As the year-end winter solstice approached, more people visited the cemetery compared to the summer, when Lin Youxi got soaked in the rain. Although it had been many years since Mei Fang had accompanied Lin Youxi here, he still remembered clearly where her mother’s grave was located.

The inverted lion statue, the third row ahead… I wonder if it is still there.

Oh, it seems that the lion statue hasn’t been moved. The cemetery staff are really lazy.

Or is there some feng shui belief about this place?

Memories of the past gradually flooded Mei Fang’s mind. He took a deep breath and walked forward.

In his line of sight, he saw the familiar figure of Lin Youxi kneeling in front of her beloved mother’s grave, head bowed in silence.

She only occasionally made sniffing sounds or rubbed her eyes.

Mei Fang didn’t rush to disturb her, but stood quietly nearby, waiting for her.

When Lin Youxi caught sight of Mei Fang’s familiar figure, a glimmer of brightness flashed in her dim and murky eyes, clearly unprepared for Mei Fang’s appearance.

“Why are you… here?”

“We agreed to play Monopoly together, but you ran off so far… I had to search for you all the way here.”

Mei Fang slowly walked to Lin Youxi’s side and handed her the fruits he had bought before coming here.

“You came to visit your mom and probably forgot to bring something for her. I’m more thoughtful than you, look at me——”

“I already bought some.”

Lin Youxi pointed to the apples placed in front of her mother’s grave. “I’m not a child anymore, I have my own money now, and I know how much apples cost per kilogram.”

“Oh, I see.”

“You have indeed grown up…”

Mei Fang felt a bit awkward, not knowing where to place the fruits he was holding, but Lin Youxi took them from him.

“Why you are taking them away? My mom won’t mind having more to eat.”


Mei Fang watched as Lin Youxi carefully took out the apples and placed them in front of her mother’s grave.

As she arranged the fruits, she asked Mei Fang, “Have you been to my house?”


“Then… did you meet that aunt?”

Mei Fang nodded.

“You see, adults… are all liars.”

After saying this, Lin Youxi sniffed and bit her lip tightly, holding back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Mei Fang was about to say something when he noticed a hole on Lin Youxi’s pants at the knee, with faint traces of blood seeping out.

“Did you hurt your knee, Youxi?”

“It’s nothing.”

“Let me take a look. If the wound gets infected——”

“I said it’s nothing! I don’t need your care!”

Lin Youxi forcefully pushed away the approaching Mei Fang, but Mei Fang remained firm and showed no sign of backing down.

“If I don’t care, then who will care for you now?” Mei Fang said firmly.

“I thought you were no longer a child, yet here you are, still so unreasonable.”

Lin Youxi didn’t respond to Mei Fang’s words, she just kept pushing him away resolutely. However, whether it was due to knee pain or emotional turmoil, Lin Youxi suddenly stopped her actions.

When she spoke again, her voice was completely broken.

“My dad… he doesn’t love… my mom anymore.”

“He wants to forget about my mom… so he always brings that aunt home.”

“My grandparents have passed away.”

“My uncle is a heartless scumbag.”

“Now in this world… there’s only me… just me… who remembers my mom.”

“Look at the grave next to my mom’s… that grandma’s grave has been demolished because no one visits her anymore.”

“If I don’t come to accompany my mom… she’ll really be forever alone here.”

With tearful eyes, Lin Youxi gently touched the slightly yellowed photo of her mom on the gravestone. Mei Fang didn’t say anything, but he took out a pack of tissues from his pocket out of habit and took one to wipe Lin Youxi’s tears.

Before he could wipe away her tears, Lin Youxi grabbed his hand holding the tissue and used it to blow her nose forcefully.

One tissue after another.

When Lin Youxi’s emotions calmed down a bit, her sobbing became weaker, and only then did Mei Fang bend down to check the wound on Lin Youxi’s knee.

“How did you fall?”

“I ran out of the house after arguing with my dad, and then I fell.”

“Why didn’t you come to us? Both Yuan Yuan and I were at home.”

“I… I fell on the way to your house.”

“Oh, I see.”

Lin Youxi rubbed her red nose. “I felt really bad when I fell. I thought at least I still have you guys, but my mom is even more pitiful than me. I felt like I should come and comfort her. You see, I didn’t expect that the grandma who had been with her all this time is also gone now.”

Mei Fang glanced at the nearby tombstone and shook his head:

This grandma’s grave may not necessarily have been disposed of—it’s also possible that it was just moved to another place.”

“How do you know?”

“Graves generally have a maintenance period of more than 20 years. The cost of cleaning is much higher than the cost of leaving it somewhere without care. This grandma’s grave definitely hasn’t been there for 20 years.”

Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang with half belief and half doubt, “How do you know so much…”

“Hmph, who do you think I am?”

In fact, Mei Fang was just making things up based on his past vague memories.

“That knee wound of yours, you can’t just leave it like that. If you don’t take care of it soon, it will leave a scar. If it gets infected, you might even have to have your leg amputated.”

“If it needs to be amputated, then so be it. My dad doesn’t care anyway.”

“How could he not care? The matter hasn’t been settled yet, he wants to discuss it with you…”

“It’s impossible to discuss it with him.”

Lin Youxi bit her lip, “I only have one mother, and she’s here right now. If my dad doesn’t care about my mom, then naturally he won’t care about me either.”

“Fine, if you insist on thinking that your dad doesn’t care about you anymore, what about me? What about Yuan Yuan? Do you think the two of us wouldn’t worry about you?”


Lin Youxi didn’t respond directly, but instead lowered her head and fell silent.

Seeing that she was starting to relent, Mei Fang quickly stepped forward to help Lin Youxi up.


Lin Youxi struggled in pain.

“Can’t stand up?”

“My leg is numb.”

“How long have you been kneeling here…”

So Mei Fang crouched down and turned his back to Lin Youxi.

“Come on, I’ll carry you to the roadside and take a taxi home.”


After a brief hesitation, Youxi leaned toward Mei Fang’s back, arms circling around his neck.

“I’ll go slowly… If I accidentally hurt your wound, just let me know.”


Feeling the weight of Lin Youxi on his back, Mei Fang carefully stood up, planning to carry her forward, but Lin Youxi’s feet were still on the ground.

“Ugh… Can you lift your legs a bit? How am I supposed to carry you like this.”

I feel embarrassedright now.

“I’m sorry… I haven’t been carried like this before. How should I do it, should I curl up like this?”

Mei Fang held Lin Youxi’s thighs with his hands, and Lin Youxi tried to bend her legs around Mei Fang’s waist. Although she was tall, she didn’t weigh much.

Mei Fang was about to stand up but then stopped in front of Lin Youxi’s mother’s grave.

“Do you want to come down again? I’ve come all this way, but I forgot to pay respects to your mom.”

“No need.”

Lin Youxi leaned on Mei Fang’s shoulder, her voice soft and gentle.

“My mom… definitely understands your intentions.”

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