After a period of chaotic days, Mei Fang and his classmates gradually settled into their middle school life. The morning reading time was usually at 6:45 AM. Dinner was also eaten at school, and evening self-study ended at 7:00 PM. This evening self-study was eventually canceled years later due to educational reforms, and Mei Fang never got to experience it.

During this period, Lin Youxi was elected as the temporary class monitor because of her excellent ability to maintain discipline.

Whenever she needed to maintain discipline during nap time, she would sit at the podium and do her homework. If someone whispered, Lin Youxi would just glance up, and the classroom would quickly quiet down.

Not many people in the class knew Lin Youxi, and they seemed to be afraid of provoking her, seeing her as a formidable female top student.

Their current school, Experimental Middle School, was about 2 kilometers away from Mei Fang’s house. Walking home would take about twenty to thirty minutes, so taking a bus was faster.

However, the three of them still preferred to walk home, as it gave them more time to chat and enjoy each other’s company.

Xia Yuan was always interested in what happened between Lin Youxi and Mei Fang in class, but when asked about herself, she often had little to say and would brush it off, claiming that nothing interesting happened.

Although school ended late, Mei Fang still went to Xia Yuan’s house to study in the evening. The study location had changed from the living room to Teacher Yu’s study.

However, now that they were not in the same class, their progress in different subjects was not synchronized, especially in math. Sometimes, Mei Fang would explain topics to Xia Yuan that she hadn’t learned in class yet, and self-studying and understanding them was quite challenging for her.

Finally, during a late-night study session, Xia Yuan said something that Mei Fang never thought she would say:

“Going to school is so boring.”


Mei Fang put down his pen and looked at Xia Yuan, who was holding the pen with her upper lip, resting her cheek on her hand, looking out the window with a very melancholic expression.

“Ah Fang, why do we have to go to school?”

Answering this kind of question was meaningless. Xia Yuan wasn’t really asking about that.

“You’re only saying this because you’re not happy at school. You used to love studying in elementary…”

Xia Yuan let go of her mouth, letting the pen fall on the desk, and grumbled discontentedly:

“I actually don’t love studying at all. I just like playing.”

“Who doesn’t like playing? I also like playing games every day.”

Mei Fang started to educate her, “But only by studying well can we get into a good high school, a good university, and it will also make it easier to find a job. Even if it’s not for finding a job, university life is so wonderful, it’s still worth experiencing.”

“You and Youxi are good at studying, you will definitely be able to get into a good university.”

Xia Yuan became even more anxious when she talked about this. “But I can’t do it. I’m not very smart. I always can’t understand the last few difficult math problems in exams, so I’ll probably end up at a second-tier or third-tier university.”

“It’s still early now. If you study hard, you will be able to catch up.”

“But what if I can’t catch up?”


Looking at Xia Yuan’s pitiful expression, Mei Fang sighed helplessly.

“How about we take a walk outside the neighborhood? You’re under too much pressure…”


Xia Yuan agreed without hesitation.

Mei Fang could actually understand Xia Yuan’s current mood.

She had always been an excellent student before graduating from elementary school. Everyone liked her, the teachers at school were all her acquaintances, and she had money to spend. Even when she encountered difficulties, Mei Fang was always there with her, encouraging her and taking care of her.

Being showered with love and not knowing the evils of the world, it was natural for her to see everything as beautiful, which is why she had always been like a little angel.

Now she suddenly found herself in a relatively unfamiliar learning environment, and all the privileges she used to have were gone. Feeling pressure was very normal.

But Mei Fang thought it was a good thing.

Xia Yuan couldn’t always be a flower in a greenhouse and stay sheltered forever. It was very detrimental to her character development. This was also an opportunity for her to adapt, grow, and gain experience.

Mei Fang and Xia Yuan strolled around the community. Xia Yuan walked along the edge of the steps, maintaining balance with her arms outstretched and swaying her body from side to side.

“Ah Fang, do you know? I didn’t realize it when I just graduated, but now that I’m in middle school, I really feel that elementary school life was so wonderful.”

“Of course, the academic pressure was not heavy, and the class time was short…”

“It’s not just that.”

Xia Yuan stopped and looked at Mei Fang beside her.

“Because back then, I used to sit next to my childhood sweetheart…”


Mei Fang didn’t expect Xia Yuan to suddenly hit him with such a direct shot. For a while, he didn’t know what to say. Xia Yuan stood on the stone steps, smiling and observing Mei Fang’s reaction. When Mei Fang recovered and saw the pavilion ahead, he suggested, “We’ve been walking for so long, let’s go sit there.”


Xia Yuan happily followed Mei Fang to the pavilion and sat down. After a while, she stood in front of Mei Fang again.

“Ah Fang, I want to sing.”

“If you want to sing, go ahead.” Mei Fang smiled slightly, “I’ll listen to you. What do you want to sing?”

“Hmm… let me think!”

Xia Yuan didn’t tell Mei Fang the name of the song. After clearing her throat, she started humming the prelude and began singing.

【Tomorrow, will you still remember】

【The diary you wrote yesterday】

【Tomorrow, will you still remember】

【The you who used to cry the most】

【All the teachers can’t remember】

【The you who couldn’t guess the questions】

【And it’s only when I flip through my photos】

【That I remember you who sat next to me】[1]

Xia Yuan started off with her head down, but as she continued singing, she lifted her head and gently gazed at Mei Fang.

Upon noticing Xia Yuan’s gaze, Mei Fang looked up, and Xia Yuan suddenly burst into laughter while singing.

“You made me go off-key! Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Why did you suddenly become so sentimental? This song is meant for reminiscing about youth, and you don’t need to sing it at your age.”

I’m still right by your side, you see.

“I just wanted to sing it, is that not allowed? You just said that if I want to sing, just sing. You liar, always bossing me around!”

Xia Yuan laughed and playfully teased Mei Fang for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, she also prepared to go home to continue studying.

Xia Yuan walked in front, with Mei Fang following behind. As they walked, they arrived at an intersection. On a bench on the side of the road, a young couple was sweetly cuddling together. Xia Yuan stopped and abruptly turned back. She ran to a nearby bush and pulled Mei Fang along with her.

Although the lights ahead were dim, their postures were still clearly visible.

While Xia Yuan watched the two under the lamplight, she said to Mei Fang, “That girl is from our neighbor! Is she kissing her boyfriend?”

Mei Fang covered Xia Yuan’s eyes, not allowing her to continue watching.

“Children shouldn’t watch this, let’s go back quickly.”

Xia Yuan seemed a bit unsatisfied, and Mei Fang had to pull her for a while before she understood and moved.

Finally, she patted Mei Fang’s shoulder curiously, “Ah Fang, do you think… kissing is really that interesting?”

“How would I know? It’s time to go back and study.”

Although he had lived two lifetimes, Mei Fang really didn’t know. He had never kissed anyone before.

And Xia Yuan was still so young, he couldn’t lead her astray.

At this moment, Xia Yuan followed behind Mei Fang.

She lowered her head, her face flushed, and her mouth unconsciously made a smacking sound. She was still reminiscing about the blurry scene she had glimpsed earlier.

Translator's Notes:

  1. My Deskmate by Lao Lang –↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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    1. Dinkytinkysays:

      Oct 29, 2023 at 9:53 pm

      Haha Xia Yuan is starting to really grow up.

      I do understand why adults try to delay children thinking too much about these things, but surely it is more healthy to confront them properly? Idk.

      No one learns instantly.


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    3. Rosesays:

      Oct 29, 2023 at 11:31 pm

      she’s thinking some silly things about her childhood friend eh


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