"Consider this as a test I tailored to check your temperament. It was exactly because of this test that I ascertained that you are really that man's son. If it were not for your boldness, I even had the thought of disposing of you. Among the six of us, even Blackie or Reddie would have no chance against someone my caliber, so disposing of was something like a dragon squishing an ant with the pinky of its paw," the purple-colored flame proudly praised.

Yang Lujia, on the other hand, was surprised. He then noticed that the green-colored flame in his hand had already disappeared in his hand. The green-colored flame was perfectly fine and was just settling there with the other flames—even the black-colored flames did not even reveal any killing intent towards him like before.

Then, what happened back then?

Seeing the confused and inquisitive look on Yang Lujia's face, the purple-colored flames decided to clear his doubts. "You don't have to worry. What happened earlier was just me using illusions to mislead you."

Yang Lujia's face then turned solemn. He actually failed to detect the illusion that this purple-colored flame executed. This was the first time that he was bested by somebody—and not even by a human but a flame.

However, he could not measure the limits of this flame. Yang Lujia made a resolution. As soon as his eyes showed this resolve, the purple-colored flame immediately dispelled whatever thoughts he had formulated in his mind.

"Do not try to comprehend me. Even if you are at your peak, you are unable to comprehend me at all. Raise your strength first. You will naturally be able to comprehend me like your father. Oh, right. Those eyes of yours… make good use of it."

Towards this, Yang Lujia fell silent. His thoughts could actually be seen through, by this purple-colored flame. Sighing, he then talked, "Then, what should I do?"

"Are you an idiot?" the other party scoffed. "Didn't you still have a task to comprehend? You can naturally get Life-Flame to work with you and comprehend her. Any of the six of us won't have any objections. Just comprehend her to your utmost strength. If you couldn't even comprehend her, then you wouldn't be able to comprehend any of the remaining very powerful flames—including me."

Yang Lujia naturally understood this and directly asked Life-Flame, the treasured green-colored flame, whether he could be with her this time to comprehend her. Due to Life-Flame's gentleness, despite the persistent voices of the other flames to disagree on this matter, she naturally concurred and let Yang Lujia sit beside her.

"Young master, you should be gentle with this lady. I am afraid that this young lady might not be able to take young master's length," the green-colored flame suddenly said, frightening Yang Lujia.

He didn't know what she meant, but what did she mean by not taking the young master's length?

What was this kind of ambiguous remark? Why did he feel like there was something wrong with what she said? Regardless, he ignored this and immediately brought the green-colored flames in between his legs, sitting in a lotus position.

"Ah?!" the green-colored flame exclaimed, which startled him awake again.

"What is it?" he still patiently asked.

"Young master's vitality is overwhelming me! This is too much!"

Hearing another remark from her, Yang Lujia's face twitched.

"This…" the green-colored flame said, seemingly speechless. "Forgive me for my earlier remarks, young master. This little flame was just flustered because I couldn't resist feeling pleasure having come into direct contact with a human with this much vitality. It was just like His Highness, your father, back then!"

Yang Lujia ignored her and directly focused his entire concentration on comprehending her. "Like I expected, she's a fusion of the rules of life and the rules of flame. If I haven't comprehended these rules back then, I would have had a hard time doing this."

Fortunately, he similarly did the same thing—he just recalled that he was able to fuse the rules of flames and the rules of frost in the past. He couldn't help but try to remember the feeling back then. At that time, he had no concentration yet and felt like everything he did was being natural or even controlled by the system. Despite that, he was still able to recall some important points.

It was naturally arduous to try to fuse two kinds of rules, especially when he would try a higher type of rule like the rules of life. Even among the three thousand types of rules, there are at least 13 rules which could be considered the highest tier among them. He just didn't exactly know how they were ranked.

However, just from the earlier things he saw, where the fusion of the rules of life and flames, he knew immediately that the rules of life were something that the other rules would look up to—rules that they would forever revere. Unlike humans, those normal rules were just like rules with no intellect—like it was already their instinct to revere rules like the rules of life.

Regarding this, Yang Lujia was somewhat aware. When he stared at Life-Flame who had already turned silent, he focused his thoughts on comprehending the rules of life and flame—or rather the fusion between the two.

The rules of life were naturally filled with vitality. On the other hand, the rules of a basic fire contained and would emit a kind of intensity due to its normal essence to discharge a certain amount of heat.

Both of the rules were naturally opposites. Just like how he fused the rules of frost and the rules of flames in the past to create a core of a world.

To properly understand them, he needed to understand the properties of both. If the rules of life were only filled with vitality, then it would naturally be a shallow understanding of it. What if he would focus on comprehending the rules of life by adding his purpose and determination?

By doing so, wouldn't the gentle vitality reveal the kind of intensity that would complement the natural essence of flames?

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