After parting ways with Lin Youxi, Mei Fang escorted Xia Yuan back to her home and encouraged her to tell her parents about what had happened.

Initially, Xia Yuan was hesitant to tell her parents, feeling that it would only trouble them, but Mei Fang insisted that she should do so because Xia Yuan’s parents would genuinely listen to their daughter’s concerns and had the ability to assist her.

Not confiding in her parents about such matters would only lead to problems.

Upon learning that his daughter had been beaten, Xia Xun was so furious and immediately wanted to confront the homeroom teacher. However, his wife, Teacher Yu, stopped him.

“How can this unreasonable teacher falsely accuse your friend without evidence and dare to lay a hand on my precious Yuan Yuan… Honey, don’t stop me!”

“I’m even angrier than you, but dealing with it this way won’t solve the problem.”

Xia Yuan’s placement in Class 8 was the result of Teacher Yu’s efforts. The high academic pressure Xia Yuan faced daily had already made her somewhat uneasy, and this incident deepened her sense of self-blame.

At this point, Xia Yuan was feeling somewhat powerless, so Mei Fang provided more details.

“I’ll contact the school principal tomorrow and report the situation. In this day and age, punishing students by hitting them is no longer supported, yet she still did such a thing. I feel she’s no longer fit to be Yuan Yuan’s teacher… No, she’s not fit to be a teacher at all.” Teacher Yu declared.

Mei Fang found Teacher Yu’s words very comforting. In his previous life, Mei Fang neither particularly liked nor disliked any teachers, but Teacher Yu, who earnestly listened to students’ thoughts, actively communicated with them, and always cared for the class as a whole, left a deep impression on him during his six years of elementary school. Almost no students disliked her, and she was considered a benchmark teacher in Mei Fang’s heart.

“Teacher Yu, I have another question… It’s about Yuan Yuan’s friend, Peng Xue. She acted against the teacher because Yuan Yuan was wrongly accused and physically harmed. Can she still return to school under these circumstances?”

“First of all, regardless of the situation, violence is definitely not something to be encouraged. But if it’s confirmed that Peng Xue was falsely accused, the possibility of her being expelled is smaller, as this matter would then become the homeroom teacher’s fault first.”

“Okay… Thank you, Teacher Yu. I understand.”

Mei Fang looked at Xia Yuan, who was dozing off in her chair, feeling a pang of heartache, and quietly said to Xia Yuan’s parents, “Teacher Yu, could you please help Yuan Yuan take a day off tomorrow? Lin Youxi and I will find the real person who broke the cup for Peng Xue. If Peng Xue can’t continue her studies due to defending Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan will definitely blame herself.”

“Alright! I’ll make the call!” Xia Xun stormed off to get his phone, but Teacher Yu called him back.

After reprimanding her husband, she then earnestly advised Mei Fang.

“Ah Fang… Teacher is very grateful for your defense of Yuan Yuan, but you must also remember to control your emotions and use reasonable and legal means to fight for your rights. Don’t act impulsively, do you understand?”

“You can rest assured, Teacher Yu.”

Mei Fang lightly patted his chest. “I’ve grown up listening to your teachings and will definitely not do anything foolish.”

“That is right, that’s the excellent student I’ve taught.”

Teacher Yu smiled and patted Mei Fang’s head, then gave Mei Fang some special instructions before letting him go home.

The next day, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi met early at the bus stop. Originally, there was no need to go to school on Saturday, and today happened to coincide with the National Day holiday, providing Mei Fang and Lin Youxi with the opportunity to make their move.”

On this day, while Xia Yuan was taking a break, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi aimed to clear her and Peng Xue’s names.

The classrooms in the county’s middle school were not yet being used as exam halls for the college entrance examination, so there were no surveillance cameras inside the classrooms, which was unfortunate.

However, Xia Yuan’s explanation yesterday actually made it very clear how the cup was broken.

When Xia Yuan and Peng Xue were together in the room, the cup was intact. Xia Yuan went to the restroom for about five minutes, and Peng Xue was waiting for the hygiene inspection group in the classroom. It was only after she had an argument with the inspectors that she discovered the cup was broken.

Lin Youxi pondered, “Considering the time Yuan Yuan spent in the restroom and the time Peng Xue spent talking to the hygiene inspection group, the opportunity to break the cup was probably less than 1 minute, maybe even just 30 seconds. Besides Peng Xue and the inspectors, no one else was near the classroom at that time, and Peng Xue didn’t notice anyone entering or leaving the classroom afterwards. So, we should start by investigating those students who are in the hygiene inspection group.”

Mei Fang reminded, “I remember our class hygiene officer, Tang Yu, was also inspecting yesterday. Let’s ask him first and find out who was with him.”

The two arrived at the school early, but the classroom doors were still closed, so they had to wait outside.

After a while, students from Class 8 arrived first and opened the classroom door.

Mei Fang remembered Teacher Yu’s instructions and hesitated as he looked at the door of Class 8.

“What are you looking at over there?” Lin Youxi asked.

Mei Fang replied, “I’m thinking about how to openly go to Yuan Yuan’s class to look for something.”

“Is there only one person in Yuan Yuan’s class right now?”

Mei Fang nodded, and then, an idea popped up in his mind, and he told Lin Youxi.

“Then, we can do this…”

Lin Youxi walked into the classroom of Class 8, knocked on the door, and the students in the classroom stood up. “Do you need something?”

“I am… Lin Youxi, the class monitor of Class 9. I have something to ask. Can you come out?” Lin Youxi requested.

“Oh… sure.”

While waiting for the student to turn around, Mei Fang quickly slipped into the empty classroom of Class 8.

On the podium… nothing… nor in the drawer of the podium…

Did she already throw it away?

Mei Fang saw a stack of papers on the homeroom teacher’s desk and immediately went to check.

It was just the essays they had submitted last time.

Just as Mei Fang was looking around in confusion, Lin Youxi’s voice outside the classroom suddenly became louder. Before Mei Fang had time to leave, he accidentally bumped into a girl from Class 8.

The girl looked somewhat familiar to Mei Fang, and suddenly he remembered that she was his elementary school classmate, Song Sisi.

“Mei Fang? What are you doing in our classroom?”

“Nothing, I’m just looking for something for Yuan Yuan,” Mei Fang quickly changed his words, “She’s on leave today.”

Mei Fang was about to leave the classroom when Song Sisi stopped him.

“Wait a minute.”

Song Sisi walked quickly and took out a stack of papers from her drawer, handing it to Mei Fang.

“You were looking for this, right?”

Mei Fang looked at the contents, “Yes… this is it. How did you get this?”

“The teacher threw these things into the trash can last night, and I picked them up. I thought they might come in handy…”

Without waiting for Mei Fang to respond, Song Sisi continued, “Um… When you go back… could you apologize to Xia Yuan for me?”

“I’m not as brave as she is, so this is all I can do. I hope… it can help you guys.”

“Thank you, I will pass on the message to Yuan Yuan.”

Perhaps Peng Xue, who goes her own way, doesn’t have many friends in the class, but Yuan Yuan is different.

Although no one stood up at the time, there should be quite a few people who truly support Yuan Yuan…

After finding what he was looking for, Mei Fang left Class 8’s classroom and met up with Lin Youxi again. By now, Class 9’s classroom doors were already open. Tang Yu, the class hygiene officer, was sitting at his desk, ready to enjoy some sticky rice chicken when Mei Fang and Lin Youxi blocked his way.

“W-what’s wrong?”

“We have something to ask you.”

Lin Youxi took over Mei Fang’s words, “It’s about the hygiene inspection yesterday afternoon.”

Fortunately, the incident had not happened long ago, so Tang Yu remembered it very clearly, “Yes, that Peng Xue from Class 8 came to discuss the issue of giving points with us. One of our committee members was very stubborn and kept insisting on the issue of the remaining trash on the floor, and the two of them argued at our classroom door for quite a while…”

“Was she arguing with just one person?” Lin Youxi asked, “What were the others doing?”

“I remember, Class 10’s Xu Yang and Class 11’s Wang Jinghan came to inspect our classroom, and the others were just watching from the side…”

Mei Fang asked, “Did you notice anyone acting strange after the Class 8 inspection?”

“Um… I didn’t really pay attention to that.”

Lin Youxi and Mei Fang exchanged a glance, “We’ll have to ask one by one.”

“However, with so many hygiene committee members, if we ask them one by one after class, I’m afraid there won’t be enough time…”

Lin Youxi thought for a moment and said, “Let’s inform Teacher Li and ask for permission. With a teacher’s help, it will be easier to approach students from different classes for questioning.”

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi’s homeroom teacher, Li Shibing, was a relatively young math teacher. Although he could be very strict, he also enjoyed getting along with the students when he was in a good mood. He didn’t advocate for too much homework, and Class 8 only had to show good results on their mid-terms and finals rankings.

As for the incident last night, he seemed to have some criticisms about Huang Lian’s actions. When a few young teachers were chatting in the corridor, they expressed their dissatisfaction with the middle-aged teacher Huang Lian, and Mei Fang overheard it clearly from his seat by the window.

“If you think this is feasible, let’s go and ask him together.”

Mei Fang nodded, “After all, Teacher Li values you a lot.”

So Lin Youxi and Mei Fang told Li Shibing about their plan to investigate the situation. After hearing it, Li Shibing greatly appreciated Lin Youxi’s attitude of seeking truth.

“This kind of attitude of seeking truth and being pragmatic is what my students should have. Some teachers… well, I won’t say more. You know in your hearts! Go and ask in each class, and tell the homeroom teachers that it’s my arrangement.”

So, during the one and a half hour morning reading, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi kept going to different classes to find the hygiene committee members and ask about what happened yesterday afternoon. The fight between Peng Xue and the homeroom teacher had caused quite a stir, and every class was discussing it. Mei Fang and Lin Youxi didn’t give up hope and kept asking from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor until they finally found something.

“That afternoon, I remember that Liu Shiyang from Class 7 was the last one to come out of Class 8. I felt like he was acting strange that day. Originally, I asked him to fill in the average score, but he filled in the wrong column and filled in the total score instead. Did you guys ask him about it?”

“We just asked him… He didn’t say anything.”

But when we asked him questions, he seemed to be blinking a lot.

It’s indeed a sign of guilt…

Now the morning reading time was over, and it was break time. Lin Youxi and Mei Fang decided to go and find Liu Shiyang again.

Coincidentally, this time they saw the hesitant Liu Shiyang at the door of Class 8.

At that moment, he was looking into the classroom as if he was looking for someone but was hesitant to go in.

Mei Fang went up and patted Liu Shiyang on the shoulder, startling him.

“What…what are you doing?”

“We were about to ask you, what are you doing at the door of Class 8?” Lin Youxi asked.

“Nothing? Just…passing by.”

“I’m asking you a question, answer me properly.”

Although Lin Youxi’s tone only carried a hint of command, Liu Shiyang seemed to be easily influenced by it, even standing up straight and feeling obedient.

“Got it…”

With the cooperation of Mei Fang and Lin Youxi, Liu Shiyang finally revealed the truth—

Peng Xue was discussing the score issue with another health committee member, and as the last one to leave the classroom, he accidentally bumped into the teacher’s desk, causing Huang Lian’s glass cup to fall and break on the ground.

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi were almost infuriated by this.

“Why didn’t you say anything yesterday?”

“Yesterday… nobody saw it, so I thought I could get away with it. Then I thought about it for a long time and decided not to let others take the blame for me, so I was planning to buy a new cup for Teacher Huang and apologize, but I didn’t expect such a big thing to happen that night…”

Liu Shiyang took out a glass cup of a similar size from his clothes, “This is what I was planning to give to their homeroom teacher. Now I dare not… How about you help me deliver it?”

“Hey, Liu Shiyang, are you even a man? You have no sense of responsibility at all?”

“I know I was wrong…”

Unlike Mei Fang’s lecturing, Lin Youxi’s sharp gaze was fixed on Liu Shiyang.

Although she didn’t speak, Liu Shiyang was already subdued by Youxi’s momentum.

“Okay… I’ll, I’ll go by myself! It’s almost time for class, I’ll go next period.”

“No, since Yellow Face Wife is still in the classroom, you should go now.”

Mei Fang grabbed Liu Shiyang’s wrist and said seriously, “If you’re afraid, we’ll go with you.”

“Right, right!” Mei Fang suddenly had a brilliant idea, “We should ask Teacher Li to bring that distinguished person over. Maybe we can achieve twice the result with half the effort.”

“That… distinguished person?”

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