The upcoming advanced class in the second year of middle school meant that the time for the three of them to spend together would become even shorter.

Especially at night, Mei Fang couldn’t possibly go to Xia Yuan’s house after 9 p.m. to accompany her with homework and study together. That would be absurd.

Even if Xia Yuan’s parents didn’t say anything, Mei Fang’s parents would have objections.

This also meant that Xia Yuan’s chances of obtaining “Ah Fang’s Super Energy” became even fewer.

So, Xia Yuan decided to seize every opportunity to crazily gather Ah Fang’s Super Energy before the start of the advanced class in a little over a month.

“Alright… Have we hugged enough today?”

“Not enough…”

Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fang and whined, “I won’t be able to hug Ah Fang for a long time…”

“We still have over a month until the mid-term exam! And even if I don’t come here at night, can’t we still hug on weekends?”

“Now we also have extra classes on Sundays, just for one day.”

Xia Yuan suddenly raised her head, “By the way, Ah Fang, let me tell you, our homeroom teacher is really unfair. This time, she organized an extra study class and said that Xiaoxue should not participate.”

Mei Fang immediately felt dizzy after hearing this, “Because of the summer break homework matter? It’s been so long…”

“Not just because of that… She always targets Xiaoxue for no reason, always picking on her for everything. If her grades drop, she won’t stop criticizing her. Xiaoxue has a strong personality—she doesn’t want to bow down to our homeroom teacher. She told me that it’s okay not to attend the extra study class, she will study on her own.”

“Having such a troublesome homeroom teacher is indeed annoying…”

“Right! I don’t know how to help Xiaoxue.”

“Since Peng Xue said she will study independently, and since you two are deskmates, just help each other out.”

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan’s head, “Even if the teacher is unpleasant, it’s not worth risking your future for a showdown. I think Peng Xue’s current approach is good—she should study on her own. If she really can’t stand it and it’s affecting her normal study life, you can advise her to consider complaining about the homeroom teacher or directly transferring to another class, it would be quicker that way.”

“Transfer to another class? Speaking of which, I should tell my mom about transferring to another class too. I really hate our homeroom teacher and the atmosphere in our class where students only focus on doing exercises and nothing else. But I’m afraid the new environment might be worse, and I’m not sure if I can transfer to your class…”

Mei Fang patiently listened to Xia Yuan venting, but from the current situation, he had no room to intervene in this matter.

“You just help Peng Xue according to your own ideas, don’t worry about other issues, and I and Youxi will definitely continue to support you if anything happens.”

“Yeah… I feel relieved with Ah Fang around!”

Saying this, Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fang even tighter, and Mei Fang struggled frantically.

The relationship between the second-year student Peng Xue and the homeroom teacher Huang Lian further deteriorated, and this process was indeed developing towards the memories of Mei Fang’s past life.

The only difference was that Peng Xue did not befriend any delinquent boys or rebellious girls, and she spent most of her time with Xia Yuan. Peng Xue took Xia Yuan to try some new things, but Xia Yuan also influenced Peng Xue, preventing her from crossing the line and breaking any rules.

In this way, under the influence of Xia Yuan, Peng Xue could still be considered a good student, so even if the homeroom teacher, Huang Lian, wanted to target Peng Xue, she might not necessarily get the chance.

Hopefully, nothing goes wrong…

Every Friday afternoon, the last “class” was a general cleaning, which was a rare free time for students who were not on duty.

However, there was also an evaluation of the hygiene of each class, where the cleanliness of each class was inspected and graded, and classes with unsatisfactory hygiene were publicly criticized.

Class 8 had always been an advanced class academically, so they naturally took hygiene seriously. As soon as the class ended, Huang Lian would organize everyone to stack the chairs and arrange the tables, so the students on duty could start cleaning early.

This week, Xia Yuan and Peng Xue were in the same cleaning group. Their group had more girls than boys, so tasks like mopping the floor were particularly challenging. Mei Fang, who had nothing to do after class, saw Xia Yuan cleaning the windows in the hallway and offered to help, but Xia Yuan dismissed her impatiently.

“You, a boy from another class, offering to help with our cleaning? I’ve also done plenty of chores at your house, you know? I’m not a spoiled little princess…”

“Oh, I didn’t mean it that way. I just thought it would help you finish faster, so we can go together with Youxi to try the new beef noodle shop in the cafeteria.”

“You don’t have to wait for me. You guys can go ahead and eat first.”

Xia Yuan took out her Cardcaptor Sakura-stickered student meal card, “How about this… you guys eat first and then bring me and Xiaoxue food. By then, we should be almost done cleaning.”

“No problem.”

She then went back to the classroom to ask Peng Xue, who was sweeping the floor, “Want to have beef noodles tonight? Ah Fang said he will bring some for us.”

“Yes, please!”

Peng Xue swiftly dashed out of the classroom, promptly handing her meal card to Mei Fang.

“Please add extra scallions, cilantro, and chili oil for me. I have a super spicy and cool girl taste!”

“You’re quite a handful…”

Although Xia Yuan’s complaints to Mei Fang hinted that Peng Xue might have been going through a tough time lately, she seemed much stronger than he expected. At least on the surface, she appeared cheerful and carefree.

Just as Mei Fang was about to buy food after talking with Peng Xue, a terrifying figure suddenly emerged behind Xia Yuan and Peng Xue. Her sharp, piercing voice disrupted the harmonious atmosphere.

“Peng Xue, why aren’t you cleaning properly? What are you dawdling around for?”

Appearing suddenly, Huang Lian unleashed the unique terrifying authority of the homeroom teacher of Class 8. Mei Fang’s long-forgotten memories from his past life reminded him of the terror he felt from this Yellow Face Wife. However, Peng Xue seemed unfazed. With her hands on her hips, she adopted a defiant stance.

“Teacher Huang, I’ve finished cleaning inside. I’m about to sweep the hallway now.”

“Finished cleaning? Are you sure? Stop arguing with me and go back inside to clean properly! You dress up so flamboyantly every day, I’m not sure who you’re trying to impress… If you put half the effort into studying as you do into your appearance, you wouldn’t have ended up in that terrible results in the last exam.”

“This is my current level, and I’m satisfied with it. You don’t need to worry about me, teacher.”

“Don’t need me to worry? I’m your homeroom teacher—if I don’t worry, who will?”

Huang Lian pointed at Peng Xue’s face and criticized, “Let me tell you, I feel sick just looking at your bangs. This weekend, you better cut your bangs short. How can you see what’s on the blackboard with your bangs so long? If you don’t fix it, either don’t come to my class, or bring your parents to see me. I want to hear your reasons.”

“My parents are busy at work and don’t have time.”

Peng Xue, who usually had a cheerful demeanor, was now genuinely upset by Huang Lian’s words. She gripped the broom and looked away, speaking in a cold tone.

“Then call your grandparents! I don’t believe you don’t have a guardian to supervise you.”

Huang Lian suddenly turned to Xia Yuan, who was wiping the wall tiles and said, “Xia Yuan, listen carefully. You’re the same. Despite your current grades being okay, if you continue to hang out with Peng Xue and don’t draw a clear line with her, you’ll end up like her in the future. Do you hear me?”

Xia Yuan just kept her head down, neither nodding nor shaking it, but she continued to clench her fists, squeezing the water out of the cloth in her hand.

“Xia Yuan, what’s wrong with you? I’m asking you a question, can you hear me?”

Just as Huang Lian was about to continue lecturing, she suddenly heard a loud splashing sound next door. The water bucket in Class 9 had been accidentally knocked over, and a puddle of dirty water rushed towards her feet. Huang Lian dodged it repeatedly.

“Hey, what are you doing? Can’t you clean properly?”

“Oops… I’m so sorry, Teacher Huang!”

Mei Fang, who borrowed the bucket from Zhang Ming, scratched his head and apologized repeatedly, “I accidentally slipped just now. I hope I didn’t dirty your shoes, Teacher.”

Huang Lian looked down at the stains on her shoes and felt her anger rising.

“Look at what you’ve done! You Class 9 are always so sloppy in cleaning. I really need to talk to your homeroom teacher, Li Shibing.”

“Oh, please don’t, Teacher Huang!” Mei Fang suddenly pretended to look frightened, “Teacher Li is very strict. If he finds out, I’ll have to clean our class for a month. Please be lenient and spare me, please!

Mei Fang appeared smooth in handling teachers, even with the stern Huang Lian. She couldn’t help but be amused by his speech and immediately dropped the idea of getting angry.

“Alright, alright, go clean up quickly and be more careful next time.”

“Thank you, Teacher Huang!”

Mei Fang quickly ran to the restroom to refill Zhang Ming’s bucket.

Huang Lian turned around, intending to lecture the two again, but she couldn’t find the shadow of Peng Xue. Only Xia Yuan was still diligently scrubbing the tiles. Feeling uncomfortable with her dirty shoes, Huang Lian hurriedly went home to change them.

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