Translator: MarcTempest

Proofreader: naturallyInconsistent

Chapter 140: …It’s our mansion!

Aurora stepped out of her inner chamber.

She faced the visitor of the imperial palace with her own body.

Behind her, as always, was half of her guard knights.

And the visitor of the imperial palace was the third princess, Yushia.


Yushia, who was walking down the corridor, stopped when she met Aurora.

She looked a bit flustered, as if she was not very pleased to see her.

Aurora snorted.

“The one who should have come didn’t, and the one who shouldn’t have come did. Are you trying to mock me?”

Aurora muttered.

Her voice was dry as a grain of sand in the desert, and Yushia, who was about to pass by the second princess, hesitated.

“It’s fine. Just go on. I’m too tired to scold my foolish sister today.”

“I heard you summoned Sir Flan today.”


Aurora narrowed her eyes slowly.

She just glanced at Yushia’s face, who had uttered an unexpected remark.

“Do you need another toy?”

Yushia dared to look into Aurora’s eyes.

Yushia’s golden eyes had no stars or moons, but they shone like celestial bodies themselves.

After a brief silence, Aurora chuckled.

“It’s the royal family that knows how to handle the world without taking action. So, it’s not that strange that I want to make him my servant.”

She said that and put her long index finger on Yushia’s eyebrow.

“Also, I can’t see your future these days. You seem to be getting more involved with that Flan guy.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“When I spare someone in a political struggle, it’s because I can see his future clearly. Do you know what that means?”

Aurora pressed Yushia’s eyebrow with her finger. Yushia did not back away.

“…If you’re so arrogant when you can’t see your own future, I might pluck out your eyes.”

“Even if you do, you won’t be able to play with Sir Flan as you please.”

Aurora grimaced.

She was annoyed.

She had already heard the same thing twice today, and it was getting on her nerves.

“There are a lot of nonsense talkers today…”

She said with a smirk, as if she found it amusing.

“When I get bored of something, some people mistake it for me giving up. They forget my position and say such things.”

She said with a vague voice, somewhere between admiration and complaint.

Yushia answered calmly.

“Rather, you are the one who is mistaken, second princess. And, you don’t know anything about Sir Flan.”

Their eyes met again in the air.

“You may think of taking him and taming him, but I think it will be the opposite.”


Aurora snorted at Yushia’s words.

She soon stopped laughing and asked seriously.

“Yushia, can you guarantee what you said?”

“Yes. Because I know Sir Flan well.”


A very simple answer.

But it was enough to fuel Aurora’s pride and possessiveness.

“I see.”

Aurora nodded a few times and made a face that was hard to tell if it was a smile or anger.

“At first, I was furious at that Flan guy, but now it seems like it’s all transferred to you.”

“That’s what I wanted.”

Yushia said sincerely.

Aurora took a step closer and narrowed the distance between them.

“We’ll see if it goes as you wish. You have to make a bet with me.”

A bet.

It was a very cruel thing, but Yushia’s reply was just a smile.

“I can guess what kind of bet it is. I’ll bet that Sir Flan won’t be tamed.”


The second princess looked down at Yushia. Her endless faith was very irritating.

“Fine. But if he is tamed, you have to give me your eyes.”

One of Aurora’s hobbies was collecting eyeballs.

Aurora, who had all kinds of celestial bodies in her eyes, lacked only one thing: the sun. Yushia’s golden eyes had it sleeping in them.

Yushia nodded.

“Then, if I win…”

“That won’t happen. But if it does, I’ll grant you anything you say.”

“I’ll make a request for Sir Flan.”

“You can do whatever you want.”

The two princesses crossed each other and passed by.

A while later, when the distance between the two princesses was completely far away.

Ban opened his mouth cautiously.

“Do you really intend to make a bet?”

Aurora stopped in her tracks.

Ban also stopped and spoke to her back.

“It’s just a matter of punishing Flan and ending it.”


“Isn’t that right?”

In the end, Aurora looked back at the escort knight.

Ban bowed his head politely.

“There is no reason for you to clash with the third princess.”

“It’s not a clash. I’m just stepping on and passing by. I should have stepped on him since the day he was born, but he seems to have forgotten his place again.”

The conversation did not continue.

“Prepare the crystal ball. I have to open my mouth myself and deliver the message to that bastard Flan.”

With that, Aurora started walking again.

There was no change in the order, and Ban, who understood her intention, quietly followed her.

The next morning.

The three representatives of the magic department, except Flan, were exhausted in the laboratory.

“How nice would it be if the magic tower was a summon? Just summon it and it’s done.”

Becky groaned and lay down on the desk.

The reason they were exhausted was very simple.

After the financial problem was solved, the next thing they needed was the land to build the magic tower, and Flan delegated the selection of the land to the three magicians.

The problem was that the difficulty of the ‘selection’ was enormous.

Observing the terrain, the air currents, the density of the three-dimensional map… Even each observation required a huge amount of mana and concentration.

As a result, it was a matter of course that they had to stay up all night.

“That’s right. I’m glad Flan trusted us and left it to us, but on the other hand, my shoulders are too heavy. What we’re looking for now is the place to build the magic tower.”

The owner of the voice was Louis. He was smiling brightly as usual, but dark circles had settled on his face.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? It’s a very important thing, and Flan is better at magic than us. Why did he leave it to us?”

“I’m curious about that too. Maybe he has something he wants to tell us.”

“…That’s really possible. If it’s Flan.”

Becky bit into an egg tart with a yam sound.

Trixie’s maids came here at dawn and brought them fancy desserts and lunch boxes, but they all went into Becky’s mouth.

“But what if we find a good land, but someone is already using it?”

“Flan told us not to worry about that. He said he would build the magic tower anyway, no matter what.”

“Yeah… He’s the kind of guy who does what he says. Flan. Wait, wait. So even if there’s a house, he’ll just push it away?”

Becky’s mouth opened wide as she muttered. And before they knew it, their eyes turned to Trixie.

“Trixie. Do you know anything?”


Trixie, who was chewing a carrot like a rabbit, twitched her eyebrows at Becky’s sudden call.


“No, Flan emphasized it several times.”

Becky continued to speak as she nibbled on a sandwich. It annoyed Trixie so much that she unconsciously narrowed her eyes.

“You’re the one in charge of the land selection, and it’s the most important thing. Didn’t he say that because you know something?”

Trixie silently chewed the carrot like a rabbit.

Becky’s words were not false.

As she said, Flan had emphasized several times that Trixie’s role was important in this selection.

But what did she know?

She was supposed to look at the three-dimensional map and select a suitable place, but she didn’t know anything.

…She just participated because he said he would give her the gloves of Mr. Guidance.

“How about Reheln Hill?”

Becky’s eyes sparkled as if she had a good idea.

But Louis shook his head quietly.

“There’s a rumor that’s spreading rapidly these days. The barrier on the hillside is weakening, and it’s turning into a very dangerous area.”

“Really? Oh, now that I look at the three-dimensional map, the air currents seem a bit murky…”

“Yeah. It doesn’t seem like a groundless rumor.”

They continued to talk busily, but they kept looking at the terrains in the three-dimensional map.

But to their eyes, which were at the student level, there was almost no terrain that matched the 27 conditions that Flan had set and ‘perfectly’.

No, there was none.

“Even inside the academy, there’s no such place. Then there’s only one place left nearby…”

“Oh! That’s right! We haven’t tried there yet!”

Where on earth were they talking about? Trixie wanted to stretch her body with a ballet, but she couldn’t.

She had already received the blindfold from Mr. Guidance as a prepayment.

Trixie eventually succumbed to her own imagination to overcome the boredom.

What did it mean to give a blindfold as a gift? Did he want me to see only him in my eyes…? Was that the message he was trying to convey? It was possible.

“Trixie! Check out this area for me!”


Becky’s loud voice shattered her reverie.

Trixie, who came back to reality, quietly bit her lower lip.

Becky said.

“Louis and I ran out of mana. And you’re the best in the observation field, aren’t you?”

“I got it.”

Trixie reluctantly pulled the three-dimensional map to her front. She could handle one area.

“Let’s start.”

Trixie raised her mana and went into observation.

Every second, mana was consumed in chunks and the reality of the area was revealed.

And the more information they got, the more they had to close their eyes.

The dazzling blue stream.

This area had enough brilliance and abundance to build a tower and spare.

“Wow! We did it!”

“Flan had a reason to entrust Trixie with this.”

Becky stretched out both hands to the sky and cheered.

Louis showed a bright smile.


Only Trixie tilted her head in doubt.

“…Why does this feel familiar?”

It was strangely familiar.

She felt like she knew the place, even though she had only checked the terrain and altitude.

She could even picture the details in her head. It even smelled familiar.

Had her magical realm risen?

Then, suddenly, at some point.

A thought struck Trixie’s mind.

“Wait, wait.”

At the same time, Trixie realized why Flan had called her the chief and emphasized it.


Trixie narrowed her eyes.

She swallowed a dry spit without knowing it.

The long, snow-white mansion.

The garden with a lake and blooming flowers.

The place that had different beauty depending on the season.

This place was definitely…

“…It’s our mansion!”

Trixie jumped up in surprise.

The place suitable for building a tower was the von Fritz mansion.

The place where her family’s mansion was located.

I was in the academy library.


Spending the night here was somewhat helpful for researching.

After all, it was a space with tens of thousands of books, so it would be strange if it wasn’t helpful.

I glanced at the clock.

By now, Trixie must have figured out where the place to build the tower was.

I had already decided to build the tower there, so now the key was to persuade them.

“Another debate with the court magicians, huh…”

Research, research, research, research.

I focused on the information to gain the upper hand in any situation.

And so, time passed.

At some point, I felt a presence.


A knight appeared out of nowhere and called me in a low voice. I ignored them and concentrated on reading.

…I only had five more pages to read.




When their voice became almost a scream, I finally closed the book I had read.

I put it back on the shelf and then turned to look at them.

The knight said.

“The second princess summoned you.”

“I know.”

Then he frowned and said.

“And you didn’t visit the palace.”

“I know.”

His expression twisted even more. His voice, which was stern enough, had a hint of anger.

“Do you really not know what you’ve done?”

I hesitated for a moment.

But still, no matter how I thought about it.

“I know.”

I didn’t know anything.

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