Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1496 1489: Hegemon: Demonic Abyss Master (4)

Chapter 1496 Chapter 1489: Hegemon: Demonic Abyss Master (4)

1496 Chapter 1489: Hegemon: Demonic Abyss Master (4)

The activity beneath the chilling mist and hardened ground of the Stellar Nest was not insignificant. As the eyes stretching an ungodly distance opened, nearing closer to the surface, the violet radiance emanating from it highlights several regions

The phenomenal sight caused the partying residents of the Outpost to halt. They gazed into the distance with awe. This wasn't the first time violet radiance had erupted from the surface. Since they arrived in this strange realm, there had been continuous news of fissures appearing across the ground and that faint violet-colored light leaking from time to time during their collection efforts of Stellar Rain. When this was first reported it caused fear to sweep the hearts of these workers, but after a long while of nothing too scary occurring and the Ascendants not giving them an order to cease operations or seek refuge, they soon grew familiar and numb to this phenomenon. However, the intensity of this violet radiance was considerably higher than any time prior

The group of demons all went silent as they observed the radiance. This included the Demonic Abyss Master and Long Tingyu, otherwise referred to by the Demonic Abyss Master as Gao Tingyu. Na Xinyi was taken aback as well. She stared out into the distance and analyzed the light. She concisely deduced that the light was harmless. Additionally, this was likely due to Wei Wuyin's actions

The thought of that caused any type of fear to be removed from her heart. While she believed firmly in her own strength and means, with Wei Wuyin on the scene, not even the destruction of the world felt too impossible to prevent. This was an unshakeable degree of confidence that was cultivated over a long period of time, a heart constantly basked in Wei Wuyin's feats and displays of egregious strength

This was trust

Long Tingyu murmured, "For the Demonic Sovereign

Her words seemed to induce a cascading effect as reverential words from the lips of each demon resounded: "For the Demonic Sovereign!" Their voices were in harmony. Not a single one was missing, even Long Tingyu repeated her words in a clearer voice the second time

Na Xinyi frowned. Each of these demon cultivators had their eyes glow a violet light. The resemblance to the violet light in the distance was eerily similar. As for the Demonic Sovereign, she was clueless about this individual. She only knew that there existed three Ascendant Sovereigns in the World Beyond with unimaginably profound cultivation bases, and they ruled what Wei Wuyin called the 'galaxy'. As for their known world, it was only a very small part of that 'galaxy'. Was this another cultivator on the same level

Her frown deepened

Suddenly, Long Tingyu's violet eyes shone strangely as she realized that Na Xinyi was here. Moreover, they had all said 'Demonic Sovereign', and not 'Lord Progenitor' as agreed upon when communicating potentially in the presence of others, especially strangers to their cause. This was obviously to restrict knowledge of the Demonic Sovereign's name from leaking

The Demonic Abyss Master's tall stature shook slightly. Slowly, he turned to Na Xinyi. For a split second, the gaze beneath his hooded figure exuded a murderously viscous light

Na Xinyi's pupils constricted for a brief moment, and then her gaze sharpened as her sword exuded a light of Extreme Yin. Directed by the Demonic Abyss Master, Na Xinyi's aura seethed. She was ready

Long Tingyu noticed this change and her heart raced. "Sister Xinyi…" She wanted to speak out words, but she also understood the importance of their task. As for the Demonic Abyss Master, while he had agreed to inform Na Xinyi why she was taken and any questions that he feasibly 'could', this obviously did not include details about the Demonic Sovereign

The Demonic Abyss Master's intent to murder slowly faded as he sighed. Eventually, he lifted his hood that had mostly concealed his appearance throughout this entire confrontation. What was revealed caused Na Xinyi's eyes to widen slightly.

The Demonic Abyss Master, outside of his absurdly tall stature, looked strangely human. To shockingly add, he was young, roughly in his late twenties, and extremely handsome in a youthfully roguish fashion. This was completely unlike what she expected. He had skin of a similar tone as Long Tingyu, almost like white jade. It was smooth to an excessive degree, but it did little to diminish that type of masculine energy of his.

This is the same for his own products. Each Neo-Dawn Alchemical Product was the first in all of heaven's known history, at least by the Alchemic Dao's knowledge. This was also why several of the King of Everlore's products that he had 'invented' in the Everlore Starfield were not given the 'Ever' or 'Everlore' prefix.

As such, the terms 'Aberrant Demons' and 'Original Demons' were titles that were conceived at their creation and could never be changed. That said, it could be given secondary designations by societal standards. After all, certain things like 'Mana' were often referred to as World Qi or other names by the Myriad Yore Continent. This was only due to the preservation efforts by the King of Everlore, keeping it largely ignorant and forcing its inhabitants to make do with what they could.

"Aberrant Demons are beings born from the soul of an Original Demon by a process very similar to the Impartation of the Heavens. We call this process: the Impartation of the Progenitor. There are many like us throughout the vast world, but the Progenitor in question changes every time. In this cage of a world, only one Progenitor exists.

"I didn't take Gao Tingyu—her true name—from her home. She returned to her home." The Demonic Abyss Master strongly stated. The sight of those looking similar to Long Tingyu only provided evidence of that fact. They had the same progenitor! So they were of the same family!

In this way, Long Tingyu was the brother of the Demonic Abyss Master! And this so-called Demonic Sovereign? Both her Mother and Father!!

"I see." Na Xinyi didn't react too intensely. Instead, she gazed at Long Tingyu, no, Gao Tingyu. Since Long Chen no longer existed in this world, and Gao Tingyu's last encounter was sufficient to ruin all relations with him, there was no need to keep that name.

"Each of you has the racial features of a human. If you were created by this…process, what were you born from? Corpses?" Was Gao Tingyu born from the corpse of a human?

The Demonic Abyss Master, or Gao Zi, shook his head. "We were all born in much the same way as you. We are not like Original Demons that are born from a drop of water or a pebble blessed by the heavens' will, perhaps even a Solar Star; we undergo the gestation process of humans, the most compatible race with every energy and essence. The only race that can reproduce with every race."

Na Xinyi was somewhat taken aback by this answer. "But then, who are all of your mothers? Your fathers?"

Gao Tingyu's eyes grew a little sullen.

The Demonic Abyss Master's facial expression was as flat as his tone: "We are our mothers; we only have the Progenitor as our father."

The two sentences were confusing to the ears immediately. Na Xinyi couldn't understand at all.

"What in the fu-" She had the urge to demand the Demonic Abyss Master to be clearer with a direct curse, but her eyes widened in realization. Could a soul be created so easily? From nothing? Was the Progenitor a god?

NO! So…

"Oh…" Na Xinyi's eyes softened as she gazed at Gao Tingyu. She had realized that Gao Tingyu had given birth to herself, and the soul was then cleansed and transferred…

She was her own mother.

That sentence was utterly harrowing yet undeniably true. Somehow, that sounded extremely cruel.

She reached out and grabbed Gao Tingyu, bringing her into her embrace. In this world, there are individuals who often never hear certain things they should. A hardworking man might spend his entire life providing for his family and never hear the words of recognition for his sacrifices and efforts; a loving mother might never hear thanks from her successful children or their children's descendants; an obedient child might never hear that they're loved.

With a single tight hug, Na Xinyi encapsulated everything into a single sentence: "I'm happy you're here."

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