Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 87: After Story: Post Management ~Purple Magic Tower Master Chapter~

The session had ended. Despite various incidents and accidents, everything was resolved in the end and everyone was able to watch the ending credits with smiles. Except for the Evil God, who was beaten the shit out of and locked in a simulation-prison.

Wasn’t he clobbered to death? Was what I wondered, but the Evil God was just pretending to be dead and sneakily plotted to hide in the next session. He's been caught now, though. For some reason, it felt like his last resistance was half-hearted.

Honestly, I expected the Evil God to launch more mental attacks.

You know, like transforming into the appearance of Bennett's younger sister or showing hallucinations of Tara's parents. Or making Abraham cry tears of blood while playing a sound effect of him wailing, "Why didn't you save me” and shit.

There were dozens of such great methods, but it felt strange that he just ran away and died after throwing out some cliched lines.

The Tower Master suggested from the side, "Maybe he got hit by the TS Beam so much that he lost his mind...?", but I didn't dare to let my guard down. I isolated the space where the Evil God met his death and locked it in a black box space.

And that meticulousness proved to be right. The bastard still had a lifeline attached.

I briefly considered incinerating him right there, but then I thought. Maybe there's a way to make use of this guy. If I just keep him on a tight leash, I mean.

AI had its limits. After all, it was a mechanism that moved according to the patterns inputted, so it couldn’t respond cleanly if an unforeseen situation arose. I also had to manually control it in crucial moments.

For example, like the scene I entered into Joseph just before.

Bennett showed unexpected sharpness and stated ‘You're not Joseph, are you?’. You see, if I had left it to the AI, it would have just repeated ‘No, I am Joseph’ and wouldn't have been able to ad-lib ‘I am the Goddess’.

Complete automation by AI was definitely difficult. Unless AI suddenly awakened a sense of self like some fairy tale, it was impossible. And I couldn’t think of any way to enhance AI's performance right now.

That's why the Evil God, who had become something like a spirit fused with something in my mind, seemed so attractive. If he could play the role of a villain... the range of production and staging could greatly expand. I got greedy.

So I had been pouring daily information bombs of gratitude into the Evil God. And on today’s menu, it was ‘Dancing Girl Serious About B-Boying’.

Rumble rumble.

"Just kill me instead, you crazy wizard...!!"

Seeing her twirl a windmill in a frilly dress warmed my heart. It seemed the Evil God appreciated it too.

Until Evil God, ID_013, declares defeat and submission, this operation will continue.


Let's start by summarizing what I gained from this session.

My brain's performance had increased. It was a fact I realized after becoming aware of the existence of something in my head. Apparently, it seemed I had been consistently suppressing part of my brain to suppress That.

Upon examining the mental barriers against ‘That’, they seemed meticulously crafted, more than one would expect from some subconscious coping mechanism. Maybe my past self had devised a strategy and then hidden the memory.

The Tower Master's reason for not telling me must be similar in reason. The more attention it received, the more unruly it seemed.

The fact that something was implanted in my head was... unpleasant and frightening. If the bastard consumed me, I might still be physically alive, but inherently, I'd be dead. A time bomb in my head, is it...

However, I tried not to be shaken by that fact. Getting agitated was exactly what that punk wanted. The important thing was that I could handle it. Let’s not forget that.


About 7% of That had been detached, so I managed to free up resources that were being consumed by the mental barriers. If asked how much it increased… Maybe 5%?

Emotionally, something... became more sensitive. No, it was more accurate to say that some part of me had returned to its original state. A romance genre was hella appealing. I want to do romance. Yep, let’s do romance.

That was all for the internal gains. Next.

What was gained externally?

Bennett and Tara underwent Metamorphosis. Three students took my class and two of them underwent Metamorphosis. This was a massive achievement that would astonish the world and flip the Academy upside down.

What does this mean? It means that the demand for my sessions will soar like a stock graph. Fucking stonks. Attendance was low for my TRPG classes, but now people will flock to them. I'm finally going to be rich with players...!

Since I had become acquainted with Tara, I might also be able to get cooperation from the Church of the Goddess. Religion has always been a rich source of material. There should be plenty of data. Perhaps I could even aim for a Holy Relic, right?

If I could extract information about Black Magic from Bennett, it would be a reference for producing and depicting evil things like Demonic Arts. I would also be able to maintain historical accuracy.

The quality of the sessions were bound to improve. I'm already getting all excited.

The mission given to me by the Second Prince had also made significant progress.

In fact, I had literally just submitted a document to our dear Second Prince, bragging about the fruits of my labor. I had caught a Black Wizard and taught students well. So, hadn’t I basically completed about 300% of the assigned mission? Since I’ve worked so hard, I also included a request for more budget at the end of the document.

Of course, I didn’t plan to hold such deadly sessions in the future. The fact that two people underwent Metamorphosis was more due to their own talent than me doing well.

But the people outside don't know that! So!

Even if it's merely for show, I'll make very, very good use of it.

As much as I gained, there was much to deal with afterward. For example, issues like Bennett's case and the evil plans of the Black Wizards. But above all, there was something that needed to be addressed first.

“Tower Master.”


I’m talking about the matter regarding a small, cute wizard who was sweating profusely in anxiety.

I looked straight into the Purple Magic Tower Master's eyes and declared more clearly than ever before.

"Bringing external issues into a session is prohibited."

“...B-But completing resolving it is-”

"It's a matter of conviction. An issue of faith."


The Tower Master's pupils shook uneasily. I added an explanation.

"It’s not that I’m entirely against that method. It's clearly efficient since it minimizes damage and even if it fails, it ends as just an illusion... So, I'll still use it. But."


"Only under proper agreement, whether it's paying them or gathering people who want to help out of their own volition. I'd try it with people who agreed to it, not involve those who know nothing about it."

In short, I wanted to separate play from work.

I sat on the chair and gestured to the Tower Master.

The Tower Master ran over with a slight slump and sat on my knees. I gently massaged her shoulders. She shivered slightly, twitching at times.

I carefully picked my next words.

"It's been tough, hasn't it?"

“Forget about them for now. I’m talking about you, Tower Master.”

If the Tower Master had been completely cold-hearted, thus pushing the trio into a pit of despair without a second thought, it might have been a different story. But she had pushed forward with the plan, even crumbling down in guilt, simply because she valued me that much.

She had suppressed her better conscience and worked hard for me. Honestly, I was happy.

That was why… I wanted to make her feel better. The Tower Master’s expression was still clouded with dark clouds, even though the situation had ended well; I wanted to clear it up like a bright sunny sky.

"Tower Master, you were really upset about this too, weren’t you? And you felt guilty…"


"You've worked hard. Thanks for trying your best for me. But I'd like you to consult with me in the future. Let's walk a path where everyone can be happy. That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

“...I’m sorry.”

Guilt, is it?

The fastest and most reliable way to relieve guilt was to be forgiven. And the second was to be punished.

If I said to Tara and Niolle, 'Everything was just Illusion Magic and your misery was the doing of the Tower Master. Could you please forgive her?' after all the shit they went through, I'd probably be met with stabby stabby knives. So, I should indirectly resolve it by making them happy.

For now, let's give a proper punishment to lessen the feeling of guilt.

I picked up the Tower Master in a princess carry. She looked up at me with wide eyes.


"If it bothers you that much, I should give you a punishment."

“P-Punishment…? What kind…?!”

“You’ll be going to the bedroom.”


The Tower Master's face turned bright red and hearts spun around her. Uncontrolled Illusion Magic drew various images in the air before disappearing. You know, like being spanked or tied up with ropes.

I thought she would try to escape. I mean, if she really had such notions, wasn’t that a natural response? However, seeing how she remained quietly nestled in my arms, it seemed her desire for atonement was substantial.

But how could I, as a disciple, dare lay a hand on my master, who was like the heavens? I had no intention of delivering corporal punishment. I had a more effective method, you see.

I walked down the hallway, holding the Tower Master in my arms, and opened the door to Pink-Haired Lesbian's bedroom.



Pink-Haired Lesbian was rolling around in bed while wearing a full suit. When she asked with her eyes what the situation was, I answered by throwing the Tower Master at her.





Pink-Haired Lesbian wrapped around the Tower Master's body like an octopus enveloping a fish. It seemed her instinct was to grasp what was thrown into her bed. As expected of a succubus, huh?

I solemnly declared.

"You may do as you please."


Tower Master's hair stood on end. She seemed to have just realized she was thrown into the den of a lesbian. Pink-Haired Lesbian caught my impromptu toss and gave a sly, roguish smile.

"Mr. Crazy Wizard, can I really go ahead and do it?"


Putting aside the Tower Master, who was so startled she couldn’t breathe, we communicated secretly with signs and eye gestures. Crazy Wizard, what is the meaning of this? You fucker, are you trying to indirectly assassinate me?

No, I’m not. The Tower Master will behave. I’m just trying to give her a little scare, so it’s fine to fulfill your selfish desires, as long as you don’t cross the line too much.

Very well. But don't think that this excuses your previous preemptive attack that overstepped the boundaries we set. It's too late now. Be prepared.

What in the world are you saying, Pink-Haired Lesbian?

"Devour her, Pink-Haired Lesbian, I permit it."

"As you command."


I quietly left the bedroom and closed the door. That should suffice as a punishment.

I wasn't quite sure what the… meaningful remark Pink-Haired Lesbian left meant... but I mean, what could go wrong? I've been faithfully adhering to our agreement of standards up until now, you know?

Later I heard that Pink-Haired Lesbian merely scared her a bit before giving a full-body muscle massage. Apparently, she wailed Euaaaaaangwhen the knotted soles of her feet were loosened with elbows.


The session ended and the next class began. I was training students in the Tentacle Labyrinth when Bennett breezed through it and approached me.

I had loaded Perception Reformation Magic, just in case he attacked first, but fortunately, it seemed his real intention was to talk. Bennett sheathed his longsword with a serious expression.

"Wizard. I have something important to discuss."

"Ah, just in time. I also have something to tell you."

"Can we talk alone?"

"Come to my lab after class."

I set up a meeting. I had a rough idea of what Bennett might say. It was actually pretty good timing. I should give out the session's clear rewards, after all. I had prepared some prizes and the Tower Master had brought some too.

By the way, I was so proud of her. Impressively, the Tower Master had prepared rewards under the guise that the deceased Abraham had left something for the players. Such moments could be considered minor but weren’t they so very uplifting and enjoyable as well?

"Hey Bennett! Stop playing around! Cut the giant tentacle!"

[If you perhaps want to see what it looks like to be caught by a tentacle, just wait about 6 minutes!]

“...I’m going now!”

At the calls of his comrades, Bennett once again drew his sword and rushed back into the fray.

The end of the class was quite awaited.



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