“Hurry… come over here.”

Mei Fang pulled Lin Youxi and ran into a small wooden shed at the entrance of the cemetery to take shelter from the rain. The rain was getting heavier, and the continuous thunder was deafening.

“The weather is really strange. It’s almost autumn, but the rain won’t stop…”

Mei Fang saw Lin Youxi shivering, hugging her arms, so he took off his coat and put it on her.

“Aren’t you cold?”

Lin Youxi looked up at Mei Fang.

Her eyes were still swollen from crying earlier.

It was really heartbreaking.

“I’m fine…” Mei Fang patted his chest and said, “I’m a man, I’m not afraid of the cold—”

Just as Mei Fang finished showing off, he sneezed loudly.

Lin Youxi laughed and then moved closer to Mei Fang.

“Let’s sit closer, so we won’t be cold.”


Lin Youxi took off Mei Fang’s coat and put it over their heads, then leaned against Mei Fang.

Feeling the warmth from Lin Youxi’s skin, Mei Fang couldn’t help but speak up:

“You’re really cold.”

“I can be even colder!”

Lin Youxi said as she reached into Mei Fang’s waist, making him jump and dodge, trying to avoid her.

“Okay, okay, stop it!”

Mei Fang was very sensitive.

As Lin Youxi continued to laugh, she suddenly blew a big bubble of snot, and she awkwardly covered her nose and turned away.

Compared to when she was in kindergarten and didn’t care about such things, Lin Youxi had become a little girl who cared about her appearance.

“Do you have tissues on you?”

“Oh, yes, feel in the pocket of my coat—wait, your hands are all covered in snot, let me do it!”

Lin Youxi has had rhinitis since she was young, and whenever she catches a slight cold, her runny nose won’t stop.

So Xia Yuan and Mei Fang have developed a habit of always carrying tissues when they go out since they were very young.

After wiping her nose, Lin Youxi’s nose was still red.

“You look much better now…”

Lin Youxi nodded, “But, it’s still so cold.”

Seeing Lin Youxi still rubbing her hands, Mei Fang unconsciously suggested:

“Let me help you.”

Mei Fang held Lin Youxi’s hands, covering both of them, and gently rubbed them.

Lin Youxi’s small hands were icy cold from the back of her hand to her palm, but Mei Fang’s palms were always warm.

“Is it warmer now?”

Mei Fang turned his head to look at Lin Youxi, and saw her shrinking her head, as if she had hidden it in her collar, and nodded shyly.

This special reaction made Mei Fang hesitate for a moment.

The rain gradually stopped, and Lin Youxi spoke to Mei Fang.

“Mei Fang, I cried today thinking about my mom, you absolutely cannot tell anyone.”

Mei Fang helplessly smiled, “Besides Xia Yuan, who else can I tell?”

“That means you can’t tell Xia Yuan.”

Mei Fang pondered for a while, “Although I won’t tell Xia Yuan about this unless necessary, I’m just curious about the reason behind it.”

Lin Youxi pursed her lips and thought for a while, “I’m not too sure either… but I just feel that she would be unhappy if she knew about it.”

“Because I’m supposed to be her best friend, but I’ve only cried in front of you.”

Lin Youxi anxiously fiddled with her fingers.

“She always cares about this… even when we secretly played video games before, do you remember how long she was grumpy for?”

Looking at Lin Youxi’s troubled expression, Mei Fang gradually understood something.

That is how important Xia Yuan is to Lin Youxi.

In the previous life, Xia Yuan was the only light Lin Youxi saw in her childhood years.

So she had always been Xia Yuan’s little follower.

Until the tragedy happened in Xia Yuan’s family.

Lin Youxi lost her only light, and as a result, closed off her heart, eventually becoming such a lonely and indifferent person.

Lonely, indifferent, but also with her own pride, never relying on others.

Now Mei Fang has changed the timeline, causing Lin Youxi to still be Xia Yuan’s follower, always listening to Xia Yuan’s words.

If this pleasing personality doesn’t change, it will be a big problem for her future growth and character development.

At least she won’t have her own independent personality.

So Mei Fang earnestly said to Lin Youxi, “You can’t just rely on pleasing Xia Yuan to maintain your friendship with her. This kind of friendship won’t last…”

“I’m not just pleasing her, I just care about her feelings.”

However, Lin Youxi didn’t agree with Mei Fang’s words.

“And, she has always cared about my feelings too. I’ve always known that she considers me her best friend, and I can’t let her down.”

“You care about her, she cares about you, that’s certainly good.”

Mei Fang said with a serious tone, “But one day, you two will definitely encounter something precious to yourselves. If it happens to be something both of you really want, would you be willing to give it to her?”

Without hesitation, Lin Youxi replied, “If Xia Yuan really wants it, of course I will give it to her!”

“What about yourself, assuming you also want it?”

After thinking for a moment, Lin Youxi gave her firm answer, “Then I will still give it to her! She has given me too much already.”

Looking at it this way, it seems a bit early to talk to Lin Youxi about these things…

Ah, why am I seeking trouble for myself? Letting young Lin Youxi understand the troubles of adults?

At this time, the rain gradually stopped. Mei Fang and Lin Youxi went to the bus station and took the bus. By the time they arrived at the bus stop near their home, it was already time to watch the news.

“It’s so late to go home, I’m definitely going to get scolded when I get back.”

Just when he was worried, Lin Youxi grabbed Mei Fang’s hand and said, “Do you want to come to my house tonight? You can call Uncle Mei from my house and say we’re having dinner here, so they won’t blame you.”

“Well, but isn’t that not good… after all, it’s lying, and your dad won’t agree.”

“My dad said he’s staying overnight at the construction site tonight, so we can cook for ourselves.”

“Do you know how to cook already?”

“Why are you so surprised!”

Lin Youxi hit Mei Fang and said, “I’ll get angry!”

“After all, you’re usually so incapable of taking care of yourself, and now you suddenly tell me you can cook… who would believe that?”

“Don’t look down on me! Take this opportunity to see my cooking skills!”

Lin Youxi appeared very confident.

It is said that poor children grow up early. Lin Youxi doesn’t have a mother, and her father is busy with work, so she will definitely learn how to cook sooner or later.

Hmm… maybe——

Mei Fang followed Lin Youxi to her house, and Lin Youxi changed her clothes and started cooking.

She skillfully opened the refrigerator’s freezer and took out today’s ingredients——

Frozen dumplings!

What am I expecting…

Lin Youxi carefully added water to the pot, and when she confirmed that the water level was appropriate, she struggled to place the pot on the stove. She carefully opened the gas valve of the LPG tank and then lit the fire to cook the dumplings.

The stove’s fire, ignited!

Mei Fang finished her phone call with his family and continued to watch Lin Youxi’s cooking.

Although she was still a bit impatient, it was clear that she was familiar with these steps.

“Mei Fang, pay attention and learn well. Cooking dumplings is like this, first take out the frozen dumplings, then start boiling water.

“After the water boils, don’t put the dumplings in right away. First add a small bowl of cold water, a drop of sesame oil, and some salt.

“And then…”

Mei Fang leaned against the side of the stove, patiently listening to Lin Youxi’s teaching and occasionally helping a little.

The two of them ate dumplings while watching an anime on the local TV station.

One layer of autumn rain, one layer of coolness.

After the weather turned cooler, the sky after the rain also became clear.

There were no stars tonight.

Fortunately, the moonlight was beautiful.

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