Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 98: Operation Arrest Crownhall Hypnosis App - 6

Crownhall was a large city, with the residence of the Imperial Family at its center. Just as modern real estate values were influenced by factors like transportation and amenities, this world's land value was similarly determined.

In this world, the closer the land was to the center of the city— the Imperial Palace—the more valuable it was. Therefore, one could roughly gauge someone's power and influence by the location of their mansion or villa.

This was a simple map of the city.

The area nearest the inner wall that protected the Imperial Quarters, known as the 'Golden Wall,' and the adjacent zones were referred to as the 'Golden Ring.' Only those favored by the Emperor could reside here.

This area was highly coveted by ambitious nobles since entry required not just wealth, but also significant merit.

I had heard that the boy knight who nearly destroyed the Purple Magic Tower owned a private mansion in this area.

Beyond the 'Golden Ring,' there was an imaginary concentric circle dividing the city into inner and outer zones. The main difference between these areas was whether they fell within the patrol route of the Imperial Capital Knight Order.

The Knight Order, composed of the Empire's elite, ensured impeccable public safety within their patrol areas. Petty crime was nearly nonexistent in these regions, clearly making it a wealthy region.

Most high-ranking nobles and extremely wealthy individuals lived here, and even the nobles who ran their fiefs in distant places maintained a villa here.

Some nobles claimed, "This is the real Crownhall," and questioned the authenticity of areas not protected by the Knight Order, distinguishing between what they considered the true and false Crownhall themselves.

The outer walls marked the boundary of Crownhall, and that was where we had fun and wandered around so far.

Viscount Whatever's mansion was situated right on this border. Pink-Haired Lesbian explained that it was difficult for a viscount to have property here, but with the duke's support, he was barely able to manage it.

And then she added.

“The Capital Knight Order is under the Imperial family, like the Imperial Defense Bureau, but their main priority is suppressing disturbances in Crownhall. This sometimes puts them at odds with us. Do you know what I mean?”

“So if we delay, the Capital Knight Order will come after us?”

“Exactly. It's unclear if Viscount Dompel’s mansion falls within their sphere of influence, but if they show up, things will get complicated.”

“So it’s blitzkrieg.”

I interpreted it as doing everything possible before the police showed up.’


We quickly approached the viscount's mansion. The outer walls of the mansion were decorated with all kinds of decorations, but it looked ugly because it felt like he was trying to show off his wealth rather than making it aesthetically pleasing.

Who hangs a jeweled necklace outside a mansion? It didn’t even look like an artifact.

Two guards were stationed at the front gate, surrounded by fences.

Entering the mansion itself needed to be done quietly. There were undoubtedly more guards inside, but if a fight broke out outside, we would be in trouble for two reasons.

The risk of attracting the Capital Knight Order's attention and the open field being disadvantageous for us in battle.

If a fight was unavoidable, it was best to fight it inside the mansion if possible. Stealth would be ideal. In this case, it was necessary to determine if the viscount was a perpetrator or a victim.

I exchanged a glance with my soulmate, Pink-Haired Lesbian.

“Should we try saying that there’s a delivery?”

“Let's go with the story that I'm a farmer who sold my land and entered the commercial world. But because my goods overlapped with the viscount's, I ran into trouble. So now, I’m bringing a bribe to ask for mercy⋯⋯."

While we were setting up our ruse, a guard pointed at Senior Scarface and approached us. What was this? Should I use hypnosis magic to deal with this?

The guard bowed and spoke to Senior.

“You came quickly this time. The master has been waiting for you.”


“Are they hypnotized slaves? Master will like them. If you have any leftovers, then can I⋯⋯."


Pink-Haired Lesbian and I immediately feigned blank expressions, pretending to be under Hypnosis App. This was a wave we had to ride.

I saw my reflection in her eyes. It looked like I had been caught by the Hypnosis App and had lost consciousness.

I also shielded the Tower Master, who was struggling to keep up with the situation, with my body.

It seemed that Senior Scarface’s experience had paid off, as she quickly regained her composure and adapted to the situation. With a sly smile, she responded to the guard.

“But I don’t think there’s going to be a leftover this time. You can tell they’re all S-ranks just by looking at their faces. Do you really think the viscount would leave any? Ah, maybe this guy right here might be left.”

“Haha, it’s alright. It isn’t like I am in a position to be picky either⋯⋯."

Ah, fucking hell.

Goosebumps ran down my spine. You motherfucker, at least be picky about the gender.

The Senior Scarface led us into the mansion. The guard's friendly demeanor towards her indicated that they had interacted more than just once or twice. It seemed the culprit had been using Senior Scarface’s face for various schemes.

Impersonation was terrifying in this way. If we had conducted the investigation step by step among ourselves instead of directly involving Senior⋯⋯ wouldn't it have led to a situation where we couldn't help but become suspicious of her?

Senior Scarface seemed to catch on and tapped my shoulder in gratitude. Yes, I had saved her.

“Then, have a great time.”

The guard escorted us to the front of the building before returning to his post. Senior made brief eye contact with us.

Should we go? Let's go.

It wasn’t really you, Lorei, right?

It wasn’t.

She opened the mansion door.

A red carpet lined the long hallway, flanked by various crafts such as pottery and paintings. Numerous maids moved about.

There were more maids than I expected. A mansion of this size could be managed by about five housekeepers, but I counted more than ten maids just with a glance.

Each maid wore a collar similar to those on dogs, and their pupils were dilated—they were hypnotized.

The Purple Tower Master muttered, trembling,

“⋯⋯This is disgusting.”

I agreed. Because the idea that people were not viewed as people was clearly revealed. I grabbed the wrist of a passing maid.

She showed no resistance, and her pulse was weak. Her overall physical condition was poor. Was he neglecting even basic needs like food and water? I tried talking to her.

“What's your name?”

“I’m Elinora, master.”

“Do you follow my orders too? This is my first time here.”

“I have been ordered to serve all guests who visit the mansion as my master.”

No wonder.

I opened a random door along the hallway, revealing an empty guest room. I ordered the maids.

“All maids who can hear my voice, go inside this room and take a rest. Be careful not to step on or push each other.”

“Yes, master.”

The maids in the hallway rushed into the room. Since we couldn't release them from the mansion yet, I planned to keep them quarantined here for their safety.

The once-busy hallway emptied swiftly.

Senior Scarface sighed once and walked to the end of the hallway. We followed her, pretending to be hypnotized. When she pushed open the large, ornate door that opened on both sides, we saw a large space with a long table and a pig of a man sitting at the head.

Judging by his excessive jewelry, this was the viscount. He leered persistently at Pink-Haired Lesbian and the Tower Master, opening his thick lips to speak to Senior.

“You said the next visit would take you three months, but you’re here early.”

“Stuff happens.”

“I’ve already filled half of the quota. In just a little while⋯⋯ I’ll control even the bums in the East. Hehe⋯⋯ the promised compensation is being prepared, right?”


Viscount Pig pounded the armrest of his chair in displeasure, making his cheeks quiver with the vibration. He then pulled out a small stone statue from his arms and shouted.

“You said you would strengthen this hypnotic statue! So it can work even on noble bitches!”

“Oh, I indeed said that. Don’t worry, I’m preparing for it.”

“I’m done with peasants now. My noble body needs noble slaves. Mmhm, after all… I need to make it clear to Cycilia, who dared to mock me, calling me half-blood, that I’m not the kind of person to be treated like that!”

The viscount suddenly erupted in anger, spittle flying as he shouted. There was no refinement in him, only greed and inferiority shining in his oily eyes.

He seemed to be working closely with the culprit. Did he utilize his wealth and power to take over the slums and place the 『Big Brother』 statue there?

In return, he received the Hypnosis App statue.

This Viscount Pig was the epitome of an evil noble. With the Hypnosis App, he became an ideal target for the culprit. That must have been why the culprit approached him.

Pink-Haired Lesbian clenched her fist, and Senior Scarface snapped her fingers. With evidence of their connection to the criminal, we had no reason to hesitate. When I was about to cast my magic⋯⋯

Purple Magic Tower Master Yuna opened her mouth.

"⋯⋯Y-You. You have money and power.”


“You could just pay people fairly and h-hire them. And t-treat them like normal, ordinary people and give them work. You’re n-not a person who has nothing. You could do it if you want to, but why⋯⋯ why are you hypnotizing people and making them your slaves?”

“It seems like this bitch isn’t hypnotized. Can’t you do your job properly?”

Viscount Pig scolded Senior for a moment before licking his lips and responding confidently, as if stating an obvious truth.

"What? Do you think I’m doing this because I need money? Of course not! I can hire dozens, hundreds of commoners as servants. However, if I touch their ass, they scream. If I call them into my bedroom, they would start bitching that they’re going to quit."


“But look how loyal these maids are. No matter what I do, they don’t say a word or even look at me with their dog eyes. Like this!”


Viscount Pig slapped the face of the maid standing next to him.

Slap, slaap. slap.

One after another

The maid's cheek swelled up in no time, and blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. With her mind and body under the hypnosis, she couldn’t resist at all. The viscount breathed heavily.

“Hueck, huck. It’s nice to be able to play around with it however I want”


It was unpleasant to meet someone who didn’t see other people as human. This person was once just like me—a human being.

He was born screaming into the world, crawled on all four limbs, walked on two feet, and probably lived his life forming relationships with many people. How did he become so twisted? When I asked myself that question…

It brought about a sadness that left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Viscount Pig spoke as he proudly held out the small stone statue to Pink-Haired Lesbian and the Tower Master.

“If you haven’t been hypnotized, I’ll do it now. Now, look this way! Khehehe⋯⋯ And all of you, become my sex slaves!”

A pattern flashed on the stone statue that could fit in one hand, emitting powerful hypnotic waves.

We were hypnotized, lost consciousness, and became the viscount’s toys. Viscount Pig chuckled and pointed.

“Yes, you with the pink hair. Come here first. Take off that muggy suit right now! You, hehe, you will be my favorite mistress⋯⋯."

Pink-Haired Lesbian, seemingly under hypnosis, slowly took off her suit jacket, revealing her voluptuous body as she headed towards the viscount and──


“Yes⋯⋯ hurry and come serve⋯⋯ my amazing body⋯⋯."

In your dreams.


I smacked Viscount Pig on the back of his head. Even after his neck bent and snapped back, he kept smiling brightly, clearly lost in a happy dream from the reflected hypnotic waves.

Pink-Haired Lesbian turned her wrist, and asked.

“Mr. Crazy Wizard, can I hit him too?”

“The hypnosis might break if you hit him too ha⋯⋯ No, he will die if you hit him with that much Mana.”

I took the statue from the viscount’s hand.

This small statue seemed crafted with more effort than the larger one, and was emitting stronger hypnotic waves than I expected.

Without a mental barrier, anyone would instantly become a slave, just like those maids. The output was strong enough that even a weak mental barrier would fail under repeated exposure.

We were fortunate to be experts in this field. Otherwise, students at the Academy might have been affected. Considering this, I felt a sense of duty as an educator.

The world was wide and filled with many dangers. To protect our students from falling prey to the Hypnosis App, I would need to make them suffer a bit more. They had to develop mental barriers as firm as mountains.

“Now then, with the viscount incapacitated⋯⋯ let’s gather all the evidence.”

We needed as much evidence as possible. Finding it would transform us from trespassers into righteous people who rose up to punish criminals.

I trusted our Second Prince to handle the aftermath if we addressed the root cause.


“Senior, what’s wrong?”

Senior Scarface seemed worried, contemplating with her hand over his mouth. Had she been slightly affected by the hypnosis wave?

“Esteemed Junior. About the⋯⋯ viscount. Don’t you think he was dumber than we thought?”

“He did seem pretty⋯⋯ idiotic?”

Even though we passed the guards easily, the viscount accepted us without question despite the crowd, I could only describe him as⋯⋯ simple-minded.

“If it were me, I wouldn’t have put someone stupid in charge. I don’t know if the viscount was more resourceful than I thought, but if that wasn’t the case⋯⋯."

“You’re saying there’s someone in actual power behind the figurehead?”


I understood immediately. Even if I were the mastermind, I didn't think I would want to entrust the job to this viscount bastard. I would have liked to have left it to someone⋯⋯ more intelligent and capable.

“From what Viscount Pig said, they were working on spreading 『Big Brother』 throughout Crownhall. There must be someone who acts as a commander, leading the operation.”

I thought of a classic cliche.

‘The butler next to the incompetent noble was actually the real mastermind.’ That kind of scenario.

We couldn’t let our guard down just because we captured the viscount and──.

“Mr. Wizard, above us-!"

Pink-Haired Lesbian warned sharply. Reflexively, I raised my head, looking at the ceiling.

Chajajajack-! Rumblee!

The ceiling shattered into dozens of pieces and collapsed. Three figures fell, weapons aimed at us. One had a great sword, another dual-wielded swords, and the third a bow. They were going for me⋯⋯ no. They were going for the viscount—to eliminate all the evidence by killing him?

“Protect the viscount!”

I quickly cast a spell. A flash of light appeared in the Tower Master’s hand, the sound of a chain swooshed, and Senior Scarface drew a dagger.


With the clash of metals, dust rose.



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