Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Chapter 54 - Chapter 54: Chapter 54 The First Gathering of the Tarot Society, Level 10 Beast Speech Talent

Chapter 54: Chapter 54 The First Gathering of the Tarot Society, Level 10 Beast Speech Talent

Translator: 549690339

Jin Congxue said with a smile,

“These masters are all retired from the Jin Merchant Guild, and they are industry leaders in appraising equipment and managing transactions. They are also the cornerstone of our Tarot Society’s future…”

The white-haired appraisal masters waved their hands modestly after hearing this,

“President, what are you talking about? For us old bones to serve you is already your grace…”

Su Xing, of course, knew that these appraisal masters were just being modest.

After all, the older you get in the appraisal and transaction management business, the more sought-after you become. These masters have immersed themselves in this industry for dozens of years, and it must have taken quite an effort for Jin Congxue to invite them over.

With these experienced elders on board, Su Xing could rest easy playing the role of a hands-off shopkeeper.

Jin Congxue then pointed to Su Xing and introduced him,

“This is Master Su, also one of the elders of our Tarot Society. You will all get to know each other better in time…”

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly. He had previously told Jin Congxue not to reveal his identity as the president of the Tarot Society, for the sake of his own safety.

On the surface, Su Xing was only an elder of the Tarot Society, with only Jin Congxue aware of Su Xing’s true identity.

This suited Su Xing just fine, for the Tarot Society was, after all, merely a tool for him to earn energy. It was best if he could avoid detection as long as he received a regular supply of energy every week.

At the first elder council meeting of the Tarot Society, these masters, deeply rooted in the industry, all offered their own insights. Su Xing naturally didn’t mind.

After the meeting ended, Jin Congxue called Su Xing out separately.

“Here, this is the money earned from selling elixirs last week. It’s all been exchanged for equipment through the Tarot Society—a total of 120,000 pieces of white-quality equipment.”

As she spoke, Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring.

Su Xing’s eyes lit up as he took the storage ring and asked,

“How come there are 10,000 more pieces of equipment than we usually acquire?”

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes and explained,

“After all, it’s our own guild. We’ve now organized a team of professionals in the Jiangnan Academy area to farm dungeons for gold. Every week they can harvest thousands of white-quality pieces of equipment and hundreds of green-quality and above…”

“Of course, since the guild has just been established, we’ve recruited less than a hundred people. In a couple of months, this number will increase tenfold.”

“In addition, the guild’s business also includes the trade of potions, skill scrolls, and experience stones…”

“Currently, the main source of equipment still comes from cooperative transactions with the Jin Merchant Guild, but after a year and a half, our own guild will also be able to supply a large amount of equipment.”

Su Xing nodded repeatedly; although he didn’t understand much about commerce, as long as he trusted Jin Congxue and received enough energy every week, that was all that mattered.

At this time, it wouldn’t be wise for an outsider like Su Xing to offer advice to the experts.

Su Xing took out the Nourishing Face Pill he had prepared in advance from the storage ring and handed it to Jin Congxue.

“Here are three hundred Nourishing Face Pills. I refined some extra this week, including one hundred top-quality ones that can maintain one’s youthful appearance for three months.”

Jin Congxue accepted the Nourishing Face Pills, her mind flashing with astonishment as she muttered,

“My goodness, you are like a human money printer! Three hundred Nourishing Face Pills in a week… The market price of these pills probably exceeds 500 million!”

Jin Congxue took out a top-quality Nourishing Face Pill and after observing it for a while, she said,

“I think we can take out some of the top-quality Nourishing Face Pills as rewards within the guild! A big reason why those masters are willing to join our Tarot Society is that they want the Nourishing Face Pills…”

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said,

“You can make your own decisions about these matters. I trust you!”

The cost of the Nourishing Face Pill was not high; using it as an internal reward just meant that Su Xing would spend a few extra hours concocting it.

Jin Congxue’s beautiful eyes fixed on Su Xing, and she pouted slightly as she said,

“Do you trust me that much? Aren’t you afraid I’ll run off with all your wealth?”

After hearing this, Su Xing chuckled and replied,

“It’s fine if the wealth is taken, but you should be careful not to be taken by me!”

Jin Congxue’s pretty face blushed, and she lowered her head, saying nothing.

After watching a movie at the cinema with Jin Congxue, Su Xing returned to his dormitory alone in the afternoon.

Entering the Spirit Field Blessed Land with practiced ease, Su Xing exchanged the newly obtained 120,000 pieces of white-quality equipment for points.

The 120,000 pieces of white-quality equipment provided Su Xing with nearly seven hundred thousand simulation energy points, replenishing his rather limited stock.

On the afternoon of January 14, 2024 of the New Era, Su Xing promptly started a new round of simulation.

“Begin simulation!”

[This simulation will consume 1,900 energy points. Remaining energy points: 703,000. Remaining simulation attempts: unlimited.]

[Simulation starting!]

[Drawing a white talent costs 100 energy points, a green talent costs 1,000 energy points, and a blue talent costs 10,000 energy points. Would you like to draw?]

“Draw a blue-quality talent!”

Without hesitation, Su Xing chose to draw a blue-quality talent. After tasting the sweetness of a blue talent, green talents seemed mediocre to him.

[Ding, congratulations! You have obtained a blue talent, Level 10 Beast Speech.]

[Level 10 Beast Speech]: A blue talent, allowing you to understand the language of all spiritual beasts and animals.

“Huh, this talent seems quite interesting!”

Su Xing stroked his chin and pondered. Although the Beast Speech talent seemingly wouldn’t boost his strength, it might actually have unexpected effects in certain situations.

The best way to test this was naturally through simulation.

Su Xing immersed his mind into the simulator.

[Within the Spirit Field Blessed Land, you realize you’re in a simulation.]

[Just as you’re preparing to practice alchemy, you suddenly hear several unfamiliar voices.]

[Aside from you, there is no one else in the Spirit Field Blessed Land. You’re puzzled and begin to search for the source of the voices.]

[At last, you discover that the voices are coming from your own Spirit Chickens. These Spirit Chickens, after being raised by you for several months, drinking from the Spiritual Spring and eating Spirit Rice, have developed a basic spiritual awareness.]

[Through communication with the Spirit Chickens, you discover one of them is self-proclaimed as Chicken Bro and has subtly become the leader among dozens of Spirit Chickens.]

[You try communicating with the Spirit Chickens, telling them that if they lay eggs daily and hatch chicks rapidly, you will provide them with more Spirit Rice.]

[The Spirit Chickens are astonished that you can understand their language, but they recognize you as the absolute master of this place, so they follow your commands obediently.]

[After encouraging the Spirit Chickens, you resume your routine of alchemy, occasionally visiting the Tarot Society and maintaining a good relationship with Wang Qingxuan.]

[Half a year later, Wang Qingxuan suddenly approaches you, telling you that she wants to join a mysterious organization.]

[In this simulation, determined to obtain the second half of the Changchun Technique, you don’t hesitate to tell Wang Qingxuan that you also want to join the mysterious organization.]

[Although Wang Qingxuan initially wants to stop you, she agrees to let you join the Descending Sect after your firm request.]

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