The process of introducing a new friend between boys is quite easy and simple.

When Friend A introduces his Friend B to play games together, it’s a great way to get to know each other.

As for whether they can play together for a long time, it basically depends on Friend B’s gaming skills.

If Friend B is a pro gamer, then they will naturally be treated well, and they might even directly replace Friend A’s position in the team;

If Friend B has a similar gaming skill level and also has good communication skills, then it’s acceptable.

But if Friend B is both bad at the game and has a foul mouth, if Friend A bring Friend B to play next time, even Friend A will be disliked too.

Friendship between boys is mostly straightforward. If they have a game they are interested in together, they can become friends. And when they hang out together, they split the bill equally.

As for girls…

Mei Fang just heard it from others.

It is said that girls have a strong obsession with “who is closer to whom”, and they can form five different combinations of small and large groups with only four people.

As for Lin Youxi, she didn’t have any particularly close friends in elementary school, or rather, she didn’t have many friends, so she values her friendship with Xia Yuan a lot.

Of course, Xia Yuan also values her friendship with Lin Youxi a lot. It’s just that it’s slightly different.

“Alright, this is the shop I was talking about.”

Peng Xue led the three to the shop she recommended. It was a boutique shop located across from Baimei No.1 High School, selling some girls’ accessories, bracelets, journals, and other items, as well as some daily necessities. Many high school students can be seen coming in and out of the shop.

“Let’s go in, let’s go in and take a look.”

“Youxi, why are you at the back? Were you whispering something to Ah Fang?”

Xia Yuan waved at Lin Youxi. Lin Youxi immediately walked over and held Xia Yuan’s hand. And unusually, she took the initiative to link arms.

Oh… Why all of a sudden…

Usually, Xia Yuan is the one who actively sticks close to Lin Youxi, so being held by Lin Youxi, she felt it a bit odd.

“Let’s go look for hand warmers!”

“Yeah, let’s go!”

The more Mei Fang thought about it, the more he felt that something was strange with the current situation.

The three girls quickly found the shelf with hand warmers. Since the store wasn’t very large, Mei Fang didn’t want to go inside and squeeze around, so he stood outside.

From time to time, some female high school students from Baimei No.1 High School would come in. They were wearing neat school uniforms and were very “well-developed”. They walked into the boutique shop chatting and laughing.

“Look, there’s a cute little boy over there.”


Mei Fang frowned and looked at the nearby female high school students.

These little girls are acting quite cheeky.

“He looks angry, haha.”

“Hehe, I want to pinch his cheeks.”

“Don’t do anything stupid, his parents might be nearby.”

The high school girls walked into the boutique shop, chatting and laughing. Mei Fang was outside, rubbing his hands together, and when Peng Xue walked out of the shop, she met face-to-face with him.

“Mei Fang, why aren’t you buying anything? Don’t you like the hand warmers I recommended?”

“It’s not like that,” Mei Fang shook his head. “I don’t really care about how it looks. Besides, I can only use it in the morning, and there’s no place to charge it at school.”

“True, boys don’t really care about such things. You boys focus more on practicality.”

Peng Xue smiled. “But I really admire you for being willing to accompany girls on a shopping. Among the boys I know, none of them are as gentle and considerate as you. Although you look like just a cute boy on the surface, you actually seem more mature.”

Although Peng Xue was only in the first year of middle school, her words and tone were quite flirtatious.

If it weren’t for Mei Fang’s mature mindset, most young boys wouldn’t be able to handle her. They would easily be flattered by her and then easily manipulated.

“I just waited for the three of you outside while you’re shopping and we didn’t talk much on the way. How do you know that I am gentle and considerate?”

“Haha, it’s not just because of today,” Peng Xue explained. “I… I sit next to Yuan Yuan in class, and she always talks about you. I’m quite envious.”

Ah! This Yuan Yuan, she shares too much with others! I should remind her next time.

Mei Fang’s expression became serious. “Since Yuan Yuan has told you so much, then you should know how close the three of us are… So, I cherish the relationship between the three of us and won’t allow anyone to harm it.”

Perhaps Peng Xue didn’t expect Mei Fang to suddenly say such things to her. She was stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and giggled.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a silly side! Haha.”

What do you mean by silly… Is it embarrassing?

Mei Fang began to doubt himself.

Could it be that because he spoke with forward-thinking, it made people feel strange?

Peng Xue wiped away the tears of laughter. “That’s why I really envy your relationship. Just watching from the sidelines makes me happy. Unlike when I was——”

Before she could finish her sentence, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi walked out of the shop.

“Ah Fang, Youxi and I have picked our hand warmers. Take a look and choose which one you want.”

“You two can pick for me. I’ll like whatever you choose.”

Xia Yuan happily took out a pig-shaped hand warmer and handed it to Mei Fang.

“I knew you would say that. Look at this one, the hand warmer can also be opened up and used as a small blanket.”

“I see, it can be used like that…”

After buying the hand warmers, Peng Xue went home halfway and bid farewell to Mei Fang and others.

Xia Yuan seemed to be oblivious to Lin Youxi’s slight moodiness and kept chatting happily with her. Lin Youxi appeared distracted, and during a pause in Xia Yuan’s conversation, she finally couldn’t help but interrupt Xia Yuan.

“Yuan Yuan, after self-study… do we all have to go home with Peng Xue from now on?”

“Huh? What… what do you mean?”

Xia Yuan clearly didn’t immediately grasp the meaning of Lin Youxi’s words. She looked somewhat puzzled.

“Don’t you like Xiaoxue? She’s quite friendly to you, and she has a good personality, doesn’t she?”

Lin Youxi shook her head, “It’s not… it has nothing to do with her… it’s just… it’s just…”

This girl named Lin Youxi was always like this.

It started in kindergarten.

When she didn’t have the courage to continue doing something, she would look towards her childhood friend.

Her hero.

Prepared in advance, Mei Fang patted Lin Youxi’s shoulder and gently said to her, “It’s okay, Youxi. We’ve had this special bond for so many years. If you have something on your mind, tell Yuan Yuan. It’s not good for any of us if you keep it to yourself.”

“Ah Fang is right! You… you should tell me, Youxi. Otherwise, I won’t know what you’re thinking.”

Encouraged by Mei Fang and Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi finally lifted her head and loudly expressed her feelings to Xia Yuan:

“I really like the time when the three of us go home together after self-study. Our relationship is special, and I hope the three of us can continue like this. Um… but, it should only be the three of us, not missing anyone or adding anyone else.”

“I, I… I definitely want to be with you and Ah Fang!”

Xia Yuan twirled her hair, “If both of you feel that it’s not suitable to be together with Xiaoxue, then I’ll talk to her. Actually, she didn’t say she wanted to go home with us every night. Also, I want to ask, you two… don’t hate Xiaoxue, right?”

Mei Fang and Lin Youxi both shook their heads, indicating that they didn’t hate Peng Xue.

The friend she introduced didn’t receive the approval of her childhood friends, of course Xia Yuan felt sad. “Um… I still hope you can get to know her more. She’s genuinely a very nice girl.”

Lin Youxi held Xia Yuan’s hand and said, “It’s just… as long as you two get along, I’m fine with it. I don’t mind occasionally hanging out together. But… during the time we go home together after evening self-study, I only want it to be the three of us.”

Mei Fang then enthusiastically added, “Yuan Yuan, you have to understand… Youxi, she’s not saying this because she hates Peng Xue. She just doesn’t want to share you with anyone else.”

“Ahh! Ah Fang, what are you saying!? You’re so annoying! It’s embarrassing, stop it!” Xia Yuan yelled.

Blushing, Xia Yuan chased after Mei Fang and beat him up along the way. Lin Youxi, who had been patient all night, finally showed a long-lost smile.

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