“Let me…hug you?” Mei Fang hesitated for a moment, confirming Xia Yuan’s request again.

“Is it not okay?”

“It’s not that… um… I don’t know how to put it.”

He suddenly felt something strange.

He and Xia Yuan used to hug each other when they were children, mostly before the fourth grade.

As they grew up, their physical contact decreased significantly, whether in public or private, they rarely held hands anymore, and if they did, it was Xia Yuan taking the initiative to hold hands or link arms.

But when Mei Fang thought about this situation, he suddenly understood Xia Yuan’s feelings.

It was because Xia Yuan had always been the one taking the lead in their friendship that she emphasized this point now:

He can take the initiative to hug her.

Because it’s sad to not receive a response.

Especially when realizing that the distance between each other is getting farther which may eventually lead to becoming strangers.

This is the moment when a person feels the most insecure.

Whether it’s friendship or love, the principle is the same.

So Mei Fang looked at Xia Yuan and slowly moved closer.

“Then… let’s hug? But this is just a childhood friend’s hug.”


Xia Yuan was delighted that Mei Fang agreed to her wish. She obediently sat on the armchair and quietly waited for Mei Fang to approach her.

He leaned down, and after their bodies touched, he awkwardly opened his arms and put his hands on the back of Xia Yuan.

Xia Yuan didn’t move toward him on her own. Instead, she softly whispered in Mei Fang’s ear, “Ah Fang, is this the first time you’ve taken the initiative to hug someone?”

“Well… didn’t we do it often when we were kids?”

“Nonsense. We only held hands a lot when we were kids.”

Xia Yuan pouted and said, “And what I meant was taking the initiative. It was always me holding your hand, you didn’t take the initiative to hold mine, and even now, I can’t feel you touching me at all, hold me tighter.”


Mei Fang crossed his arms and gently hugged Xia Yuan, allowing her to lean on his shoulder.

Xia Yuan closed her eyes, with a smile on her face, looking very satisfied.

And she also opened her arms and hugged Mei Fang tightly.

“Is this better?”

“Mmm… much better.”

After a while, Mei Fang asked Xia Yuan softly, “How long should we keep hugging like this?”

“Well… until my dad comes to knock on the door!” Xia Yuan said as if murmuring in a dream.


“Haha, I’m just kidding.”

Xia Yuan opened her eyes, released Mei Fang’s embrace, and smiled at him, “Were you scared just now? Your heart was beating so fast!”

“Yuan Yuan, you’ve really changed.”

Mei Fang looked dissatisfied, “You used to be a little angel, how come you have so many mischievous thoughts and scare me like this.”

“So, do you not like the current me?” Xia Yuan tilted her head.

“How is that possible, of course I——”

Mei Fang was about to answer but he suddenly paused. After Xia Yuan realized why, she also looked embarrassed and muttered with her head down, “T-today… let’s leave it at that. Thank you for giving me the super Ah Fang energy, I feel much better now.”

Xia Yuan rubbed her eyes and then smiled at Mei Fang, “I will cheer up and work hard to catch up with you guys!”

“Okay… good.”

Mei Fang would never tell Xia Yuan not to work hard.

Because he knew Xia Yuan was a strong and ambitious girl, and he was willing to support her in achieving her goals.

After contemplating about many things from his past life and the present, Mei Fang had a sleepless night, lying quietly in bed and staring at the ceiling.

Then, he wriggled around like a worm.

Then, he looked at the ceiling again.

Then, he wriggled around like a worm again.

Many years ago, there was a similar scene.

But that time, it was when I was hugged by Youxi.

Speaking of which, Yuan Yuan really is…

She really had grown up.

Mei Fang hugged the blanket and wriggled like a worm again.

The next morning, as usual, Xia Yuan came to Mei Fang’s house early to go to school together. She looked the same as usual.

“Ah Fang, you didn’t sleep well last night! You look tired, is it because you studied too late?”

“It’s alright. I drank too much water last night, so I couldn’t sleep well…”

Since they started identifying themselves as childhood friends, they always went to school together except when their parents picked them up.

But now, the Experimental Middle School is quite far from their homes, so in the mornings, they would take a bus. If they were lucky, they might run into Lin Youxi.

This time, they did run into Lin Youxi. Since it was getting colder now, she was constantly rubbing her hands together to keep warm. When she saw Mei Fang and Xia Yuan coming, she took the initiative to greet them. They noticed that Lin You Xi was wearing a face mask today.

“Youxi, Youxi!”

As soon as Xia Yuan saw Lin Youxi, she hugged her warmly.

Hugging between Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi was a daily occurrence, and Youxi never resisted. But this time, she only briefly hugged Xia Yuan and let go.

“Yuan Yuan… don’t get too close to me.”

Lin Youxi coughed a few times, “Cough… I have a slight cold.”

“Oh, did you catch a cold last night? Do you want to take a day off today? You don’t look too well.” Xia Yuan patted Lin Youxi’s shoulder.

Lin Youxi waved her hand and then took out a notebook from her schoolbag and handed it to Xia Yuan.

“This is a summary of the key points and classic problem types for the first four units of mathematics. If you understand all of these, the exam should be easier…”

Xia Yuan took the notebook from Lin Youxi’s hand and flipped through the dozens of pages of notes. Suddenly, she couldn’t help but choke up.

“Youxi… Did you stay up very late last night for this, that’s why you caught a cold?” Xia Yuan asked.

“It’s all my fault for being so stupid, causing you to worry about me…”

Xia Yuan grabbed onto Lin Youxi and suddenly burst into tears, sobbing loudly.

“I… I also took notes for myself. I didn’t write them specifically last night. Last night, I just added some content. Ah, you really…”

Xia Yuan ignored Lin Youxi’s explanation and continued to cry.

“Don’t cry like this, Yuan Yuan. I really caught a cold and I might infect you… cough, cough.”

Lin Youxi couldn’t push Xia Yuan away, so she could only gently stroke her head to comfort her.

She was now half a head taller than Xia Yuan, giving her a feeling of taking care of her younger sister.

“If you don’t understand anything in the notes, come to our classroom after class and ask me, I will explain it to you. Or… like Ah Fang, I can study with you at night.”

“You and Ah Fang are both so good to me, if I still don’t do well on the exam, I really can’t justify it…”

Xia Yuan rubbed her red eyes. “In the mid-term exam, I will win back all my previous failures! Cough, cough…”

“I told you that you would get infected!”

In order to catch up with Lin Youxi and Mei Fang, Xia Yuan had made a strong commitment this time.

She studied hard every day. The other two supported her, answering her questions, and finding better study methods and problem-solving strategies for her.

The time has come for the first and most important mid-term examination in middle school. For the first-year students, the exams covered Chinese, math, English, politics, history, and geography.

Although these humanities subjects would be tested in the first year of middle school, they would not be included in the overall ranking of the mid-term exam. This was relatively disadvantageous for Xia Yuan, who was good at humanities. But in the end, her main subject scores did not disappoint her efforts:

Chinese 114, English 117, and even the most difficult math for Xia Yuan, she scored 109 on this exam. Xia Yuan ranked 7th in Class 8 and 23rd in the grade. It proved that the overall level of Class 8 was exceptionally high.

For comparison, Lin Youxi ranked 1st in the grade, and Mei Fang tied for 4th.

Although there was still some gap between Xia Yuan and her two friends, her current state left Xia Yuan content.

Now, whether she was with Mei Fang and Lin Youxi or in her own class, she wore the sweet smile she used to have on her face.

With this, Yuan Yuan’s academic pressure crisis was temporarily overcome.

However, it’s obvious that Yuan Yuan is not good at science-related subjects, and I don’t know if she could keep up when she encountered physics and chemistry in the future…

Mei Fang was worried about Yuan Yuan’s future.

In fact, besides studying, the differences in the path of growth are often the reasons why childhood playmates gradually drift apart. This kind of thing is often unavoidable.

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