father, and mother to force me to awaken my Sharingan for the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan... I've never seen you become so repulsive..."

Uchiha Sasuke fixed his gaze on Uchiha Itachi and coldly reminded him, "A senior I don't much respect told me how the Uchiha clan's Sharingan manifests..."

"When we lose something, a special chakra is secreted in our brains, allowing us to awaken the Sharingan. Each loss makes the Sharingan stronger..."

"However, some Uchiha believe that losing something will enable them to awaken a more powerful Sharingan, forgetting why they gained this power in the first place. Such Uchiha become extreme and lose themselves..."

"The power of the Uchiha is not for hatred and slaughter. The strength our Sharingan brings is to ensure we no longer face irreparable regrets due to our weakness..."

"Uchiha Itachi."

"You have chosen the wrong path."


Uchiha Itachi's hands began to tremble slightly.

At this moment...

Uchiha Itachi felt a mixture of relief, guilt, and pain, because he knew that his brother Uchiha Sasuke had chosen the right path!

Not only Uchiha Itachi...

All the Uchiha present were deeply shocked by Sasuke's words, realizing that everything he said was correct!


The next moment...

Everyone's thoughts were interrupted.


A round of applause broke the silence.

A figure clad in red armor suddenly leaped down, causing the ground to crack as he landed, and dust filled the warehouse!

"Who is it!"

All the Uchiha in the warehouse were immediately alarmed by the newcomer!

The Root ninjas present instinctively drew their swords, not wanting their revenge to be interrupted!

"This viewpoint is very interesting."

The figure in red armor seemed indifferent to the rudeness of those present, slowly emerging from the dust with a light laugh, asking, "Who proposed this viewpoint? It seems he knows the Uchiha very well..."

"Do not be nervous."

"That guy is Edo Tensei..."

Uchiha Sasuke signaled the Root ninjas to calm down as he looked at the somewhat familiar man, noticing the cracks on his face.

"You are..."

"He is... Madara!"

"He is Uchiha Madara!"

Someone present suddenly recognized the newcomer's identity!

The entire warehouse buzzed with excitement. As everyone remembered this name, they couldn't help but recall the legend he left within the clan!


"He is under the Edo Tensei."

As the future head of the Root and the recognized future clan leader of these surviving Uchiha members, Uchiha Sasuke was actually quite nervous. He was just a young man of sixteen or seventeen, yet he had to remain calm in front of these clansmen.

"Everyone, quiet down!"

"All those in the ninja world capable of using the Edo Tensei are in the Root. He is one of us!"

Uchiha Sasuke raised his hand, signaling the people present to quiet down. He knew that a figure of Uchiha Madara's caliber couldn't have been resurrected by Orochimaru and Kabuto. This person appearing here couldn't possibly be their enemy!

"You truly have the bearing of a great leader..."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Sasuke in front of him and unexpectedly let out a light laugh, praising, "When Izuna was your age, he couldn't achieve what you have done. He even came to me for advice when he encountered trouble..."

"By the way, who mentioned the secret about the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan just now? They seem to know quite a lot about our clan's bloodline..."

"Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama."

Uchiha Sasuke frowned, seemingly reluctant to bring up this name.

Although Uchiha Sasuke had received considerable guidance from Senju Tobirama and even trusted Tobirama's expertise deep down, he felt that he and Tobirama had an innate mutual dislike for each other...

"That guy..."

The smile on Uchiha Madara's face faded.

The person he disliked the most had a profound understanding of his clan's bloodline, which was inevitably irritating. Especially since Tobirama, that insidious and despicable person, studied the Sharingan with the obvious intent of countering the Uchiha...


Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Madara in front of him, frowned, and coldly questioned, "Lord Kagura sent you here, certainly not to hinder our revenge. What mission do you have to convey?"

"Huh? Did you actually think I am that kid's subordinate?"

Uchiha Madara lightly smiled at the corners of his mouth. His gaze fell on Uchiha Itachi as he continued with a light laugh, "I originally came along with that kid just to watch the excitement, but I didn't expect to hear someone here slandering my name..."

"I initially thought you kids who covet life in Konoha were a bit disappointing, but I sensed just now that some of you might not be completely useless..."


Uchiha Itachi felt a strong sense of unease.

Uchiha Madara...

How could he appear here?

Why would Uchiha Madara be resurrected through the Edo Tensei?

What secrets lie behind this?


All of this was extremely unfamiliar to Uchiha Itachi. He had no relevant information. He could only stand where he was, staring intently at Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara, however, ignored him, turned around, and walked straight to the stone chair where Uchiha Sasuke had previously sat. As soon as his body settled down, he naturally crossed his legs and looked down at everyone present arrogantly.

At this moment...

This man seemed to be the true master of these Uchiha.

Uchiha Madara extended his arm, resting it on the armrest of the stone chair, and propped up his slightly tilted head with his hand, as if this position made him more comfortable.


This posture was a display of contempt for everyone present.

The corners of Uchiha Madara's mouth curled into a smile. Looking at Uchiha Sasuke, he softly ordered, "Alright, I won't hinder your revenge. The only thing that interests me is whether the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan will be born today..."

"If the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is born in your brother's eyes, no one present should be his match. I could help kill that guy..."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Itachi, noticing the Mangekyō Sharingan in Itachi's eyes, and casually continued, "I am not a fool who would harm his own brother for power..."

"Of course."

"There is one thing worth praising you for."

The smile at the corners of Uchiha Madara's mouth remained, but it was quite eerie, "To achieve one's goals, one's own brother, blood relatives, and friends can all be sacrificed..."


"I learned from Hashirama."

"Just like back then, he would kill relatives and friends to protect the so-called village, with his dark will…"


This guy like to badmouth others too /Bleam

— Ending + Extra Chapters!

Read upto Chapter 348: End! + Extra Chapters of Sasuke's Rebirth where the world Akihara Kagura is not around.

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